The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales) By Sarah Brennan
Title | : | The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales) |
Author | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Language | : | English |
Format Type | : | Hardcover |
Number of Pages | : | |
Publication | : | 09 March 2023 |
Sarah Brennan ô 8 free read
Everybody adores Sybil Snake - she's beautiful, slender and extremely charming. But all is not as it seems in the Emperor's garden, and Sybil is more of an enchantress than meets the eye! A tale of mystery, missing treasure and the extraordinary magic of love.
Another funny and fabulous Chinese Calendar Tale due out just in time for the Year of the Snake! The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales)
Another tale in the Chinese Calendar series, this one featuring of curse on the snake. The little legend stories here really do bring the whole idea of the Chinese calendar alive. How accurate they are is anyone's guess but they are a good read. The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales) A confession up front - I am a snake, and so is my daughter. So naturally I was keen to know what this latest in the calendar tales would entail. And of course I was a little more critical than I'd otherwise be, after all, I have a reputation to keep up...
I was definitely not disappointed, as I'd say this is the best book so far. It manages to be just that bit more mysterious and epitomizes the plotting and planning true to the snake character. I like the way it weaves in Chinese history and mythology and leaves the reader guessing just that extra bit. This makes the tale more mature and relevant to older readers, while younger ones will still enjoy the rich art work and lovely rhythm and rhyme.
My only quibble - and it's a little one, is that the legends and true stories at the end of the book are printed in white on a fairly busy background, making it difficult to read, particularly at night. I'd have gone for a transparent image and darker text to aid readability as the information is very interesting and really adds value to the book. The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales) Sarah Brennan's Chinese calendar tales, written in cleverly crafted verse (and equally cleverly illustrated), never fail to delight and entertain ... all the while referencing Chinese history and lore. The Tale of Sybil Snake is a stellar example of Brennan's style. With wit and sophistication, she has brought this zodiac character to life in an engaging story by skillfully incorporating details from both history and legend. The inclusion of notes from her research ensures that this book is as informative as it is fun to read!
The Tale of Sybil Snake (The Chinese Calendar Tales)