Under the Hood (Under the Law #2) By Juanita Kees


I loved this book. The heroine, TJ, is feisty and caring. She's involved in a scheme to help young boys stay on the straight and narrow, and will fight tooth and nail for her boys. The hero, Scott, is eventually supportive. The setting is great and very Australian.

There are a few loose ends left untied, ready to be dealt with in the next book of the series. I'm looking forward to reading it :) Romance, Ebooks, Suspense I got sucked in by the description and pretty cover but this book wasn't what I thought it was going to be. I wasn't thrilled with the plot and for some reason I couldn't connect with any of the sub characters. I did like TJ which is why I finished reading.

I received this via Netgalley for an honest review. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Trying to run a business and put kids on the straight narrow is a tough job. There isn't any room for romance or love. But when new manager Scott steps into the picture, how can TJ keep to her rules?
An engaging story, showing determination, a wanting to help the misguided youth of the area, two old cars, and romance being denied.
An excellent start to what is going to be a must read series. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Scott and TJ are such lovely characters. One of the things I find most appealing about them is their strong social conscience. Neither want to lose any of the boys in their programme (and yes, I cried at moments in this book).

This is the aspect that really makes this book for me.The programme sounds real and valuable and I enjoyed these secondary characters who are integral to the growth of the relationsip between Scott and TJ. I love that TJ is different to the 'usual' female protagonist. Steel-capped boots and overalls don't detract from her femininity but heels and high hair are equally great -- Scott loves both, and so did I.

And I can't wait for Detective Mark's story. He strikes me as a real catch. What will the woman who wins him be like? Romance, Ebooks, Suspense First up, I loved the setting. The Perth hills are a place I grew up visiting. My Gran lived there and so did other family. Tall trees, gravel that hurts when you skin your knees on it (I was a clumsy kid!) and a sense of freedom. Juanita Kees captures the setting perfectly.

I don't know so much about cars, but I found the workshop scenes believable -- and I loved Sheila (in joke! read the book and you'll understand).

The issues addressed in Under the Hood are serious ones, intense, and handled well.

But most of all the story is a romance, and it delivers. Scott isn't a perfect hero, but he's genuine; a man who grows through the story and through his relationship with TJ. TJ (the heroine) is a strong character. I enjoyed how Scott called her Tiger. Nice endearment :) Romance, Ebooks, Suspense


I loved this book. The heroine, TJ, is feisty and caring. She's involved in a scheme to help young boys stay on the straight and narrow, and will fight tooth and nail for her boys. The hero, Scott, is eventually supportive. The setting is great and very Australian.

There are a few loose ends left untied, ready to be dealt with in the next book of the series. I'm looking forward to reading it :) Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Under the Hood is book two of Under the Law series by Juanita Kees. Scott Devin arrived at his new dealership M&M motors when he saw one of his employees TJ breaking several of M&M safety rules, and he sacked her on the spot. TJ's sacking did not go well with the other staff, and Scott Devin had to reinstate TJ. However, unusually things were happening around the workshop. The readers of Under the Hood will continue to follow Scott Devin and TJ Steven to find out what is causing the problems and to see if they fall in love.

I enjoyed reading Under The Hood because of the way Juanita Kees describes her settings engaged me with the plot from the first page. I love Juanita Kees portrayal of her characters and the way they interact with each other throughout this book. Under the Hood was well written and researched by Juanita Kees.

The readers of Under the Hood will learn about running and the benefit of an apprenticeship program for troubled children. Also, the readers of Under the Hood will see the people and consequences for family and friends for taken drugs.

I recommend this book. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Is it possible to care too much? There are kids that are in need of help and TJ has been working hard to get them that. She’s set up an apprentice program at the auto repair shop she works at but now it has been purchased by a new owner will he shut down all of TJ’s hard work? Scott isn't exactly running from his reputation on the other coast he is just looking for a new challenge. TJ and her kids prove to be just that. But his past is not far behind and someone doesn't want TJ to challenge the status quo. And then there is the attraction that rages between them and they both know workplace romances are a bad thing right?

I really enjoyed this story right up till the end. I can’t say why without spoilers and maybe others won’t be as bugged by the exclusion as I was. This is a sweet contemporary romance that takes place in Australia. BTW for all us yanks a chook is a chicken.

