This Rotten World By Jacy Morris

A sickness runs rampant through the world. In Portland, Oregon it is no different. As the night takes hold, eight men and women bear witness to the horror of a zombie outbreak. This Rotten World is the zombie novel that horror fans have been waiting for. Where other zombie works skip over the best part of a zombie outbreak, This Rotten World revels in it the downfall of humanity, dragging you through the beginnings of society's death, kicking and screaming. This Rotten World


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This Rotten World is set in Portland, Oregan, when a zombie apocalypse breaks out. It switches between multiple characters points of view, showing how their adventure starts and how they eventually team up. Some will survive, and sadly some won’t. It’s the first in a five book series.

This Rotten World is an exciting, and at times gory, zombie apocalypse book. I’ve been playing Project Zomboid lately, so was excited to start this! I listened to the audiobook of This Rotten World, which is narrated by T.L. Howell. He does a fantastic job and made the book even more absorbing and engaging.

As it’s the first in the series, there is no explanation of how the zombie outbreak begins or where they have come from — but I hope that will be detailed in later books. Instead, it focuses on ordinary people and their stories of survival. There are a lot of different character point of views throughout This Rotten World. (Most of which really are rotten!) It starts with mostly male characters and feels very male-dominated, but later on this balances out, which I appreciated.

I had a few favourite characters that I rooted for, such as Joan, a doctor, and Clara, one of her patients. Both are really strong female characters, and I liked their unlikely friendship, too. There’s also some very memorable characters, who I hated but were well-written, such as Ace Fever, who enjoys the chaos of the apocalypse, and Han, an angry bar owner.

It jumps straight into the action, showing us the zombie outbreak right at the beginning. It’s full of tense moments from the very start, and I spent a lot of time shouting ‘no no no! What are you doing!’ as characters make unwise decisions and succumb to their deaths. No one is safe, with a few characters I liked and thought would survive ending up dead.

If you are looking for a great zombie read, then give this a try! It’s very gory in places, with vivid and detailed descriptions of injuries and deaths. There’s such a big cast of characters that you are sure to find some to root for, too. It ends on a very dramatic (and sombre) note, with a bit of a cliffhanger, and I am looking forward to reading book 2. This Rotten World GREAT STORY!

