The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas By Robert Zaretsky
Review ð eBook, PDF or Kindle ePUB ´ Robert Zaretsky
The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas : Zaretsky, Robert: : Livres The Subversive Simone Weil: A Life in Five Ideas
I’ve have never heard of Simone Weil I love Albert Camus and I read that he admired her writings.I’m not sure I understand her or what she wanted to achieve in life but she certainly was interesting. Some believe she was insane.I honestly don’t know what to make of her but what an amazing human being. Thoughtful reading. Format Kindle, Relié, Broché Simone Weil is many things to many people. A polymath, a brilliant philosopher, political activist, socialist and mystic, Weil cannot be placed into one category. Zaretsky has taken an almost impossibly difficult subject and made it absorbing and comprehensible. Format Kindle, Relié, Broché I read and experienced Simone Weil as a radical optimist and radical pessimist simultaneously. Her views on non dual seem to me in faultless yet at times I can not conceive of her purpose. Put simply, she experiences the magnificence of a loving, creative God'dess, while simultaneously the Great Beast Satan. It is an extraordinary concept, yet creepy. What I have come to realize is that system one isms are impersonal and devolve into to Deceit an fragmentation. Its the common denominator of religion, politics, commerclism, and society in general. We have lost our consciousness and perceive life through the eyes of media and social networking, rather the choosing to pursue consciousness, wakefulness, awareness, Presence experience and our mystical Inner True Self. We settle for the norm and status quo. Because its easy and dualistic, exclusive, judgmental nominalism and scapegoating. With Simon there is always a greater way of expressing ourselves and our good if we choose to envision it that way. Simone tells, realm to realm, Dave, listen to your Inner Voice. Follow Her, then do as you wish! Unity, non dual, full inclusiveness of feminine, masculine divine Christo Sophia. That, for me is the Third Way. The cosmic unit of you, me, Goddess. You Are, I am, we Are.Dave Schutt Format Kindle, Relié, Broché I came to appreciate Simone’s Weil’s penetrating insight and lucid prose from Siân Miles’s anthology but did not appreciate the whole of Weil’s thought and its relation to her life until I read Robert Zaretsky’s book. Zaretsky masterfully interweaves Weil’s life with five organizing themes in her writing: affliction, attention, resistance, roots, and the good. Zaretsky elucidates Weil’s fiercely demanding standards and the commonality of our failure to live up to them. In the words of her friend: “Who would not be ashamed of oneself in Simone’s presence, seeing the life she led?” Short of aspiring to Weil’s “secular sainthood,” Zaretsky makes a compelling case for facing reality, which is perhaps even difficult in our time than it was in Weil’s time—and even necessary.Through Weil’s penetrating vision, Zaretsky has given us a glimpse of our contemporary reality that Weil foresaw in the last century: “The triumph of authoritarian and nationalist movements should blast almost everywhere the hopes that well meaning people had placed in democracy…We are living through a period bereft of a future. Waiting for that which is to come is no long a matter of hope, but of anguish.” How should we relate to Weil? Zaretsky puts it well, finding her “insufferable” but “irreplaceable.” I would say that without anguish we would not need hope; hopelessness has little to commend it beyond respite from demanding action. Perhaps Weil’s hope and associated self sacrifice killed her at age 34. Zaretsky has made a substantial contribution to keeping her thought alive when we most need it. Human life is at stake. Format Kindle, Relié, Broché The author has expressed Weil's thinking exactly in a way that enables good access to her most important insights. Format Kindle, Relié, Broché