I’d like to thank Netgalley for allowing me to read this in exchange for an honest review
Romance, Ebooks, Suspense Rating:3.8/5

Cars, smouldering eyes, troubled teens and ice cold beers - that and more in Under the Hood, an Aussie novel with a raw undertone.

Scott and TJ are your Couple in Crisis. Their love-hate relationship is magnetic from the start, and TJ is one badass heroine! Scott tries his best to take charge of the struggling car dealership, but little does he realise the complexity of the dealership and its employees. The dealership is tied up in a teenage rehabilitation program, and gangs, drugs, violence and danger are an ever-present cloud that hangs over the day to day goings-on.

TJ's kind, open heart towards these teenagers makes you love her from the get-go. Scott is a hottie, but his smoking exterior isn't his only attraction. His friendliness, concern for the teenagers and his protectiveness when it comes to TJ are admirable qualities in a 'pompous arse' (as TJ eloquently describes him as). The teens are loveable; from Marty to the unfortunate Tiny. And Scott's dog Sarge is a heart-stealer as well.

Put all these characters in the setting of semi-rural Western Australia and you have yourself a winner!

My only criticism (not really a criticism - more like a note on what could be improved) was that I thought the attraction between TJ and Scott often overpowered the storyline somewhat. TJ's 'hot and cold' reaction to Scott was understandable, but did tend to get tiring when it occurred repeatedly. I would also have liked to have seen the main plot line develop further and to have been completed - I'm not sure whether a second book is in the making, but the book left the story unfinished. Towards the end (with the clues Tiny left behind) I was engrossed in the plot. But once again, with the ending, the emphasis turned once more to the Scott-TJ relationship.

Which isn't a bad thing (they're a very cute couple!) but I would have liked an ending that tied up the loose ends.

The humour was often spot-on, and made for some good laughs. An 'Aussie' myself, I wasn't completely sold on the amount of beer they all consumed - it seemed almost like each character downed two or three beers a day! - but I guess everyone has their preferences! And TJ definitely needed a good drink after some of the situations she had to deal with.

I praise Juanita for not over-doing the Australian aspects of the novel. So many authors tend to do this - and movie producers - but not Juanita. She manages to transport you directly to WA, but you're comfortably settled into your surroundings. The Australian lifestyle and environment is not thrown in your face every five seconds, with koalas and kangaroos invading the house and the neighbours wearing cork hats.

Juanita does away with stereotypes and gives you a raw novel that entertains as well as informs. Romance, Ebooks, Suspense TJ Stevens was determined; she was passionate in her job and the rehabilitation program for the troubled teens was high on her list of priorities. She didn’t take any rubbish from anyone! When the new boss walked into the workshop and immediately gave her problems, she decided Scott Devin was a tosser. But Scott would turn out to be on her side, and he was equally as determined as TJ to see the program work.

But there was trouble on the horizon. Detective Mark Johnson was doing his best with the teens, but the drug culture was deep. Could they, between them, succeed? Or would it be so much worse than that? TJ knew what she wanted; she knew she’d never give up – but she was getting tired of the continual uphill battles.

Under the Hood by Aussie author Juanita Kees is the 2nd in the Under the Law series, and I enjoyed it as much as I did the first. Chilling, with a pace that keeps pulsing along, the twists and turns, tragedy and heartache are exceptionally well written. An excellent and topical plot, along with a strong and resilient main character in TJ, Under the Hood is what I love in Romantic Suspense! Highly recommended. Now to get to the 3rd!
Romance, Ebooks, Suspense

When Scott Devin buys a struggling car dealership in semi‐rural Western Australia, the last person he expects to see in charge is a stiletto‐wearing, mini‐skirted foreperson — exactly the distraction a struggling, male‐dominated workshop doesn’t need! But there’s more to TJ Stevens than meets the eye.

TJ Stevens has two major goals in life: to preserve her grandfather’s heritage and to protect her teenage rehabilitation program — and she’ll go to any lengths to do it. Scott Devin’s presence is a threat to everything she’s worked hard to achieve, so keeping him at arm’s length shouldn’t be a problem … or will it? Under the Hood (Under the Law #2)