To Burn in Brutal Rapture By Nyla K.
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From the author of PUSH comes a new epic tale of unexpected forbidden romance…
The ache of tragedy sunk deep, like the claws of a wicked monster.
To heal was to remember what my godfather told me when I was six…
Pain is a part of life. If you prepare for it, it will hurt less.
He would know, after all. Lazarus Weston is pain personified.
The scowling man with stormy eyes and tattoos covering his excessive muscles is not only my godfather, but also my dad’s business partner and best friend. A permanent fixture in our lives. Well, in Dad’s, not mine.
But when grief mixes with confusing new feelings, I’m forced to see Lazarus differently, in a way that severely complicates my world.
Because he’s too old for me. He’ll never be mine.
I’m not allowed to have him, but obsession burns a fine line between can’t and won’t.
I can’t want her…
The curse on my heart is heavy, the tale of my malediction drenched in brutal loss. Wearing ink like scars reminds me of the tomb I left behind.
I’ve been expecting pain all my life, yet I’m still unprepared, failing to see my downfall until she’s wrapped around my soul like barbed wire.
Tracien Wright. My best friend’s daughter. Part of my life strictly through association. She was never meant to be more than that.
But Traci is a trickster. A skilled predator in the most unexpected package, oblivious to her own power.
She’ll learn the hard way that not all beasts should be hunted.
I’m not what she thinks I am, having rose from a pit, only to bury myself in secrets and lies.
Deep down I’d love nothing more than to have her. But I don’t get to keep nice things.
**To Burn In Brutal Rapture is a standalone novel which contains sensitive subjects that may be triggering to some. Open-minded readers only! Please do not read or post spoilers.**
To Burn in Brutal Rapture
Did you ever have a book that took hold of your heart and soul, and years later, you still think about the book? Well, This book is now added to that shelf for me. To Burn In Brutal Rapture is an epic masterpiece. It has everything in it—such an incredible story.
Thank you to Nyla K. For doing what she does, she writes a complex, with multiple tropes novel. I fell in love with her writing a while back, so when she announced a new book, I decided to jump on the board and thought I was ready for Lazarus. If I could give this book more than five stars, I would.
I might be all over the place with this review, as it's all still raw and emotional. My advice to you is to go in blind with this book. Nyla suggests it in the forward, and I'm glad I took her advice. There may be some triggers for some people. If you follow me, you know I don’t have any triggers but one, substance abuse, and it’s in there along with age gap, forbidden romance, and some may think this is dark or taboo. I personally wouldn’t have it any other way. And oh, have a box of tissues on hand.
To Burn In Brutal Rapture is in several POVs, Mainly Traci and Lazarus, over five year Span; it starts with grief and how Traci now sees Lazarus in a different view. She now really sees who he is. Lazarus, Traci's father's best friend and business partner, and 21 years to her senior. Lazarus has no family, except for his best friend and Traci. He thinks he is a curse when it comes to love. Over five years, we read about angst, grief, loss, love, soulmates, sexual tension, chemistry, addiction, push, and pull. Let's not forget some of the twists; I know I am missing more, I don’t want to give much away. I didn’t expect to fall hard for this book.
Of course, in true Nyla K fashion, she writes some of the steamiest sex scenes. There just scorching hot. 🥵. The sex scenes in this book are just a bonus, to be honest.
The epilogue is everything. Nyla gives us a long look at the present. It was far from feeling rushed, which I love and far from disappointed. To Burn In Brutal Rapture is a must-read. You will not be disappointed.
I received an arc in exchange for my honest review Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo
MY REVIEW AND OTHERS: can also be found on my blog:
Kindle Edition, 637 pages, Ipad Mini 2,231 pages!! HOLY SHIT!! I lost count of how many hours I took reading this book, I know it was more than 2x days!! Arcs flew in but I couldn't tear myself away from this book!! This went from a 5 star read to one of my favourites of 2020!!
Social media went crazy over this book, everywhere I looked there it was glaring at me in the face, taunting me to one click, usually a book with pages of this magnitude I either speed read or don't bother one clicking, but this book right here pulled me in straight away and didn't let me go until I closed that last page.
