Then He Kissed Me (Whispering Bay Romance, #2) By Maria Geraci

Lauren Donalan was once Whispering Bay’s golden girl—the rich, bubbly blonde cheerleader who married the high school football star. Fast forward thirteen years and she’s a single mom trying to hold on to a failing business and prove that she’s more than just a trust fund baby with really good hair.

Nate Miller might have been a nerd in high school, but he’s back in town ready to start his medical practice and every momma with a single daughter has their radar aimed straight at him, Lauren’s mom included.

Lauren doesn’t need a man to complete her, but when she finds herself set up with Nate, she can’t help but fall for the sexy, confident ex-nerd. But only a big love will make Lauren change her mind about commitment.

As Nate attempts to win Lauren over, a real estate co-op threatens Lauren’s business—and Nate’s ex comes back to town to create trouble.

Now Lauren has to decide to go big or go home—both in business and in love. Then He Kissed Me (Whispering Bay Romance, #2)

REVIEW Then He Kissed Me (Whispering Bay Romance, #2)


Then He Kissed Me is book two in the Whispering Bay Romance series by Maria Geraci. This book was amazing! I’d already met Nate and Lauren in the first book of the series, That Thing You Do. But in this book I fell in love with them. This book has a little bit of everything, evil land developer, crazy ex-girl friend, nerdy and oh so sexy Dr. and Lauren, the divorced, single mom who has a love of retro-style clothes, and who you can’t help but to love.

Lauren Donalan is determined to make a success of her retro clothing store. She loves being back in Whispering Bay. She loves being near her family and her son is thrilled to be able to see his father whenever he wants. The only thing missing from her life is love.

Lauren’s mother is playing matchmaker and is determined to find the perfect husband for her daughter. When she arranges for Lauren to go on a date with the town’s new Dr. she sees it as a chance for a free meal. But then he kissed her, and everything changed.

Dr. Nate Miller, insert big sigh here, is a buttoned up, by the book, stick to the facts type of guy. Who would have thought that underneath all of that, just waiting to get out, was the hot, sexy Nate with an endless supply of love and compassion that Lauren discovered was there. He thought his life was supposed to be with Jessica, until he proposed to her and she turned him down. What surprised him most was the lack of sadness after she turned him down. He felt…relief! Then he went on his date with Lauren, and he kissed her, and everything changed.

Nate’s sister who works for an animal shelter, convinces Nate that he needs to adopt a little dachshund mix puppy. Who would have thought that adopting a new puppy would finally help the residents of Whispering Bay accept him! At the same time, Lauren is accepted in as a permanent member of the Bunco Babes whom we also first met in book one of this series.

Lauren insists that they take things slow. She’s not sure if Nate is really over his ex-girlfriend. Nate is patient. He will wait as long as it takes for Lauren to be convinced that he is all in. I have to admit a couple of times Lauren was frustrating me. She was too worried. But she had her son to think of. And Nate wasn’t worried. He knew what he wanted.

Lauren and her assistant at her store have some big ideas on how they can expand her business. But the evil land developer, Ted, has been seen around town. And there has been a couple of suspicious inspections of her building. Could her business be in jeopardy?

I knew from the start that I would really like this book. But about half way through, something happens, and I went from, “Wow, this is a really good book,” to “Oh My Gosh, I love this book!” And Nate, insert another sigh here, well, you get the picture. I love this community of Whispering Bay. What an amazing life living right there on the Gulf. I can practically feel the sand between my toes and hear the waves coming in.

The relationships between families and friends in Whispering Bay warmed my heart. Lauren’s parents are nearing their 40th wedding anniversary. But they are forced to face an issue that I believe worry us all at one time or another. Nate also has a fantastic relationship with his Mother and sister. And the Bunco Babes. This group of women will do whatever it takes to help one another. When an issue arises, an emergency meeting is called, and the women go into action.

This series is wonderful and I highly recommend it. I can’t wait for the next book in the series, That Man of Mine, due out June 9, to get Zeke and Mimi’s story. Even though these books could be read as stand alones, I recommend reading the series in order to get to know the characters. You wouldn’t want to miss out on any of the awesome goings on of Whispering Bay, Florida.

348 At first when I read the first book of this series I wasn't so sure if I would continue it or not. Now that I have read this book I think this series has a chance to captivate me.

Lauren has been divorced for 2 years and hasn't dated anyone. Her mother is trying to set her up because she deserves to be happy. Although her and her ex Tom are close he is now engaged to Allie. Lauren's family comes from money but she is determined to do well for herself and her son (who she had with Tom).

I liked Lauren not only from the previous book when she helped get Tom and Allie together. You can see she was genuine about it and loved Tom a certain way and it was totally okay with them being together. You can just tell she is a strong person. In this story it's Lauren's turn to have the happily ever after that she has always wanted.

I loved Nate!! When you first see him proposing to Jessica and it goes bad after he did so much I felt so bad for him. So when nates sister and Lauren's mother set them up on a date they both have a great time. You can tell right away he is being himself with her and getting to know her. I thought he was so cute by running into her sometimes and bringing her dinner.

