Washingtons Providence (A Timeless Arts Novel, #1) By Chris LaFata
What a terrific story! I was sucked in from the very first line:
April 30th, 1789
One thing about the past: I will never get used to the smell.
This book REALLY made me think about the brain-bending time travel question in a real and meaningful way. What if you traveled back in time, only to discover that things aren't exactly as they were taught in the history books? What if you got there and NOTHING was as it should be? What if this altered history made it impossible for you to get home... because home was no longer there?
From the blurb: Former history professor John Curry has been recruited by a time-travel company to scout the best vantage point for clients to witness the inauguration of the first President of the United States. There’s just one problem: When he arrives in 1789, there is no inauguration—and no United States.
Great stuff, right??
I don't want to give anything away by trying to write a mysterious review. Just know that this is an exciting historical adventure story with great characters, a riveting plot, and yes... George Washington himself.
LaFata is clearly a lover of history and the tidbits that he sprinkles throughout build a rich world that feels full and complete, and quite dangerous.
Also... there is a recipe! Mass Market Paperback What a great read!
Washington's Providence is historical fiction with a twist, one that makes the reader wonder if there's more to the story of George Washington than we know. The tale is fast-paced, intriguing and well-researched, and the characters are realistic and likable. I couldn't stop reading -- had to know what would happen next. It's not surprising that the book was a semi-finalist in Amazon's breakout novel contest. It's good stuff from start to finish and I'm looking forward to the next in the series. Mass Market Paperback I love time travel books, I especially enjoy time travel where they interact with famous people from history and this had that and more. I started on this book yesterday in little bits where I could then finished it up this morning because I mostly could not put it down.
The prose itself is not perfect by any means, its ok and I think this author has a good future in books if they plan on making more of these. It came out in 2013 and I hope the author is working on a sequel.
#timetravel Mass Market Paperback This book really caught me right from the start, I couldn't put it down, it has a very unique story line, very different than anything I've read before. The characters were well written and interesting, the story took me on a journey that I didn't expect. Chris LaFata is a very talented writer and I look forward to reading more of his work. Mass Market Paperback
Washington's Providence, is really something special. In this case, you really can judge a book from its cover. The author says that one of his students drew the cover for him. Doesn't it look like an authentic painting of George Washington that you've somehow managed to never see before?
I recently found a science fiction magazine that was soliciting more humorous science fiction submissions. And, thinking back, I have to say that I’ve not really read a whole lot of humorous science fiction beyond the rare Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But this book definitely fits that category in its own way... without going too far over the top. t has its serious moments and is well-researched. However, it’s the humor that wins you over. The first time you encounter this humor is in the opening line:
One thing about the past: I'll never get used to the smell.
Thus begins a wonderful rollicking time travel adventure in which we find our hero, John Curry, attending an opera in Prague conducted by Mozart. While in Prague, he sees the Orloj in non-working order. I'd never heard of this magnificent clock. Legend has it, the city blinded the clockmaker so that he could not make a clock equal to or greater than this one for another city. In retribution, the clockmaker damaged the clock such that it no longer worked. The Orloj contains 3 main components: a time-telling component with The Walk of the Apostles as an hourly show and the figure of death striking the time, an astronomical dial, and calendar.
While in Prague, John encounters not only Mozart but the historically renowned lover, Casanova. Before reading this book, I had no idea that Casanova had written a futuristic novel called Icosameron which predicts television, poison gas, and self-powered cars among other inventions far beyond his time. How fitting that LaFata decides to give Casanova his very own time traveling groupies who could perhaps plant these images of the future in his mind.
At the heart of this novel, however, is John's and his college friend Mark's quest to ensure that George Washington lives long enough to one day become the first president of the United States of America. John and Mark are a fun and nerdy duo whose shooting skills were learned while playing Duck Hunt and who invoke the spirit of television mobsters to drum up a little artificial courage. John says that being together in the past is
just like old times, the two of us, riding our horses -- only this time they're real and not part of some roleplaying game.
The takeaway here seems to be that video game skills are useful for something after all, especially when you find yourself in the middle of the French Indian War.
