A Deadly Wandering: A Mystery, a Landmark Investigation, and the Astonishing Science of Attention in the Digital Age By Matt Richtel

This book is one that should be a mandatory read in Drivers Education courses. It is spellbinding as Richtel takes us through the story of a fatal accident caused by a texting driver, and illustrates how much pain and grief one distracted driver can cause. Citing recent Matt Richtel I just finished A Deadly Wandering last night and was very moved by it for a number of reasons that I am still contemplating. This is a very well written, absorbing, enlightening and factually well supported non fiction novel. I found it hard to put down, but even Matt Richtel Matt Richtel tells the story of Reggie Shaw, a college student in Utah, who fatally struck two rocket scientists as he was texting and driving. One of the first cases on texting and driving that was actually prosecuted, Richtel uses this example to explore the wider issue Matt Richtel I'll confess to being a serial multi tasker and have the terrible habit of using my smartphone far too frequently while driving. While intuitively knowing that it is dangerous to do this (and despite many near misses), you get in the habit of convincing yourself that you Matt Richtel This is an important book and a troubling subject. Richtel ultimately got the emotional impact that he wanted, and he did so because of a well written second half. The first half was full of too much fluff, unimportant information that could have been presented Matt Richtel

Buy A Deadly Wandering: A Mystery, a Landmark Investigation, and the Astonishing Science of Attention in the Digital Age on ✓ FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders A Deadly Wandering: A Mystery, a Landmark Investigation, and the Astonishing Science of Attention in the Digital Age

In my opinion, the mark of a good book is that it leaves me changed in some way after reading it, so on that count, it succeeded. I will never even consider texting while driving again and will keep my phone out of sight. I will no longer talk on the phone while driving. Matt Richtel WOW! The prose and excitement of a Kellerman novel but with real life actions and consequences that impact us all. I already knew about the deaths of the rocket scientists and a little bit about the impact of our brains on technology from Matt Matt Richtel This book will change your life. It could save your life. If you know someone— anyone — who has a cell phone and drives a car, buy them a copy of this book. On a rainy morning in 2006 young Reggie Shaw, ever so briefly distracted by a text message, crossed the Matt Richtel A real heads up read. Awareness re major hazards of distracted driving.Real people stories make it very impressive indeed. Matt Richtel 運転しながらのメールやスマホ操作(いわゆるtexting while driving)を罰することができるかという問題の嚆矢のようなケースを扱った本です。真面目で信心深い好青年が引き起こした事故で、2006年に2人が亡くなりました。この事件について、捜査や裁判、そして人間模様のドラマと、心理学や神経科学といった科学とが絶妙に織りなされて語られています。ドラマの方はさておき、科学の方は、注意(attention)についての心理学的な研究の歴史や、スマホやメールのような科学技術製品が常習性を持つもの(addictive)なのかということについての脳神経学の研究です。このような科学的な問題を扱っていますが、素人にはついて行けないような細部にまでは立ち入らずに、事件に必要な部分を上手に取捨選択しています。ドラマの要素ともうまく噛み合って、読みやすい語り口です。私の持っている版には宣伝文として Deserves a spot next to Fast Food Nation and To Kill a Mockingbird という New York Times Book Review の書評の一節が引用されていますが、決して誇大宣伝ではないと思います。邦訳マット・リヒテル『神経ハイジャック:もしも「注意力」が奪われたら』(小塚一宏・三木俊哉訳, 英治出版, 2016) Matt Richtel

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