The Unblocked Collection By Marni Mann

*ARC provided by the author for an honest review*

What a series amazing

I 've luvd everything about this series an Derek Block bein the main reason god I luv this man the sexy beard the flannel shirt it's made my look at flannel a lot differently haha ;) but its the man in the shirt that's hot the things this man as seen an been through is crazy but the very sexy an gorgeous Frankie is there 2 take care of him in everywhere she as been through her own shit but 2gether they make the perfect couple but there r things that r goin 2 get in there where an some pretty shitty people

I enjoyed this so much the writing was great characters brilliant an the story had me in deep from the first page an I couldn't put it down I was annoyed when I had 2 haha I highly recommend this series there is everything in this book an 2 make it even better it's hot I mine really hot cold showers on standby xxx

(Al my reviews are up 4 al the book check them out)
608 The audiobook is 16 hours long! I read 5 novellas with The Unblocked Collection. I read Miss Marni Mann's books before. I have fond memory of her writing style how she twisted the ending. However The Unblocked Collection is a longer version of FSOG.
It is still lightly better plot and have more sexy content compares to FSOG. Somehow I am expecting much more from Miss Mann.

This is the story between Frankie and Derek. They met and sparks flew. More like insta lust. There are some twist and hidden secrets. The drama is light. Since this is split into 5 novellas, each novella ends with cliffhanger. Then it is resolved very quickly without much drama.

Overall I enjoy this book OK.

3 stars 608 5 Sexy, Determined People Stars
* * * * * Spoiler Free
In 2015, Marni Mann took me on a ride that was all-encompassing. She hooked me from the very first moments and kept me wanting each installment with bated breath. She wove a strong plot through a maze of characters that touched on all we humans can be...The good, bad, evil, and confused. She led us to open our minds and see what fearlessness in the bedroom can bring...

And she did it with intensity, humor, and sensuality. The only drawback was we had to wait for each installment.

Well lucky you, you do not have to...You can read it all without any interruptions.

I have posted my reviews below and highly recommend this journey. Just make sure your laundry has been done, tee hee :DDD

Unblocked-Episode One (Timber Towers, #1)
Unblocked-Episode Two (Timber Towers, #2)
Unblocked-Episode Three (Timber Towers, #3)
Unblocked-Episode Four (Timber Towers, #4)
Unblocked-Episode Five (Timber Towers, #5)

A gifted copy was provided by author/publisher for an honest review.

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Title: Unblocked Collection
Series: Unblocked Serial
Author: Marni Mann
Release date: August 25, 2015
Cliffhanger: No

Let me start right off that bat saying that I'm not normally a serial reader. Serials are:


Then repeat that four or five more times. So, as I'm not a big fan of the waiting, I normally pass on the whole experience. And by the time a collection is released I've normally moved on to other things. But after reading the many raving reviews of Derek Block and his amazing prowess, I was really primed to read this story. After Impatiently waiting for the full collection to be available, I was ready to break me off a piece of that when the offer for a review copy came into our blog inbox.

Unblocked is the story of Derek Block and Frankie Jordan. It's a story of passion, revenge, secrets, learning to leave yourself open and vulnerable to reap the greatest rewards out of life. He's a renowned architect, known for his clean, naturalistic designs. She's an intelligent, classy, and successful real estate agent working toward earning the top spot in her father's company with a single minded determination. I loved that both characters were on equal footing in terms of their success and exceptional looks. This was no lowly heroine in awe of the untouchable millionaire. Frankie was driven and garnered respect from Derek right from the beginning.

Frankie had remarkable strength and the ability to rattle Derek's sense of power. She ripped away his self-control and his ability to control her at all times. He's used to women lining up, then subsequently being obedient to his dominance. For the first time, a woman changes the rules on him and what surprises him the most is that he loves every minute of it.

She was ignoring my authority and taking what she wanted...and I was letting her. And I was so fucking turned on because of it.

