Kim Richardson Á 1 CHARACTERS
Alexa has a very big problem. She’s dead.
Worse, instead of meeting her maker, she’s pulled into the world of the Guardian Angel Legion—a secret band of angels dedicated to protect mortal souls from demons.
But Alexa’s life takes a thrilling and terrifying turn when she’s sent back to the mortal world to investigate a series of murders and missing souls and is attacked by a demon. But are demons responsible for the killings? Or is it something else?
To make matters even worse, an ancient, evil shadow grows over the world, and with it a force more terrible and destructive than the world has ever seen. Can Alexa find a way to stop it or will it doom the mortal world forever?
A fiercely entertaining fantasy filled with adventure, intrigue, and romance, the rich world of The Soul Thief is perfect for fans of The Mortal Instruments and The Dark Artifices. The Soul Thief (The Horizon Chronicles, #1)
Oh, Lord.....where do I start on this one. Let's start with a personal apology to myself for picking this up and reading it based upon popular demand. To the people who made this book popular, you have no taste. And suck.
The Soul Thief by Kim Richardson. I guess I should have figured with a title called The Soul Thief this was going to be fun....
The overall story's INTENTION was appealing to me; a girl brought back to life to join an angelic army to fight off demons. Because I'm five. And I like supernatural things. But this...
There's a character in this book named Erik. Not with a C but a K because he's a #ruggedbadboyviking. I mean, his sophistication was killing me. In one of the chapter's, Erik's gorgeous smile spoke of the many mischievous things he had done....why can't I have a gorgeous smile that spoke of the many mischievous things I had done. Maybe instead of Susanna, I can spell it with all Z's instead of S's...making it Zuzanna.
The spoiler of this review is that it seriously sucks.
Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books ¿Me ha gustado? Sí, está llena de acción y la idea de ángeles y demonios es atrayente. Sin embargo, me ha faltado más Coca-Cola para tanto hielo. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books 3 ESTRELLAS⭐⭐⭐
Chicos al fin decidí terminarlo, y es que me costó bastante avanzar pero ya cuando estaba por terminar me lo harté de una sola.
Es una novela que me ha llegado a gustar, tampoco siento que es una maravilla pero si me llegó a atrapar. Peeeeeeeeeeeero tiene varios errores ortográficos y lástimosamente está plagado con el mismo cliché de siempre. Esta historia pudo haber tenido hasta 4 estrellitas pero no, no se los ganó por las siguiente razones:
1-Estoy harta del típico cliché de que la rubia tiene que ser mala porque sí, y también tiene que ser una cabeza hueca, piel súper perfecta y con dos amigas para formar el típico grupo que supuestamente tenemos que detestar con motivos muy estúpido en mi opinión.
2-De verdad detesto un romance mal elaborado y sin fundamentos, y que lo única razón por el cual se enamoran sea por la apariencia física porque ¿Quién puede enamorarse locamente en un solo día? Bueno, a lo mejor puede que exista la remota posibilidad de un romance muy bien elaborado en 24 horas, pero este, no es el caso señores.
3-Tiene muchos estereotipos, el chico guapo pero bueno, el chico guapo pero malo, el nerd, la chica rubia y tonta que está enamorada del protagonista pero obviamente el protagonista no le para bola.
Desearía tanto que no tuvieras todas esos detalles que me hicieron pasar un mal rato, porque en sí la historia es entretenida, incluso la idea y como se iba desarrollando me resultó original. Me gustó el mundo que se creó, si me llego a agradar la protagonista aunque por ratos era bien pendeja. Las escenas de acción son buenas, como dije me atrapó. Me gustó en desenlace era un poco obvio lo que iba a suceder pero también tuvo su pequeño giro.
¿Se lo recomiendo? son capaces de soportar (Que no sé como yo lo hice) clichés de los más detestables (Al menos que te gusten, en ese caso pues...te va a encantar) y no le tomes tanta importancia y de esa forma si ver las cosas buenas del libro, adelante dale una oportunidad.
En conclusión una novela con una muy buena idea pero arruinada por los estereotipos, que se salva por poco, pero se salva.
¡Hasta la próxima amigos! Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books Ouch. Terrible. I couldn't finish it. Two chapters in and I was already annoyed at the main character and how pathetic she was. Two chapters in and one of the other angels tries to drown her because he hates her for some reason, and bullies her. Ya. Thats lovely. I'll pass... Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books I have a bad case of cover envy - seriously this cover is to die for. I absolutely love it and it conveys the genre so well. Beautiful. I want to read this book for the cover alone even if that blurb is also very enticing. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books

Me pareció bastante interesante el tema de ángeles, demonios, arcángeles, Sensibles y todo lo que hablo el libro, creo que pudo dar más profundidad a todo este universo y dejar de lado los clichés de romance adolescente y drama, pero en sí la historia es bastante buena, me agrado y espero poder leer los demás libros.