I hope I've not given away too much of the fun this book has to offer. But it was one of the 2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalists in the General Fiction Category, and it's well-deserving. If you're not convinced yet to read it, at least take the time to watch the book trailer which was created and narrated by the author:
If you're anything like me, you'll find yourself reading John Curry's voice in the voice of the author from the book trailer. I almost felt as if I had an audiobook going in my head.
I look forward to the next book in the series and seeing what other historical characters come alive on LaFata's pages. You'd be surprised how many time travel novels fail to actually include much history or bring their characters to life as well as LaFata has. Having read scores of novels in the genre, I'm finding actual history in a time travel novel to be more of an anomaly than the norm.. I truly hope this novel gets the publicity it needs. I'd like to hope that its humor, history, and the fact that it's well-written will take it far. Mass Market Paperback
This is my favorite time in American history. Like the author, I love history and I've read nearly all the books the author referenced in the acknowledgements and loved them all. I appreciate the research, recipe, and combination with my second favorite genre, time travel. All the makings of my ideal book.
The book did start out amazingly well, then slowed to a crawl in the middle and then rushed to an abrupt ending that left me disappointed. I have mixed feelings about recommending it and am only slightly curious about the sequel.
I wish it could have been more. Mass Market Paperback I've always wanted to read a book like this. The premise is interesting and the story was cleverly written. Even though I figured some of it out early on that was okay. There were enough surprises along the way and at the end to keep me interested. I enjoyed every part of it and look forward to more Timeless Arts novels. Mass Market Paperback This book was picked in my book club, and I have to admit it is not a book I would have picked in my own. However, it has easily become one of my favorite books! I am not a fan of history and avoid it at all cost, yet the author writes with such ease and gives enough background info that it was easy for me to follow having no knowledge of these historical events. Who knows, maybe historical fiction will be my new favorite genre? I am anxiously awaiting the sequel! Mass Market Paperback Really enjoyed this book! Time travel, George Washington and a Freemason secret revealed! I was sceptical since I've never been THAT into early American history. I learned a lot in a story that was absolutely captivating. I can't wait for the second novel by this author. Mass Market Paperback Chris LaFata shines in his newly released book, Washington's Providence. LaFata masterfully intermingles history, science, and intrigue as he takes you on a thought-provoking ride, sometimes on horseback and sometimes in a time machine. LaFata credibly creates a plausible condition, overcoming time-travel paradoxes, and generating solid character relationships. You won't always know what directions things will go, but you'll definitely know it's going somewhere.
If you know someone who is interested in history, time travel, or reading in general, now is a good time for a Christmas gift. I suggest ordering a copy of Washington's Providence at chrislafata.com. Mass Market Paperback

characters ì eBook, PDF or Kindle ePUB ´ Chris LaFata
2013 Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Quarterfinalist (top 100 out of 10,000 entries, General Fiction Category)
This is a premise that will draw people in and it's very interesting. The characters are likable and it gets right to the action… The combination of history and time travel and engaging dialogue in an upbeat style has whetted my appetite to read more. - Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Expert Reviewer.
Former history professor John Curry has been recruited by a time-travel company to scout the best vantage point for clients to witness the inauguration of the first President of the United States. There's just one problem: When he arrives in 1789, there is no inauguration—and no United States. Until this point, the time-travel job has had its perks. Getting relationship advice from the legendary lover, Casanova, was valuable. Accompanying Casanova to the opening night of Mozart's opera, Don Giovanni, was even better.
But being stranded in the British Colony of New York isn't what he signed up for. Few people have even heard of George Washington, and the short-lived American Revolution failed—presumably because Washington wasn't alive to lead it. John always knew history could change on a dime, but not after it already happened. Right?
After learning Washington was killed thirty years earlier during the French and Indian War, John realizes the only way he can return home is to ensure there's a United States to return to. Everything hinges on keeping Washington alive—not the easiest task protecting someone famous for leading battles on the front lines while perched on a horse. While traveling further back through time to protect Washington, he uncovers a secret the Freemasons have kept for more than two and a half centuries and learns that the history he thought he knew was completely wrong. Washingtons Providence (A Timeless Arts Novel, #1)