Even after being warned of how incredibly steaming hot the chemistry was between Derek and Frankie, I still wasn't fully prepared for the level of panty melting bestowed on this humble reader. Ladies, if you're in the mood for an erotic smorgasbord, look no further. With those chocolate colored curls, lethally intense stares, and that blissful beard, Derek Block will hook you and keep you begging for more.

Have mercy. The things that man could do with his mouth....verbally and non-verbally. I'm beyond words. The heat that comes off of these two is sensual, carnal and utterly delicious. My heart was pounding in giddy delight.

When you come, I want you to moan my name from the depth of your throat, drawing the sound across your tongue and through those gorgeous lips. Can you do that?
Then come for me.

That being said, I was hoping for a little bit more development of a relationship past sex earlier on. It took until part four for the two of them to even attempt to have in in-depth conversation to get to know one another at a deeper level than animalistic lust. Yes, I loved his filthy mouth, and the execution of those dirty promises, but I like to see some strong emotional growth between the two main characters. Both the h/H were extremely closed off for their own personal reasons and that worked well in adding some mystery to Derek and strength to Frankie in dealing with his need for domination. She was no pushover or doormat heroine. She kept that man on his toes and kept his obsession for her growing at a very satisfying rate.

My only other complaint would be that I really do think that this story read as a collective whole caused me to hit a wall around the fourth part. When added together, the page count surpasses the 500 page mark and well, I was finding it difficult to remain invested as much as I was in the beginning without seeing the sex taper off some. I had to stop for a short breather before I could immerse myself into the last stretch of the story. Once I took a step back for a few days and returned, I was really pretty happy with how the story wrapped up. I finally saw the two of them open themselves up and expose that raw side to themselves that they had been protecting for so long. Watching them gain some acceptance and peace with their demons together made me feel happy and yet a little bittersweet that their journey was coming to a close.

If you're looking for a white hot read with a strong heroine, and an exceptional alpha hero, pick this collection up. Mark my words, you won't be disappointed.


608 I loved the characters in this story...

But wow, lots and I mean lots of sex scenes, and for some that's probably a positive, but a little too much for me. LOL, but I think it was a little overkill and would have loved more of the couple's emotional connection.

Definitely some hot chemistry between the two.

I loved how they dealt with conflict and issues that came up right away and communicated beautifully.

He was definitely an alpha but what boy he loved his girl and was a softy for her.

So overall loved the premise of the story and plot but would have appreciated more development of their emotional development. 608


It's LIVE!
An erotic series with lashings of ROMANCE

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UNBLOCKED the series is an erotically charged story about truth, understanding, consequences, revenge and LOVE. Oh how I LOVE Derek and Frankie's story in every way. The series as it progresses through each episode grows in depth and stature and has firmly embedded itself in my book heart with an erotic prose that's simply stunning to read, I couldn't have wished for anything more perfect.

Frankie is 27 with an already hard built and impressive resume. She works for her father and is well on the way to demonstrating that she’ll soon be able to take full control of the family business. She’s intelligent, acute, strong resourceful and determined. Her fierce, no nonsense personality makes her more than a match for Derek. She challenges him on every level making them dynamite together. He finds her intriguing and stunning. She totally captures his attention.

Derek Block is a super sexy, charismatic and gorgeous flannel-shirt-wearing man. He's also an architectural designer, specialising in woods and the natural element, making his unique work desirable and a stand out among his contemporaries. He’s primal and powerful, capable and intelligent; an astute business man who's used to people giving him what he wants. His rule is to never allow his emotions to interfere with the cohesion of his life.

Frankie is a character I've grown to truly love and admire, she's really quite inspiring and Derek Block, he is everything that a book hero should be with an endless list of endearing and sexy attributes.

I felt the beauty of the writing; Marni Mann creates the loveliest emotion within the pages of this series. An emotion that drives the reader forward captures their attention and engages our love. The understanding and awareness between the protagonists becomes untouchable. The chemistry between them is palpable, dancing on the page, creating sexy, passionate, sensual and highly erotic pictures for our pleasure. Derek is a generous lover which, juxtaposed against his vulnerabilities, his flaws and inability to open up to another, transcends him into the perfect book boyfriend.