This book destroyed me in the best possible way, a twist that came at me left field left me reeling in its wake, devastated, rooting for them to get their HEA, but this author had more installed for us. This story was one of the best I've come across, she took that forbidden aspect up to a whole new level, even though I gulped at the amount of pages I didn't want this to end, I didn't want to say goodbye to these characters who had crawled into my heart and settled in, this book deserves all the stars!!
This was hands down one of my favourite releases of 2020!!
In my opinion a story should pull you in deeply, irrevocably making you connect whole heartedly with the characters, and the storyline, when they hurt you hurt, when they are happy you are happy, To Burn in Brutal Rapture seeped into the deepest parts of my soul, a slow burn heart wrenching forbidden epic love story at its best. Words can not convey how much I truly loved this story..
Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo
(* ~ *) Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo I didn’t read this book LIKE THAT. But I know the tea ☕️ SPOILERS about this book just to see what’s the HYPE about (that is a NO NO for me)! 🤣😙 It makes sense why the author was pressing 🆙 on her ARC readers, “no spoilers” please. Cause once you find out, you ain’t gonna be with that kind of shit this author got in store for you. 🤣🙊
The heroine is in love with her dad's best friend Lazarus since she was 13 years old. But Lazarus is a total man whore & he has been with her dad since he was like in highschool. Somewhere along the way Lazarus fell in love with the heroines dad. AND—-YALL READY?! 😙🙊 ** drum 🥁 roll please ** HER MOM TOO!! 🙄 Isn’t that funny?! 🤣🤣🤣 To say it once more 👄 why the author didn’t want readers to spoil cause people ain’t gonna be down for that type of shit. 🤷🏻♀️ I FEEL like I would want to KNOW (& so does others). Lazarus was in love with THE HEROINES mom & dad. But Lazarus ONE TRUE LOVE is the heroine's dad, so after the mom died. Lazarus & the dad have sex (mind you the heroine is 13 or 15 during that time it happened). Basically the heroine was the hero’s 3rd choice. 🙄😙🤷🏻♀️ THE HEROINE WAS annoying asf & acting like an idiot tbh. Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo DNF
idk I get not wanting there to be spoilers but some people - me - would like to be warned if there is anything other than a MF relationship in a book.
Don’t try to sell me an MF book and then throw in that twist. Don’t try to tell me that I am closed minded either, but I am not going to read a 600+ page book expecting a certain outcome only to find out the guy is really in love with her father and the only reason they are together in the end is because dad conveniently dies. That’s a consolation prize, not a romance. That is what’s gross to me. That makes me sick. The heroine and the hero should never feel second best. Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo

Open-minded readers only! Please do not read or post spoilers
I don't get authors like this. I am open minded enough, but this ain't it sis. Some people can be open minded and not like that type of shit, and they deserve true triggers.
I mean... all those things aside, I don't know how this can be sold as romance when the heroine is second best (at least that's how it came off to me) but to each their own. Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo I can’t recall reading a book that made me cry so quickly. The reoccurring thought in my mind is that she’s so alone. You can’t point fingers or place blame because everyone experiences loss differently. It’s just hard to reconcile that she has no one and she’s twelve.
I’ve read my fair share of dad’s best friend stories and it feels like this one will be the most brutal. Not just because of her age but because of how close their friendship is.
Maybe I’m not seeing this fully because I tend to take the h’s side generally. But fuck Day! He needs her in his life but expects her to basically take care of herself. After losing her mother at 12. I agree her actions weren’t the best but she did what she thought she needed to do and honestly, she did need a fresh start. I’m just over the world coddling Day and not his child.
When Laz finally succumbed to the Traci bug it was awe inspiring to watch him unfold into a beautiful mess.
Lazarus’ thought process, his back and forth, his guilty angst has been fascinating and heart wrenching. I’ve read a few books where this was done well (The Truth About Tomorrow by B Celeste and Torn by Carian Cole), but I think this might be the best.
I didn’t expect the scene where he takes her virginity to be so funny and clumsy and just real. I’ve honestly never thought I’d read a scene like this and I loved it. He’s such a grumpy asshole but she just brings the best out of him.
