Viaje a Isla de Mona By Mayra Montero

Mayra Montero ¶ 3 characters

Paperback Quick read, full of adventure, hope Mayra Montero writes more titles for this age group. Paperback This was the first novel that I read in school that actually gave me hope for how the curriculum handles literature. The storytelling here is so down-to-earth and beautiful, and for the audience it's intended's perfect because kids not only are able to be entertained but they can comprehend a truly profound and riveting story about kids like them. Paperback Excellent story, I hope to read more novels like this.

Excelente historia, espero poder leer más novelas como estas. Paperback

Esta es la historia de cinco muchachos que se fugan en lancha a la deshabitada Isla de Mona para rescatar al hermano de uno del grupo, a quien temen dejado a su suerte por dos desalmados que lo transporban ilegalmente de la República Dominicana a Puerto Rico. Viaje a Isla de Mona
