Turn It Up & Lay It Down: Style and Analysis : the Ultimate Tool for Creative Drumming By Joe Bergamini
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Drummers and teachers worldwide have been praising and working with the Turn It Up & Lay It Down series of play along bass CDs produced by Spencer Strand. Now the definitive educational companion has arrived, a method book that offers a plethora of groove options to perform with each track on the CD. Plus, drummers are provided with a one of a kind cross reference section in each chapter that opens up a whole new world for every drummer allowing him or her to use Turn It Up & Lay It Down in conjunction with dozens of drum books. The package includes sidebars which highlight the inspirations for these grooves, such as Steve Gadd, Bernard Purdie, and Jeff Porcaro. In addition, ten of the world's best known drum educators have added their unique grooves written specifically for this book. Turn It Up & Lay It Down: Style and Analysis : the Ultimate Tool for Creative Drumming
If you own the play along cd volume 1 and are looking for ideas to use with the bass lines, then look no further. Multiple example grooves for each track with beginner, intermediate and advanced beats. Loads of examples and excellent sidebar references. Highly recommended for any level drummer. e altri 1 , Spartito musicale Comprehensive charts for the CD. Plenty of practice grooves written at different levels. From simple to complicated. A lot of material to keep you busy for quite a while. e altri 1 , Spartito musicale I think the previous review is a bit harsh. I totally agree that the info about the CD is misleading but that does not mean this book & CD is useless.The original TIULID CD contains 25 full length tracks (3 minutes approx) consisting only of bass guitar. The idea is that you, the drummer, play along with them. The problem is what do you play? It would be easy to just stick to grooves you already know.That's where this book & CD come in. For each track on the original CD, the book offers 6 12 different grooves for you to choose from, split into easy, intermediate and advanced. I think this is incredibly useful material. The CD with the book is NOT the original CD. Instead it contains about 80 demos of selected grooves from the book (not all of them though). These are in the form of bass guitar plus drums. NB they are NOT full length tracks, just a few bars.The book & its demo CD are useful.The original CD is useful.Put them together and you have a great package. Shame it's not all bundled together, but still great stuff.PS there are some useful fills in the book too! e altri 1 , Spartito musicale The Book is great, offering multiple approaches to every song, including multiple basic beats, intermediate and advanced, along with 30 sec samples of most approaches on the CD. WHich is great.What I also expected, based on the description, was the actual full songs of the Vol 1 CD of Turn it up, Lay it down. However, you still have to buy the actual CD for the complete song tracks in addition to this book/CD.However, it's still worth it, as this book/CD delivers way than $20 25 worth of instruction. e altri 1 , Spartito musicale Great for all levels of playing ability. e altri 1 , Spartito musicale