Download WG2E All-For-Indies-Anthologies: Viva La Valentine Edition
Barnes and Noble Top 100 Bestselling Author D. D. Scott – who is also the Co-Founder of The WG2E – The Writer’s Guide to Epublishing - is treating you to a short story collection featuring one of her own stories as well as stories by some of her fave Indie Epub Authors, including Talli Roland, Chicki Brown, Lisa Lim, MG Ainsworth, Buck Buchanan, Sheila Seabrook, Diane Vallere and Christy Hayes. WG2E All-For-Indies-Anthologies: Viva La Valentine Edition
Bought for Cherub's Choice by MG Ainsworth. I loved the story. The interaction between the Cherub, Dara, and a Guardian, Gabriel, was passionate. Believable characters and storyline. Looking forward to the Cherub series, where I hope to see the characters and plot more detailed, Cherub's Choice was so good but went by so quickly. WG2E All-For-Indies-Anthologies: Viva La Valentine Edition A fun read, for Valentine's Day, or for any day! WG2E All-For-Indies-Anthologies: Viva La Valentine Edition