Voluntary Whiteboy Disposal Clinic II: A story about Black Domination, White Submission, Extreme Violence, Interracial Sex, Breeding, Humiliation, and Extreme Raceplay By Fatima X

Kevin's white wife and daughter explain to their pathetic white boy father the superiority of their African gods and goddesses and how hopeless it is to be a white male. They coax him to visit the Voluntary Whiteboy Disposal Clinic (VWD) to learn more about the process and see a white husband's final cuckolding at the hands of his sadistic wife and her new ebony lover. Voluntary Whiteboy Disposal Clinic II: A story about Black Domination, White Submission, Extreme Violence, Interracial Sex, Breeding, Humiliation, and Extreme Raceplay

Fatima X ☆ 4 Summary