The SEXY EROTIC HOTNESS of the series is total perfection. Unblocked is, without a doubt the current serial every erotic reader should be seeking out and devouring. Their passion is intense, their chemistry sizzling. When this couple are together they're on fire. It's beautiful and passionate, and shows their insatiable desire for one another.

The series, as a whole, develops exponentially from where it begins and gave me everything I crave in my reading material leaving me with that overall 5 star feeling. Great plot, intrigue, angst, SEXY WRITING and engaging characters who captured my attention and made me feel. These facets lace sensuously throughout the vivid erotic storytelling that made my heart beat fast and at times moved me to tears. I smiled and laughed, cried and LOVED. Marni Mann is now a must read author for me and I recommend to all lovers of beautifully written erotic and romantic stories.

**Note: Unblocked is told from the dual perspective of Derek and Frankie and in the first person narrative.

Advanced copy provided by the author in exchange for my honest review thoughts 608 ★4.5★.

“My breath just made you quiver. Can you imagine what my tongue will do?”

Unblocked-Episode 1 is the first book in the Timber Towers Series. This hot bundle of love has been sitting on my TBR Shelf forever. I decided to take a plunge into the delicious world of Derek Block and with smoking hot passion, romance, and suspense, my KINDLE will never be the same! Frankie Jordan is a woman on a mission. She has always been successful in work and play and yet, her new client Derek Block is about to turn her entire world upside down!

Unblocked-Episode 2 is the second book in the Timber Towers Series. This second novella adds more tension, passion, and more DEREK (insert double your pleasure)! Frankie is discovering exactly what happens when you mix business with pleasure. As the plot continues to develop, tensions rise as Derek and Frankie discover they have more in common than they are expected.

Unblocked-Episode Three is the third novella in the Timber Towers Series. Frankie and Derek are finally realizing the attraction between them is not going to go away. Instead of Frankie keeping things professional, Derek continues to wiggle into her heart (and other places...)! But can Derek truly reveal the mysteries from his past?

Unblocked-Episode Four is the fourth book in the Timber Towers. Frankie and Derek are getting closer than ever. The physical attraction has only gotten stronger and now the emotional connection between the two is forging a new and exciting piece to the Timber Towers puzzle! As Derek comes to terms with the realization that he is feeling so much more for Frankie than he should, the fight to keep her safe and by his side becomes his primary purpose.

Unblocked-Episode Five is the fifth and final book in the Timber Towers Series. Frankie and Derek have been through so much and know that the truth (of their pasts) has finally been revealed, they have much to overcome. Derek and Frankie have many forces working to tear them apart and yet, the love they share for each other cannot be shaken!

As difficult as it was to say “love,” I felt it in every part of me, and I knew I needed to tell him.
Overall, I really cannot get enough of Marni Mann and this series was quite a delicious treat. I am only sorry that it took me so long to meet Derek. Contemporary Romance fans everywhere need to invest in this series- Derek and Frankie are one couple that I will never forget!

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608 Frankie gets a Block and a tower too…

Sassy is about to get a lot sassier than she’s ever been before. There was absolutely no way for my review of Unblocked Collection to be written without a few rude crude and socially unacceptable words that popped into my head at the conclusion of this series. If you are offended at rude and crude words, close your eyes…or maybe squint at the screen enough to close this sucker down.

Derek loves to play…like a doggy…with his pussy…in the back alley…you get what I’m saying? Whenever Frankie walks into a room, Derek comes to attention. In the chapters where we see his thoughts, the man is a walking hard on. His c*ck seems to have a permanent relationship with the length of his zipper. Frankie isn’t much better…she’s all about screaming his name and yelling harder, deeper and I want to come (or cum whichever word tickles your fancy). This book is really HOT. No mild case of lust here, these two can’t keep their hands to themselves.

So this series isn’t all about eating and sucking, there is a storyline. Frankie is a real estate agent and works in her father’s company that she hopes to take over running in the future. Garret, Frankie’s father comes across as an emotionally unavailable asshole in my opinion. The fact that he pushed her so hard and expected her to be solely focused on work, with no social life, was not the actions of a father who cared about his daughter. Frankie strives to be good enough in his eyes, but it seems an unattainable goal.

