The Enigma of the Knights Templar: Their History and Mystical Connections By Marilyn Hopkins


Marilyn Hopkins â 5 review

In this, the second in our Enigma series, author Marilyn Hopkins—in a beautifully illustrated, full-color hardcover—has written the definitive guide to all things Templar, including: the Temple and the myth; the rise of the Order of the Temple (1119–45); a church within a church, a state within a state (1145–1291); the fall and trial; the mystery of Templar origins; Temple Mount; the Holy Grail; the Temple and the Arab world; the Temple and heresy; heads of the Templars; Templars after 1314; and modern-day Templars. The Enigma of the Knights Templar: Their History and Mystical Connections

Most of the books I've tried to read about the Knights Templar have been big heavy tomes with little in the way of pictures. When I came across this rather attractive volume, filled with heaps of photos and illustrations, I quickly snatched it up. I'm not a good reader of non fiction. I need the pictures. This book is a rather beautiful one, broken into succinct chapters.

The author does a rather good job of setting up the situation in which the Templars grew to exist, putting them in context. It's the same context she then uses to explain how it would be impossible for them to have been wiped out entirely. And it's a rather convincing argument I have to say. There is no way they could have been that ingrained in 12th century world to not have survived. Actually it rather reads like the fall of the Old Jedi Republic!

A great read in terms of Templar history, as well as a rather eye opening history of Christian/Muslim conflict in the Middle East. 1932857451 Review on Quantum Gardener 1932857451