What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. By Eric M.D. Berne

Reading the first book Games People Play also by the same author, was a real game changer for me.I was told about Transactional Analysis, the process of understanding communication, by a management consultant used by my business, as a tool to understand where communication breaks down between management and employees/team members But right away I noticed that this process actually turned a light onto my understanding of problems we experience with communicating with customers, which really did peak my interest and spurned me onto buying this book!So I delved deeper, and started to read Games People Play, and with almost every page my understanding of human conversation improved by an insane amount.It has allowed me to instantly spot No win conversations (or games) very quickly during a conversation, rather than finding myself after these conversations wondering where I had gone wrong, or how the other person could not understand the logic I was trying to explain.It also helps with confrontations, either where the other person is being aggressive, but also identifying how my communication may be misinterpreted.This book continues with this work and further explains many situations and conversations, which explain quickly where the two people are positioned, what is really driving what they are saying, how those conversations can go wrong, but also how they could be improved and go well.The books also explain so many other parts of human nature, such as why sometimes when a someone will seem to be overly familiar we feel threatened, or even that the other person may have an alternative motive, but also why someone not showing us the usual amount of attention, may spark feelings of being shunned, rather than seeing the other causes and motives.We really are a mad bag of emotions and chemicals as a species, but this book and the previous one really do unlock secrets of communication, and put us back in the driving seat of being in control of how we express ourselves and deal with other peoples emotions and motives.Amazing bookHaving an extensive collection of books on the subject of business, marketing and psychology, I would say that The Games People Play, What we say after we say hello and The Chimp Paradox are three books I would recommend that anyone with a casual or serious interest in what drives people, should have on their bookshelf. What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. Un livre à la portée de tous, ne nécessitant qu'une base de connaissances sur l'analyse transactionnelle. Passionnant pour comprendre les autres et se comprendre, lorsque la psychanalyse vous a laissé sur votre faim. J'espère que le livre en français sera ré édité What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. Great book.a must read to understand psychology of children and how bad patenting affects them either to be a winner or loser all depends on parenting skills and the sensitivity of a parent towards a child.it gives a whole new meaning to everything What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. If you are human, if you deal with people, if you say Hello to anybody at all, you must read this book. I keep it in my car and read a page or two whenever I wait for the wife shopping. No, I am not saying you should do the same. You are welcome to consider doing that. It certainly empowers me to laugh at my own stupidity. Read it, you like it. What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. I found this book in my parent's library around 1978. I read it. It is among the most useful books I have ever read. I employed these suggestions and strategies throughout a 30 year (so far!) successful business career. This is a must read, especially for people uncomfortable in social settings. I wasn't but it still pushed me toward the classic art of conversation, which is an art and one to be studied. What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D.

Achetez et téléchargez ebook What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition): Boutique KindleCommunications : What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D.

moyen What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. A lire dans le texte, car les traductions sont moins bonnes. Vous êtes à la source de l'analyse transactionnelle (imaginée et théorisée par Eric Berne, un peu après Freud), approche de la communication mais aussi de la construction du parcours de vie de chacun (à travers la What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. Ce petit livre est juste une mine d'or sur les principes de l'analyse transactionnelle.A conseiller pour toutes les personnes lisant l'anglais. What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. The theory of games and scripts is a major discovery. I personally have suffered and witnessed damage due to destructive scripts. If certain people had sought advice from Dr. Berne, much of that could have been avoided. He's dead now, and looking up information on that sort What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D. Bon état What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D.


SUMMARY What Do You Say After You Say Hello: Gain control of your conversations and relationships (English Edition) eBook : Berne, Eric M.D.