Frankie’s main problems in her life revolve around her work, which has a knock on effect to her social life. Her ex-boyfriend, Reed ruined their relationship but expects Frankie to give him another chance. They have had to keep a work relationship going and Frankie must constantly push her feelings aside and act like it’s business as usual. Between Reed and his inability to let her go, Julia (a work rival who sleeps her way to the top) and her father’s demands to put work above everything else, Frankie has enough on her plate to keep her busy.

Derek is the property developer of Timber Towers. He wants the best real estate agent to sell his properties, and the front runner is Frankie. Julia is also a contender and it’s obvious she plans to get the attention of Derek in the only way she knows how...on her back...or...hands and knees...or...on top, with a whip in her hand (as I'm lead to believe could be her scene). In the first books we see him struggle with his lust for Frankie. He has strict rules when it comes to the women he sleeps with and only spends one night and one morning with them. It took me until book 4 to “get” him. When all the facts came out and we understand why he is the way he is, it makes a whole lot more sense.

Derek and his sister Hayden, are seeking revenge on a man who caused heartache and devastation to their family. Hatred of Randy, another property developer, runs deep. Their determination to get their revenge has led them to live their lives dedicated to work and finding ways to make the man pay.

The journey traveled for Derek and Frankie was bumpy. The lack of communication and trust between this couple caused many problems. In book 3 and 4 these problems would have been lessened if they had communicated with each other. The sexual chemistry between them was the cornerstone of their relationship to start with, but eventually morphed into mutual admiration and respect.

I really loved meeting some of the supporting characters. Derek and Frankie’s assistants, Will and Brea, were wonderful and made the story flow smoothly. Towards the end Will hooks up with an unlikely candidate and I would love a story to see how that relationship works out (hint, hint, nudge, nudge – Marni). Brea has had something terrible happen in her past, we don’t know specifics but I would love to see her get a HEA, she deserves it. Anna, Frankie’s nanny from childhood was also a loved character.

Reading this series one straight after the other, had pluses and minuses. On the plus side – no waiting for new releases to the series, it’s all nicely wrapped up in one package. You don’t lose momentum and the highs and lows happen straight away, so the cliffy’s last for seconds instead of weeks or months. The negatives – by going from one story to the next, you have to rehash a bit. It also felt like one long sex scene with a few work related issues in between. These guys were sexing it up more than working or maintaining their fine physics. Marni my lovely (author extraodinaire), I’m pretty sure Frankie only went on one or two runs through the whole series, drank copious amounts of alcohol and ate out constantly. How the fukurri rugs did this chick have a fine ass? How on earth did Derek keep a “firm” body? He didn’t perform one bit of hard labour or exercise besides lifting Frankie against a wall to bang her.

I really enjoyed the Unblocked Collection. It was a HOT read with lots of pussy, c*nt, co*k and holes mentioned. Both have built walls around their hearts after bad relationships. Trust is slow to come and when it does, cements and strengthens their relationship. We get to see their relationship build and it wasn’t based solely on sex. Work and family commitments kept this couple busy, but they always managed to get their priorities straight in the end. I laughed, shed a tear, felt anger and enjoyed lots of hot and sexy wallbanging, pussy licking, c*ck sucking bits and pieces.

ARC provided by author for an honest review

608 4.5 'Flannel & Pink Ivory' Stars!

After reading Marni's new novel (Wild Aces) and getting glimpses of Derek and Frankie I really wanted to know how they fell in love so now here I am with the review of this amazing story!

Unblocked is a serial of five episodes that belongs to Marni Mann's Timber Towers serial and, as I mentioned, it tells the story of Frankie Jordan (the best friend of Brea -heroine of Wild Aces-, a very succesful real state agent and a woman who has suffered pretty shitty stuff because of her ex-boyfriend's 'decisions' and now she is not in her best moment, personally not professionally) and Derek Block (a sexy, dirty talking, i-make-flannel-look-so-good architectural designer who seeks revenge for his father's death and falls in lust and love with Frankie from their very first meeting).

