Unplug From the Matrix: Truth is Sometimes Stranger Than Fiction (New Age, Ancient Mysteries, \u0026 Gaia Energy Series) By Aliyah Marr
This book reads like the script for a science fiction movie, with a cast of malevolent and benevolent aliens, a league of human minions, a battle for the Earth, and an enslaved human populace. Like water pouring down a drain, the Matrix and its supporters are spiraling down to a future of destruction, but not everyone is destined to go down with it. The Matrix movies came close to revealing the truth—we live in a carefully-constructed holographic reality that is based upon a single false premise. The entire artificial reality system of the Matrix is based upon a single kernel of false programming inserted into every one of us. The Matrix movie describes a bleak holographic artificial system that exploits people for their electrical energy. The Matrix is set up to benefit only those few at the top of the pyramid. All exploitation, greed, and life-negating expressions are allowed, while life-affirming expressions are downplayed or even actively discouraged. Those at the top would have you believe that this world is the only world possible; they would have you believe that humans are naturally violent and destructive. But these are only convenient lies designed to support the Matrix while disempowering the humans that supply the Matrix its power. The Matrix uses your innate creative power to sustain a world that doesn't benefit you. The Matrix is set up to control and dominate us; we are its subjects as long as we remain ignorant of our own power. A new, amazing future is arriving. We are all facing a we can choose to stay in the Matrix or leave it for a life of freedom. Many people are ready to jump to a different timeline, to a parallel reality without pollution, war, exploitation, or power-hungry leaders. If you have always dreamed of a world of equality, opportunity, and abundance, you are ready to make a break for the freedom that you have always known was your birthright. Once you know the truth, you can never go back. -:-:- More than the average person might think. Come with us as we explore the strange connection between legends of old in every culture, the wisdom of shamans, ascended masters, unexplained ancient mysteries, ancient alien civilizations lost in time, and the modern masters that connect us with our future Carlos Castaneda, Delores Cannon, and Seth by Jane Roberts. Contemporary futuristic movies such as “Interstellar” and “The Matrix” warn of a possible negative future where we are all enslaved, but there are other visionaries understand that there are other possibilities that rely upon us to bring them into fruition, a future that incorporates Gaia theory with ancient wisdom as we create new thought patterns that create a bright future, in the words of Werner Erhard, “ A world that works for everyone.” Books such as “The Holographic Universe” by Michael Talbot, “The Dancing Wu Li Masters” by Gary Zukav, and “The Tao of Physics” by Fritjof Capra explore the idea that the reality we experience is holographic, while quantum physicists claim it is our consciousness. Don Juan in the books by Carlos Castaneda declares, “The world is a description,” constructed of our beliefs and expectations. “The Four Agreements,” by Miguel Ruiz says that the world is designed by our common we agree that the world is so and so, and so it is. Unplug From the Matrix: Truth is Sometimes Stranger Than Fiction (New Age, Ancient Mysteries, \u0026 Gaia Energy Series)
REVIEW ☆ eBook, ePUB or Kindle PDF ´ Aliyah Marr
When you see the truth !
Once you see the truth you can never un-see it .
This book will seem totally bonkers to many people , but to those who have been woken up over the last 3 years this book makes total sense . English