They take their relationship slow as just friends which was nice but they both having certain feelings for each other that you can see as plain as day. I liked that their relationship started slow and it wasn't rushed. They didn't just jump in bed together but they got a chance to really know each other and what they wanted.

Their was a little drama but it wasn't overly done and it also wasn't one thing on top of each other it was spread out over time. I am beginning to like the characters more and more. I am excited to see whose book will be next in this series and what will be next in whispering bay. 348 Then He Kissed Me is definitely a home run for me. I fell hard for Lauren and Nate. Lauren is a single mom, a tad on the quirky side...but come on who doesn't love vintage and black and white movies...she is fierce and loyal, and loves her family deeply. And if her momma has anything to do with it she'll be engaged by the end of the year. favorite Doctor. Nate is a straightforward tell it exactly the way it is type of guy. He is back home to eventually take over Docs pratice. Newly single, his sister is determined to get him back on the horse so to speak. Between Laurens mom and Nate sister, and a little advice from the Bunco Babes, these two don't stand a chance.
I loved this book so much. It just reinforced my belief that sometimes going big is the only way to go. And I cannot wait for the next installment of thus series.
P.s. I seen you Billy :)
I received an ARC for the purpose of leaving an honest review.
348 I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads

I really enjoyed the first book in this series, but this one was even better. We learned about Lauren in book 1 as the ex-wife of Tom, the lead man. It could have been so easy for the relationship between them to be difficult, but it is dealt with brilliantly. We get to meet up with old friends in Whispering Bay, especially the Bunco ladies and their scheming.

Although Lauren is in the fortunate position of being independently wealthy, she is working hard at her vintage clothing store. We get to be involved in its progress, which is fun, and inspiring. She is set up on a date by her Momma with a most unsuitable man - whose taste in bumper stickers leaves a lot to be desired! Anyone who has suffered such a date will empathise with poor Lauren. She is rescued by Nate, a one time High School peer. He has just suffered an ignominy which is soon all over Youtube. Yet from this unlikely encounter a wonderful story unfolds.

I love the way that the characters are written, and that their core values are so in line. I loved how their families were involved, and the closeness they share. Thoughtful and thought provoking, this is an excellent read, with lots of strands. I am excited to see how their future is mapped out in subsequent books, as I really engaged with them. Cute, quirky, sexy and poignant - that's a lot to fit into a story, but Ms Geraci did it with aplomb.

348 Free on amazon - 11th April 2019 348

It's hard not to get lost in the people of Whispering Bay. This charming yet sleepy town is the place to go when a fresh start is on the agenda. Lauren is doing her best to prove herself to be more than just a pretty face. She wants a chance to forge her own path and finds that in her old home town of Whispering Bay. There she reconnects with an acquaintance that has as much to lose as she does. Nate may have changed on the outside but still feels like an outsider on the inside. Lauren helps him feel less lost in the shuffle. Learning to trust in yourself is the lesson that I took away from Then He Kissed Me. 348 Sweet and sexy contemporary romance! Nate is amazing - he has the whole nerdy but sexy doctor thing going on, and is a bit of a dirty talker in the bedroom! I loved seeing him struggle with his bedside manner and the way he took Lauren's advice about how to improve. I admire Lauren's courage for going out on her own and pursuing her dreams. She deserves all the happiness she finds with Nate. I skipped over the first book in the series, but I enjoyed this one so much that I am looking forward to the next one.
4.5 stars

ARC received in exchange for an honest review. 348 Maria Geraci does it again, brings you into the small town world of her characters where you feel a part of the story, just old friends catching up. You feel vested in the character's story and find yourself cheering for their happiness. Characters that are relateable and situations of every day life. 348 I received a free copy of this book to read and review for Wicked Reads.

I really love this series. Real people, real life, real love. Lauren has returned home after her divorce and her father being diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Nate is back in town after finishing med school and residency to join Doc Morrison's practice.

Lauren and Nate reconnect after both having horrible dates at the Harbor House. Intially neither of them wants to see each other socially but when they do, they realize they have a lot in common and the kiss they share is off the charts, hot.

The author has done an excellent job of showing the strengths and weaknesses of the characters. Nate initally comes off as brusk towards everyone, including his patients. After a conversation with Lauren, he's able to take her suggestions and notices a difference almost immediately in himself and the tone of his patients.

This was a refreshing read and I can't wait to read more about Whispering Bay.

~~Wicked Reads Review Team~~

348 I loved this one!! I fell for the zany little town of Whispering Bay in the first book of the series and this book just confirms it for me! This is the story of newly divorced mom and shop owner Lauren Donalan and recently returned to town Dr. Nate Miller. Lauren's a little bit quirky and a lot of fun. Nate is a little nerdy (ok - a lot nerdy) and needs to loosen up a little. Together they make one great couple. They may have known each other in high school but they are both very different people and the way they first meet again is just the beginning of the new crazy there life will become!

This is a wonderfully written story and one I highly recommend. 348