Katherine Cornell's selection of Thornton Wilder as the translator of André Obey's Le Viol de Lucrèce is singularly appropriate. A brilliant French scholar, student of the classics, novelist and playwright, Mr. Wilder has produced an English version of the first distinction, very notable for the expression of the most profound emotions in the simplest language. Lucrece AUTHOR André Obey
Extremely moving, which is as it should be for a work of such extremes. This is a dramatic adaptation of Shakespeare's The Rape of Lucrece by French playwright André Obey. Although I have not read Obey's original, Wilder's translation is top notch. The book is somewhat rare as it seems to have had only the original print run in 1933 by Riverside Press. Anyone interested in the story, it's themes, or a fuller understanding of Wilder's dramatic work is strongly encouraged to obtain a copy. It's been years since I've read it, but it has never left me. Hardcover
Read & Download Lucrece AUTHOR André Obey