Super Ideen, um dem klassischen Death by Powerpoint zu entkommen und ein Training zu machen, das die Teilnehmer froh macht und nicht den Trainer. Wer Kurse gibt, muss dieses Buch lesen.Leider fand ich die Struktur des Buches etwas mühsam ich habe den Eindruck, dass das 4C Format (Connection, Concept, Concrete Practice, Conclusions) besser im Training funktioniert als ein einem Buch.So muss man schon genau hinschauen, um die 65 Ways wirklich im Buch zu finden. Um Concept zu Conclusions und Conclusions zu Concept auseinander zu halten, muss man auch etwas aufpassen die 4C's sind hier geschachtelt. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay

Sharon L. Bowman Ê 4 Download
From Sharon L. Bowman, the author of the best selling Ten Minute Trainer, comes the dynamic new book, Training from the BACK of the Room! This innovative resource introduces 65 training strategies that are guaranteed to deliver outstanding training results no matter what the topic, group, or learning environment. Now, trainers can replace the traditional Trainers talk; learners listen paradigm with a radical new model for designing and delivering instruction: When learners talk and teach, they learn. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay
I have only skimmed through this book so far. I am not a professional trainer but have designed a scrum/agile introduction for a broad range of people. I wanted to make sure that the course was interactive and used modern teaching methods.I found that there was a lot of ideas and useful stuff in here, it's not a book I really want to read cover to cover, just flipping through the index and getting some of the ideas was good enough for me.This book confirms what I have always thought that standing there and lecturing people sends them to sleep, I wanted an interactive course and this gave me some guidance on how to put together a course where I 'teach from the back of the room'.I test my course in late November 2013 so the proof will be how the test runs.I can recommend this to beginners like me and to professionals as a handy reference book. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay Great resource, packed full of very useful information Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay This is a brilliant book to add to your collection of Agile Training techniques.I've learned a lot from it, and will use it as a constant reference.Definitely one of the better ones. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay Well written, practical, directly applicable advice for everyone designing learning experiences. I love to teach, and was looking for a way to improve my skills. This book provided me with a lot of great ideas. My next course will include most, if not all, of them. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay This book has been recommended by so many people I should have read it sooner.And the book offers a compelling thesis of how effective training should be delivered, I intend to incorporate into my own workBut in terms of organization I find the book awful.The book expects the reader to engage with it and use it as a work book. That matches the thesis, but unfortunately it doesn't fit with how I read books. I find it very disjoint.Trying to find information in the book is hard too because ideas are repeated before they are explained and after they are explained without cross reference. Again this fits with the thesis of the book but makes it incredibly hard to find things.Now I'm using the Kindle ebook version and it is quite possible that these problems don't exist in the physical version which you can interact with an mark up on pencil.I won't so much to love this book but it is driving me mad. Training From The BACK Of The Room!: 65 Ways to Step Aside and Let Them Learn : Bowman, Sharon L., Cross, Jay