This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan By David Sloan Wilson

David Sloan Wilson È 9 Summary

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Makes it very easy for those who don't know much about evolution to understand how we can used knowledge of our evolved nature to improve our ability to cooperate in groups. Groups as small as local community groups all the way up to how nations can cooperate to create a better world. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan Le biologique lié au social ,l'environnement qui nous façonne et vice versa ,nous sommes liés à la nature depuis la nuit des temps mais avec notre égocentrisme nous préférons pas voir Notre organisme est un écosystème comme une jungle !!! Nous sommes tous This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan Un libro superinteresante y muy bien escrito. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan I deeply recommend Wilson, he has opened my eyes with regards to the structure of the social world. However, he overstreches the idea in this book in my view. Some facts are being violated to fit his message. For example, the passage on Trump Sorry but this was the point where I thought, no way. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan Any negative reviews of this important book likely stem from the taboo around the topic of “group selection.” Jonathan Haidt, for example, is a prominent social psychologist, author of The Righteous Mind. In the Q&A after a presentation on The Righteous Mind in 2012, Haidt remarked:“In my book I explain why you need to see evolution working on multiple levels: Genes compete with genes. Individuals compete with individuals. And groups compete with groups . But the idea that groups compete with groups and that we are descended from winning groups, that has been a heresy in scientific circles since the 1960s so very few evolutionary theorists will talk about that.”Obviously, David Sloan Wilson will talk about this radioactive concept. But he does so in the most careful and socially responsible way one can imagine. Would that researchers in other dangerous, but important domains had Wilson’s diplomatic skill.One such fraught domain, as an example, is average group differences in cognitive and personality traits.In his wonderful 18 lecture series for The Great Courses, called “The Intelligent Brain,” prominent intelligence researcher Richard J. Haier remarked that, “… Back in 1969 when he [Arthur Jensen, a pioneer in the field] proposed the idea that part of the achievement gap might possibly be due to genetic components of intelligence, all hell broke loose.” The effect was immediate and powerful. Funds for research on intelligence dried up for thirty years.That’s my theory about any negative reviews of This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution. Wilson's book is extremely valuable because it has scores of valuable concepts, “thinking tools.” In the Prologue and Introduction, for example, there are at least seven useful concepts:1) “The Omega Point” humanity merged to form a self regulating organism in balance with the rest of the earth.2) The Dobzhansky principle “Nothing in biology makes sense except in the light of evolution.”3) Seeing through the lens of evolutionary theory a productive way of viewing all of humanity4) Increasing sophistication of observational techniques new observational tools are constantly being invented5) Fear of brutal and misleadingly labeled “social darwinism” This reality has largely blocked application of concept #3 to humans.6) The Small Group as the fundamental unit of human social evolution.7) The crucial distinction between “well adapted” and “adaptable.”Seven concepts. Seven “thinking tools.” All from just the Prologue and Introduction. There’s about that many valuable concepts in each chapter. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan

I received an advanced copy of this book (in absolutely no way tied to this review) and I loved it so much that I bought several to give to family, friends, and colleagues! I can't wait to find ways to apply this to the world. What amazing feats we can accomplish when we have the right information. If you are interested in learning how we can work together and do our small parts to improve our circumstances, both for ourselves individually and for our communities, this book is a great place to start! If you are interested in understanding about human behavior, this is for you. If you have any doubts about whether this book applies to you, let me tell you that it does! I couldn't help but think of all aspects of my life, all of the occupations in the world, and all of the regulatory groups that could be improved with the application of the principles conveyed in this book. Do yourself a favor and learn from those who have devoted their lives to understanding and disseminating how we can do for ourselves by understanding how we've developed. This View of Life: Completing the Darwinian Revolution (English Edition) eBook : Wilson, David Sloan
