Tillich: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed) By texasbeerguide.com


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Tillich's main contribution to theology was to offer an account of the significance of human agency within the history of God's salvation of the world. Amidst the hopelessness of a world twice at war, Tillich introduced an apologetic theological approach, which he deemed a necessary counterpoint to the resulting despair of existentialism on one hand and the reaction of religious fundamentalism on the other.

While some historical and contextual introduction is provided, this book is focused on analyzing, clarifying and connecting the most central and difficult of Tillich's theological concepts. Tillich: A Guide for the Perplexed (Guides for the Perplexed)

This book is intended for someone who knows nothing or very little about Tillich's theology, but wants to understand his theology. However, I find some parts of this book to be difficult to be understood by someone who knows very little about western philosophy. But how it works so far for me is that now I am reading Tillich'l systematic theology and at some point I reread some parts of this book. I find it then to be useful than the first time I read it. So dose this book help to understand Tillich? Yes it does, but reading it the first time might not seem to work that way, but if you use it somewhat like a commentary on Tillich for while you are reading it, I am sure that you will agree with me. This is not my the first book for me to read from the A Guide for the Perplexed series. To me books from A Guide for the Perplexed series is dense and deep comparing to books from for Idiots, (eg. Philosophy for Idiots), for Dummies (eg. Philosophy for Dummies), and Armchair (eg. Barth for Armchair Theologians) series. So you might also want to have a less dense and deep book on Tillich in addition to this book. If you really want to understand Tillich and if you are reading Tillich all by yourself, this book and another book which is not as dense as this book will help you for sure. texasbeerguide.com