Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics) By Marshall McLuhan

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When Marshall McLuhan first coined the phrases global village and the medium is the message in 1964, no one could have predicted today's information dependent planet. No one, that is, except for a handful of science fiction writers and Marshall McLuhan. Understanding Media was written twenty years before the PC revolution and thirty years before the rise of the Internet. Yet McLuhan's insights into our engagement with a variety of media led to a complete rethinking of our entire society. He believed that the message of electronic media foretold the end of humanity as it was known. In 1964, this looked like the paranoid babblings of a madman. In our twenty first century digital world, the madman looks quite sane. Understanding Media: the most important book ever written on communication. Ignore its message at your peril. Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics)

Great Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics) Not sure if something went wrong, or this was the design, but each printed page occupies only 1/3 of the physical paper, making the printing so small I can’t read it. Tried to return, but wouldn’t generate a label. I had to arrange and pay for international shipping to return this to the US, then wait on hold to get only a small fraction of the shipping charges refunded. So, I just threw the book in the recycling bin, and bought a digital copy. Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics) Se interessano i media e l'impatto che hanno sulla società., è uno di quei libri che vale la pena di leggere. Si può essere d'accordo o meno con MacLuhan, ma le sue idee sono certamente innovative e stimolanti e qua e là appaiono anche un po' profetiche. Lo stile di MacLuhan è un po' particolare.Il libro in sé è un'edizione minimale sembra stampata on demand o qualcosa del genere. Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics) amazingly visionnary regarding how we use media nowadays, and crazily visionnary regarding how to think and conceptualize media dynamics. If you work in an industry about media (which is probably the case according to McLuhan ), buy it and read it. Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics) Well written with remarkable insights into modern culture. Understanding Media: (Routledge Classics)
