Tickled Pink By Tessa Wanton

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I don't believe that I have ever been so moved by a BDSM erotic romance before. The title doesn't do it justice. The blurb does a great job at sucking you in. But it is the story that is so engaging and relatable to some people in the lifestyle, that I found myself crying at parts I know the average reader wouldn't.

I didn't just relate to the soul deep need of the submissive. But I related to Mark as well. I think we have all had that moment off doubt. Where we are either told we are freaks or monsters, or made to feel that way, for the lifestyle we have chosen. Even by people that claim to be like minded judge. There is a moment in the story where Mark is talking about his past. I was reading this in a line at Disneyland and sobbing behind sunglasses, thank God.

And boy, do I relate to Ellie. Each new day is a discovery, and I felt Ellie's needs so totally that I wanted to step in her shoes through the story. It was so much more than erotic romance. The characters touched me on a very passionate level. I wanted more. I got a tease in the epilogue, but Ellie and Mark are addictive to read about. And I would love to know how they pull of TPE with kids. *winks* And the Anne Rice quote to end--brilliant!

I have not read The Training of Tess, but I will be reading it very soon!

This is a recommended read and I hope you grab yourself a copy! Tessa Wanton

Ellie Cassidy is a confident and efficient Executive PA with an extremely demanding boss, Mark. Ever capable, she knows that he would be lost without her, but what Ellie doesn’t realize, is quite how much he does need her. One day when she is locking up the office for the evening, she is abducted and subjected to an experience that changes her life forever. Mysteriously tortured in a most unexpected way, terrified beyond anything she had ever felt before, she discovers that some agony is sweet enough to stir her, even against her will.

Shocked by the turn of events, Ellie grows closer to her captor – her boss –and a torrid love affair sizzles between them, showing just how deep Mark’s passion for her runs. Experimenting with new and exciting erotic situations, she is shown a world of delight, filled with laughter and tickling, and other kinky pleasures. Wrapped up completely in Mark, she falls deeply in love with him, until one fateful weekend when he reveals a deep, dark secret which threatens to destroy everything between them – and everything she had ever known about him.

Laughter, terror and high-heeled shoes abound in this tale of discovery and love, never before has tickling been so appealing! But, one final question stands in the way of their everlasting happiness. Will Ellie be able to overcome the shattering revelation that Mark has to declare? Tickled Pink
