Turner Classic Movies Presents Leonard Maltins Classic Movie Guide: From the Silent Era Through 1965: Third Edition eBook : Maltin, Leonard By Leonard Maltin
The definitive guide to classic films from one of America's most trusted film critics Thanks to Netflix and cable television, classic films are accessible than ever. Now co branded with Turner Classic Movies, Leonard Maltin’s Classic Movie Guide covers films from Hollywood and around the world, from the silent era through 1965, and from The Maltese Falcon to Singin’ in the Rain and Godzilla, King of the Monsters! Thoroughly revised and updated, and featuring expanded indexes, a list of Maltin’s personal recommendations, and three hundred new entries—including many offbeat and obscure films—this new edition is a must have companion for every movie lover. Turner Classic Movies Presents Leonard Maltins Classic Movie Guide: From the Silent Era Through 1965: Third Edition eBook : Maltin, Leonard
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¿Quieres un libro para consultar en tres líneas una reseña sobre si una película era buena, regular o mala y algún comentario más sobre la película con un poco de humor sutil? Éste es el libro para tí. Desde el cine mudo al año 1965. Incluye peliculas extranjeras estrenadas en EEUU, también. Leonard Maltin
A brilliant, comprehensive and indispensable companion for lovers of classic film. Leonard Maltin The paperback arrived in a timely manner and was exactly as described. The film reviews are handy when watching TV and having to depend, sometimes, on the illiterate scribble of grade three dropout clerks who barely comprehend English, and to whom plot and narrative are things Russians do. Leonard Maltin Best film book so far forget the overblown BBC tome this covers the silent era through to 1965 arguably the greatest years in cinema history s short no nonsense reviews of thousands of all the classics and loads of Brit ones tooonly gripe text is so small! highly recommended Leonard Maltin super! Leonard Maltin I have been trying to get ahold of this book for ages. Now I can look up most of the movies from silent to later, I like to check out the casts of the movie. Leonard Maltin