“We’ll be the power team of Boston,” I told him. “Two forces, experts in our domains…we’ll be unstoppable. The result will be explosive.”

And they are oh-so-explosive! This story is a roller coaster of lust-love and all the emotions in between. Derek and Frankie start having a professional relationship (he wants her to sell the Timber Towers buildings) and both of them (especially Frankie) have a difficult time not knowing what to do with the sparks that happen between them. She is a bit insecure because of all the past situations with Reed (the asshole ex, I hate you!!) and Dererk, at first, does not want to accept that he really cares about Frankie.

I couldn’t explain my attraction to him.
And I couldn’t explain why my need for him persisted despite my fear of what would happen if I ever gave in.

Everything would end the moment we left this hotel. Once I kissed her good-bye, I would imagine the night I had with her every second I was around her, and every second I wasn’t. I wasn’t ready for good-bye.

Obviously, as you all could see with my status updates, Derek and Frankie have off-the-fucking-charts chemistry. The sex is SO HOT. And Derek is just perfect, a perfect dirty talker. He is not afraid to say what he wants from Frankie and she is only able to follow his commands (I totally get you, girl!!). First, their lust is consuming them and after, strong feelings begin to develop and they cannot stop what happens next. I loved it!

She knew I wanted her, that my dick was hard when I was around her and she was denying me. Testing me. She was making me work harder than I ever had.
My pink ivory was so fucking worth it.

“I want to keep you here. Tie you to my headboard with that flannel you just took off me and keep you captive with my tongue.”

“I want to give you all of me.”
“I want all of you, Frankie.�� I exhaled, working through the internal struggle. She needed my confession as badly as I needed hers. “And in return, you’ve got all of me. Every bit…it’s all yours, baby.”

Love them!! I really enjoyed their journey of falling in love and thank God I decided to read this when all the episodes where already published because I would not have been able to wait after all those cliffhangers (there's one in every episode, except the last one)! There are moments for everything in Unblocked and you will find yourself laughing, melting, crying and anything in between.. I cried a lot with the fifth episode after discovering the whole thing and seeing Frankie suffer another terrible situation! But that's why I enjoyed this so much too, totally worth it.

I held onto him as if he was the only thing that was keeping me standing. He likely was. We stayed just like that, unwilling to move. Just holding each other again as we had once before in this same space. I didn’t know how much time had passed; I didn’t care.
This was where I wanted to be.
In Derek’s arms.

Therefore, my rating for Unblocked is 4.5 STARS because I really enjoyed getting to know Derek and Frankie better and I loved their love story (especially, the emotional and sexy parts lol). I haven't rated it with a 5 because I feel the ending was a bit rushed and I wanted more of them! Still, it was so good and I highly recommend it, especially if you read Wild Aces and now you are curious about these two!

Unblocked Collection now LIVE!!! Buy it here!

5++ One taste was all it took. Stars

A 5 star MUST READ series! Marni Mann created an angsty, erotic series full of passion written so well you feel ensconced in the rich descriptions of Timber Towers and the Boston area. With characters who show great confidence and equally great vulnerability as they navigate the emotions they bring out in each other, Marni Mann gives you a hero and heroine with which you'll fall in love. You MUST to meet Derek Block and Frankie Jordan.

Reviews for each Episode:
Unblocked: Episode One
Unblocked: Episode Two
Unblocked: Episode Three
Unblocked: Episode Four
Unblocked: Episode Five


As the ever dutiful daughter at her father’s prestigious real estate firm, Frankie Jordan never mixes business with pleasure. But after meeting her new client, Derek Block, her sexual fantasies have turned into intense cravings. This animalistic man has become the object of her desire. Only she can’t have him.

Derek Block is so close to finally getting revenge against the man who tried to destroy him. But after one meeting with Frankie Jordan, his focus is gone. He needs to be inside her, to worship her submissive body until she screams. And then his dick needs to stay the hell away from her…but it has a mind of its own.

This is the Unblocked Collection, which includes all five novellas. The Unblocked Collection

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