God, I love a good zombie novel. This one had a great story. I enjoyed the humor, the characters, and the events that unfolded. Morris absolutely delivers on his promise to not skim over the juiciest part of a zombie story: when the **** hits the fan!
I deducted one star for some minor grammar flaws. This Rotten World This book had a lot of characters that you just knew were going to all meet at some point.
Set in Portland, Oregon the book opens and the zombie action starts fairly quickly. A few folks in a bar, a hospital, a music venue, etc. All experience some version of a person biting someone else and mayhem ensuing.
You have a doctor, a would be lawyer, a homeless man, an ex soldier, an antisocial college student who stays at home playing video games, an arrogant band member, a mother who had to kill her husband and child... Among others. Who are all on the run and trying to find safety from the growing hordes of zombies. They are all found by the military at some point and herded to a coliseum.
The author isn't scared to kill off characters you've been reading about for a while and without one of those characters? One who happened to be the de facto leader of the group. So I can't imagine how the next one will be.
I can't say there's a lot of characters development. But, it's a fun zombie read with a lot of action.
This Rotten World I love a good zombie apocalypse story and this one was fabulous. The first handful of chapters introduce us to about a dozen major characters, each chapter alternating points of view. Initially I thought it was a bit rough on the reader to have that many main characters AND be able to keep track of them all their personalities, backgrounds and experiences. But, by the end, I appreciated the diversity. Each character has a very unique personality and skill set that they brought to this new zombie filled world, making their individual stories quite interesting, and got you wondering how and if they would all eventually cross paths in some way. I enjoyed seeing how many of the characters handled the initial outbreak - for example, Zeke grabbing his guns, ready to take on the world, and Katie quickly adapting to her entire family changing in an instant. Plus, having so many characters allowed for some awesome surprises - people we thought would be main storylines throughout the book could have anything happen to them - become zombies or die, sometimes in the first few chapters: you never know who is going to make it through this new world. I will say that the nefarious character of Ace really was a thorn in my side…the kind of character that you love to hate and just hope something horrible will eventually overtake him. Great book! Can’t wait to read the rest of the series! This Rotten World Book 1
The first several chapters introduce us to multiple characters at the beginning of the apocalypse. Then it began rotating between the dozen characters, updating their situations. You learn a bit more about each character, as the virus (?) escalates, and the violence increases. Some of the character’s endings are quite poetic. Rudi is quite the character; a 300-lb. ginger who went to Portland State. Running into Amanda, a theatre major was a new experience for Rudi. Ace, a Japanese rock star, is continuing deranged character. Soon, it was, “Move Over Rover, the Army is Taking Over”. It’s a slow-moving saga considering there are five books to the series. I suppose you can’t get to the advertised “good stuff” too soon. The story is pretty good, nothing remarkable. I’m waiting to be “dragged through the beginnings of society's death, kicking and screaming”. BTW, in War of the Worlds, I think it’s “they mistook fiction for fact, not the other way around.” Three.point.five for a good start.
Book 2
Players continued from Book 1, most old, some new. Blake, who rescued Mort. Ace, and his new band of followers; Slick, Pudge, Spider, and Slutty Rivets. Ace retained his old name for himself. Lt General McKutchin set up his forces at the port facilities. Ace was up to ambushing U.S. Army patrols; like Sgt Takada and General McKutchin. “Murph”, a technician at the Boardman, Oregon power station, including the remaining staff, was informed of the coming apocalypse. Rudi, Chloe, and Amanda continue making their way through the city. Poor Rudi, struggling with his weight and asthma, was tired of laughter and name-calling due to his weight. Katie, drove through the city in her Dodge Durango looking for supplies and safety. Zeke and Lou strengthen their relationship as they make their way along the river, looking for a boat. Joan, a medical doctor, was a stoic survivor. Her latest US Army rescuers planned to take her to a refugee camp; the Memorial Collesium. People began gathering at the Stadium. Resume character rotation. There are a couple of odd situations where the author appears to contradict his own I can’t recall the specifics of an earlier occurrence. Private Bryant’s interpretation of a video involving Private Estep’s murder is mind-boggling. The narrator describes the video as it plays, although Bryant seems to overlook the critical first seconds. The story goes on, but not many changes from Book 1. Still three.point.five. This Rotten World


While this book was indeed a “jump into the situation” type ordeal with plenty of zombies, I just couldn’t connect with it. It’s hard to review a book without giving too much away and possibly ruining the story for someone who might like the type of format the writer was going for. However, I can say I prefer to know the origin, the beginning, the middle and the end. This book just skips to right about where the beginning meets the middle. It’s a bit slow paced with various characters on their own quests that eventually meet up. I usually have a feeling of inclusion when reading but this was my first time I felt excluded from the story; there wasn’t a character personality that felt ... natural? Personal? Developed? I’m not sure what it was. Perhaps another reader will enjoy. This Rotten World This is the first Jacy Morris book I have read and am glad I did! great fast paced entertaining story about the beginning of a Zombie apocalypse. Morris' willingness to kill off characters that you would expect to be main figures keeps you on the edge of your seat not knowing if your favorite will make it or not. The book does start with a lot of different characters in their own story lines that can be a bit of a challenge to keep straight until they eventually join up a couple at a time.
The one negative piece of feedback I have is that the editor seemed to miss a couple chapters where there were several grammatical errors, incorrect pronouns and spelling mistakes, but to be fair this was only 3 or 4 short chapters in a 500 page book so a bit annoying but not enough to deter from the book on a whole.
Looking forward to the next book in the series and recommend for anyone who likes a good Zombie novel This Rotten World 3.5 stars.

The writing was great, but I need at least one endearing character to root for and everyone in this story seem to be insane or an arsehole.
This Rotten World Nice start, really loving this series This Rotten World I'm not usually a fan of zombie apocalypse fiction, but I thought I would give this one a try.
It's a run of the mill zombie apocalypse that explodes across the world at an alarming rate. There is a lot of constant action, but it is a slow building action (I don't know if that makes sense or not). The characters are fairly well developed. I felt with them, I liked some of them, I really liked others, and I really didn't like at least one.
There were a few minor editing issues, but I'm kind-of a comma drill sergeant. Otherwise it was very decently written.
I did wake up 2-3 mornings after reading this having had really f*cked up dreams about zombies.
4/5. If you like a good zombie apocalypse, then this is for you. It is a series, so if you go into it, know there are a total of (I believe) 4 books. This Rotten World