Scythian (The Thrice Named Man, #1) By Hector Miller

As best as I can recall, not a single female has a spoken line in The Scythian.

In addition, the protagonist goes from age 12 or so to age 20 without once showing any interest in any female in any manner -- and no, he's a manly man, so the likelihood of him being gay is extremely low.

So first, remove half of the human population from this book, and really, from the pool of potential readers.

In a related note, as best I can recall, not one of Hector Miller's many descriptions of meals included a vegetable. We're talking meat and cheese here, folks.

All that said, The Scythian wasn't a bad read because the coming of age story for Lucius (or Eochar) rolls along pretty smoothly. Granted Lucius is a pretty phenomenal warrior, mastering every skill put before him while withstanding the brutal training of barbarians in the 3rd century CE. And he just so happens to not only get that training from the Huns, the toughest of the tough on the steppes, but also comes across a Chinese warrior who teaches him the Dao and the way of the warrior.

Naturally, Lucius triumphs over almost every obstacle -- though that's made a lot easier when he doesn't have to deal with half of humanity -- before ending the book in a most unlikely fashion.

Again, the book is well-written in the sense that the prose is competent and plot well-constructed, but patriarchal doesn't even come close to describing Miller's one-sided world. And no, that comment isn't about being politically correct; it's about the fact The Scythian is an ultimate male fantasy of a world without the influence of females, a fantasy that just doesn't interest me that much. Hector Miller I will continue to enjoy this three-book series as I have this first entry, I'm sure. I have been looking for different kinds of books to try in Kindle Unlimited before my subscription expires and this fits the bill. I like seeing the growth of a young man with interesting background, and the author introduces us to the young man when he does not know his own heritage but has been trained in sword and bow. His training continues over the years and is put to the test after leaving Rome with his father for other lands. Goths and Huns play a part in this travelogue, eventually bringing him back to Rome to become a legionnaire.
Yes, there are many teachers that prepare him for his destiny. Hector Miller Thoroughly enjoyable.

This is an interesting time in history and Miller brings it to life.

Lucius is a likeable main character and although this book covers the coming off age years it never feels like a simplistic book. Lucius grows up quickly in a series of strange environments giving us a little history lesson and he is surrounded by interesting and brutal men.

There are a few twists in the plot although no real surprises and there is plenty of action.

One strange thing is that there are absolutely no women in this book, in any capacity, perhaps this is to gloss over the rape and brutal treatment of them that would make some of the battles seem less noble, it doesn't harm the story and is better than a forced romantic story line but it did seem strange.

It is a light read but an interesting one. Hector Miller Well Constructed

The story so far is well constructed, allowing the reader to thoroughly get to know the main character while also feels by connected withth some of the lesser characters. The storyline is compelling. there is som repetitiveness in descriptions but overall the story offers a l. Interesting glimpse into a less known ancient culture. Be sure to look up images of Hun heads, quite fascinating. Several minor typos. Hector Miller A fun read

This book covers a topic in which I am interested, Roman empire. I considered it a light read; something I would read for entertainment, not knowledge. What spoils it somewhat for me are the numerous grammatical errors. It left me wondering whether the book had been translated poorly, or if the author really has that poor a grasp of the language. I will probably finish the series, but with hesitation Hector Miller

The year is 225 AD and the Roman Empire is on the brink of a precipice.
It will take a man with iron in his veins to set things right and accomplish the impossible.
From a humble upbringing, a boy emerges who is destined to change history.
This is the story of Lucius Domitius Aurelianus.
Part I: The Scythian
When the farm they work on is attacked, the boy Lucius and the old man Nik are forced to flee the clutches of their pursuers. They find refuge from Rome among the Roxolani, the noble horse warriors in the land of Scythia.
Nik reveals his true identity and his pivotal role in the fate of the Empire. The boy finds a home among the barbarians and is accepted into their warrior culture.
But a storm is descending upon the tribes when the warlike Goths migrate westwards towards the lands of Rome. Lucius is fostered to the distant Huns to strengthen ancient tribal bonds in a bid to repel the invaders
On his journey, he meets a mysterious stranger who becomes his friend and mentor. A man who has a desire for the Empire to prosper.
To survive the merciless Huns and the onslaught of the Goths, the boy becomes a warrior without equal, guided by the hands of the gods.
Will the half barbarian boy be able to save his people or does his destiny lie elsewhere? Scythian (The Thrice Named Man, #1)

In any event - mentioned 11x in this book, 62x total in first 3 books
allow me to digress - mentioned 5x in this book, 14x total in first 3 books.

4 star book but repeating these two phrases extremely repeatedly through not just this book but all 3 books in the series so far was extremely distracting so 3 stars. Hector Miller Thoroughly enjoyed this book. It's a competitive genre in that there are some established authors who have dominated the genre. Some of which, have had games based on their storylines.
I'm biased toward books that are easy to read which makes the story more enjoyable, as opposed to something that is impossible to read and I eventually give up. As I find the time, I will continue to read the series. Hector Miller I loved this book. I read it all at one time. Gentle writing meaning so very well written. It flows. I like learning about the military strategies and the various cultures. The characters are excellent. I actually have already read the next two books in record time! Such a marvelous discovery. I am a fan. Thank you to the author! Hector Miller A fun read looking forward to more!

I've been tempted by this series many times and I'm finally glad I picked it up. As a historical martial artist, I love books that speak to my inner warrior, this book definitely does that. Well written, witty, and excellently researched it's a great read for fans of Bernard Cornwell or Miles Cameron. Hector Miller Fun yarn

Lots of adventures. Unfortunately when our hero gets settled he gets restless. He figures he should go on more adventures. He's twenty and never been with a woman. No wonder he's restless Hector Miller

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