The fall was fucking glorious!
Um ... was that really shocking? ... How was this not obvious since near the beginning? I mean Laz even said it was obvious. But ok.
It just kills me how guilty both Traci and Laz feel when if you really consider it, some blame lays at Day’s feet! You can’t ignore your grieving daughter and not only expect her to fall apart in some way (no matter how mature or independent you think she is), but also, to turn to the one person who gives her attention. 🤦🏼♀️
I didn’t like that twist. A little too convenient and the aftermath felt too much like a default. I don’t know ... I’m just so fucking torn and distraught. I still love this story even the parts that made me angry so I have no choice but to give it a five because it’s worth it. I’ll even read it again someday but ... damn.
I’ve always had the belief that everything happens for a reason. I can question it all day but they still ended up where they belong. And it was so fucking breathtaking when he finally kneeled ... for her. Only her. And together they rise. Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo Updated.
*** 3.75 stars ***
First of all, I would like to address the genre, under spoiler tags just in case.
Cutting to the chase, my likes and dislikes to follow.
What I liked:
💥The colossal age gap.
💥The sweet time the author has taken to develop this story.
💥Following the character's chronological growth.
💥The fact that there was no insta-love.
💥The author was fearless.
💥The affliction and distress this story has caused me.
Sue me, I'm an angst junkie.
What I didn't like:
⛔There was 2 twist. One of them didn't make any sense to me.
⛔The other twist, I feel that there was not much choice considering the direction the author has chosen to give the plot based in the first twist.
⛔The last 20% dragged with too many inner monologues and flashbacks. Even the sex scenes became tedious to me.
I would have cut more than half of that content.😖😖 Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo Another 5 stars for me. This book was a phenomenal surprise. The characters took my breath away.
At the end the note from author explains everything I already know.
This book just ... WOW
It’s worth the reading 🙌🏻 Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo 4.5 STARS
We’re a chemical reaction. Explosively beautiful. Dangerously exquisite.”
Clearly I have been living under a rock. How am I only reading this book now when it's been out for almost a year? Me! ME! The reader that lives for all things taboo and forbidden. And it simply doesn't get more deliciously forbidden than father's best friend. This is an age gap with a bite, folks, and I was so here for it. DANG.
Every droplet of joy in this life comes at a price,” his jagged voice breaks through the silence, and the sounds of people chatting in the next room. “Happiness… It always turns to pain in the end.”
One thing I will advise is for you to go into this book absolutely blind. Seriously. I didn't even read the full blurb let alone reviews. I first discovered Nyla with Distorted and am now just systematically making my way through her backlist because I'm obsessed. All I knew about this book was it was taboo and I needed it!
Now what can I tell you about this story? Well, almost nothing. *evil grin* It's for your own good, trust me. But I will say, the one thing I've come to strongly appreciate about Nyla's writing is that she's not afraid to go there. This is clearly an author that writes for herself and her characters and not what she thinks is safer or would be more accepted. And I seriously love that. These characters are flawed and fucked up, my second two favorite f words. Ha! There are some twists to this story that were just UGH. To be honest, I'm still processing them and don't know how I feel. Did I like it? No idea. I'm conflicted as fuck. But I digress.
One of the things that can be a make it or break it for me when it comes to age gap, is the heroine. I'm just not a reader that enjoys reading about sheltered ingenues. But Tracien (Trix) while young, was one of the most relatable characters. This is a girl with some deep rooted issues of her own, stemming from the loss of her beloved mother, to lusting after her father's best friend. She's not perfect by any means. She's an old soul of sorts and that clearly comes across. She's also not the typical rich girl and I loved that about her.
Lazarus was one of my favorite tortured souls. This is a man that your heart just hurts for.
But that's all you'll be getting from me. I will tell you that this story is fucked up. It's downright uncomfy at times. It's also sizzling hot and full of depth and emotion. I devoured this thick ass book in a span of two days and had a hangover from hell to follow. Did I love all parts of it. Well, there were parts that I'm still figuring out how I feel about. But what I will say, is if you like age gap/forbidden tropes, this one is simply not to be missed.
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Romance, LGBT Romance, Taboo