U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual : Robinson, Ben, Riley, Marcus By texasbeerguide.com

The U.S.S. Enterprise is without doubt the most famous starship in history. The vessels that have carried the name have saved the galaxy countless times and her captains, including Archer, Kirk, and Picard, have been legendary. This Haynes Manual provides in depth information about these extraordinary ships, from the Enterprise NX 01, to Captain Kirks Enterprise NCC 1701 and Captain Picards Enterprise NCC 1701 D including histories of each vessel, technical information about their systems, and discussions of key technologies such as transporters and warp speed travel. Find out exactly what powered these ships, how they were armed and what it took to operate them. The book features newly created artwork throughout, including full ship cutaways of each Enterprise, key systems, and interior locations together with detailed new exterior views by one of STAR TREKs original visual effects artists. This Haynes Manual is fully authorized by CBS and technical consultant Michael Okuda, who spent thirteen years working on STAR TREK TV series and movies. U.S.S. Enterprise Haynes Manual : Robinson, Ben, Riley, Marcus


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Bought as gift. English Un oggetto di culto, la raccolta tecnica delle specifiche di tutte le astronavi che hanno portato il nome enterprise nell'universo di star trek!!! Dalla NX 01 sotto il comando di Jhonatan Archer, fino all'ultima Enterprise attualmente in servizio la NCC 1701 E sotto il comando di Jean Luc Picard. Un libro esaustivo ricco di illustrazioni e curiosità tratte dalla serie più famosa del mondo; un oggetto di culto da collezione che non può mancare nella collezione di un Trekker!!! Disegni, planimetrie e schemi di funzionamento come un vero e proprio libro di studio!!!!! 5 stelle per il servizio offerto da , per l'oggetto sarebbero state 6 stelle English 5 stars English Excellent Christmas gift English good English