Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots By Dan Hampton

Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America's Most Decorated Combat Pilots (Hörbuch-Download): Dan Hampton, John Pruden, HarperAudio: : Bücher Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots


Dan Hampton À 8 Read

Ich kann mich meinen Vorrednern nur anschließen.Habe das Buch innerhalb weniger Tage verschlungen und sehr spannend gefunden.Jedem der Interesse an Luftkampf, Fliegerei und Jets hat, ist dieses Buch wärmstens zu empfehlen. Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Extremely well written, this first hand account of what it is to be a modern military aviator puts you in the cockpit of an F 16 Viper in the war torn skies of Iraq.Wild Weasel missions are the most dangerous and demanding flying a pilot can do in the modern battle space and this book takes us, the reader along for the ride.If you enjoy aviation read this book. And the authors other works, you will not be disappointed Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Informative, inspiring, dramatic, funny, iconoclastic, interesting, sarcastic and deep. This book is a lot of things, and I greatly enjoyed reading it again and again. I really admire Dan Hampton's ability to make you feel like you are flying with him, I think he's a really gifted writer, something also evident from his other books. Recommended! Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Für jeden der sich für modernen Luftkampf interessiert und halbwegs Englischkenntnisse aufweist empfehlenswert. Relativ spannend und teilweise auch humorvoll geschrieben. Kaufempfehlung! Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Dan Hampton, mittlerweile im Ruhestand, beschreibt in durchaus ansehnlicher Manier Highlights aus seiner illustren Karriere 20 Jahre als F 16 Kampfpilot und als Teilnehmer an zwei Golfkriegen. über die Zeit am Boden schreibt er wenig, so verpufft seine immer wieder Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots

Thrilling, captivating, fun to read and hard to put down. Above all, it brought back ( sweet than bitter) memories of a time I was working at the same base at the same time in Germany, dating what he calls a: “peculiar form of life, something called an EWO …” (I like Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots I've met numerous fighter pilots throughout my career and I know that they are brainwashed into thinking that they are the best of the best, the bravest and the hottest, doing the most heroic thing in the universe. But Dan Hampton takes this to another level, by also being Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Das beste Buch über moderne Luftwaffenausbildung / Fortbildung und Einsatzschilderung als Wild Weasel Pilot der USAF, das ich in den letzten Jahren gelesen habe. Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots This book makes a great night read. lt's one of those that will probably keep you awake at night until late. From the beginning, it keeps you engaged until the end. It makes you 'travel with the author' from the US to a few other countries, and experience the Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots Dan Hamptons schildert in 'Viper Pilot' seine persönliche Laufbahn als F 16 Pilot und vor allem seine intensiven Erfahrungen von insgesamt 151 Kampfeinsätzen in mehreren Kriegen. Das Buch ist keine rein sachliche und analytische Aufarbeitung einer militärischen Karriere, Viper Pilot: The Autobiography of One of America#39;s Most Decorated Combat Pilots