Espero que indague más en el tema de los ángeles y como se rigen , toman decisiones, como funcionan y que es lo que realmente hacen porque parecen no tener idea de lo que pasa y aunque dicen cuidar y ayudar a los humanos, parecen perdidos en su mundo 🌎
Y también espero que profundicen en el tema de los demonios y dioses paganos, para conocer más de ellos y poder ver una guerra o algo así donde los ángeles, arcángeles y demás entren en acción y haya una guerra, veamos sus habilidades, poderes, etc. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books Alexa is a young girl that dies too young. She is sent back to Earth as an angel to investigate some unusual deaths. It is her first assignment and it does not start off well. The demon hunters that are supposed to be allies of the angels are not happy to have an angel getting into their business. Erik is one of the hunters and she is not sure what to make of him. She is attracted to him and knows no good can come of those human feelings.
I really enjoyed the story and the characters. It is easy to care for Alexa. She had so little time to live and the time she had was hard. Her mother is an alcoholic and there was no father in her life, just her mom's nasty boyfriends. She wants to do the right thing in her new role but still has strong ties to her humanity. Erik is a good guy. He suffered and it has lead to his misgivings about angels. They are both conflicted about their feelings but find it hard to deny their desires.
There is a lot of action and suspense. I liked that the author was able to keep surprising me. There is a real mystery to what is happening and to determining who is responsible. I get the feeling that there are a lot more twists coming in the next book. I am eager to see what is next for the characters.
I am voluntarily reviewing a copy I received. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books 2.5 stars
When I started reading this book I was really intrigued by the idea of an angel on earth that had to fix murders. However a few chapters in I had the feeling like it was written by a thirteen year old wattpad user.
I think that the storyline could have a lot of potential but I didn't feel it.
Towards the end of the book there is one scene that reminded me an awful lot about Harry Potter and the deathly Hallows. It felt like the scene was copied and pasted into this book, with only a few small changes made.
I think that if this book was written by someone else it could have been great. Longer sentences would have been better than these short sentences of sometimes only 5 words.
Overall I think the topic is really interesting and has a lot of potential, but I just didn't feel it at all and I really didn't like the fact that one scene felt so familiar to Harry Potter. However, I must admit it is a quick read so if you're really bored you can give it a go. It's online for free. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books There's a lot of really interesting stuff here. The plot is well-paced and the stakes are always high, and I'm personally a suckerrrr for scary monsters like soul-eating demons as a threat. The plot is well-organized that this was a quick (in a good way!) and engaging read.
What took me out of the experience enough that I call this a 2 (or maybe 2.5) out of 5 stars is all of the girl hate. We spend a -lot- of pages focusing on petty, mean, bratty girls that have little impact on the plot. Pretty much every scene with Rebecca (the extremely-beautiful jilted ex of the main love interest) made me cringe and swipe really quickly through the pages to avoid it. Stuff like this happens so often that it makes me really uncomfortable -- Alexa says, after three days at Hallow Hall, that she feels at home with her new friends which is a bit rushed in general, but I'm bringing it up because we the audience don't get to see her actually have dialogue and friendship with any girls/women. It's to the point where women are not presented in this as individual people -- instead the main character is very quick to comment on how beautiful and fast at texting and catty they are (this kind of description doesn't happen to just Rebecca and her friends -- Metatron's assistants, the girls at the fair, etc). Even with Evelyn, Alexa can only figure that she's sad over the deaths specifically because Evelyn is a mother (as if... the only way to learn how to sympathize with suffering is to be a mother). Every woman abandons Alexa's big plan at the end. Is there...a message to be found here...? Even if the author DOESN'T have some big message about how women don't support each other as people, this is really inefficient. Cutting all of this bully dialogue wouldn't change the plot or the characters' motivations pretty much at all.
It's a waste -- I like the way the prejudice against angels was handled with Erik and his team at first, where they were cold, apprehensive, and untrusting but once they all fought together realized that prejudice was wrong. So adding additional bullies like Rebecca, Karen, and Lizzie doesn't further this 'prejudice' subplot. The world is about to be destroyed RIGHT NOW, and we're still getting lines like Well then, let the better woman win because Alexa is still fighting with Rebecca over Erik. I get that these characters are teen-aged and are therefore immature, but when the plot is built up to be life-or-death stakes, this is really frustrating, distracting stuff in what otherwise would be an engaging, interesting plot. Honestly, if this stuff wasn't here, I'd rate this a 4 at least. But, as it is, so much of this book focuses on this...treatment of the majority of the (speaking, alive lol) female characters, and it is so tonally-dissonant and unnecessary even for a YA/teen experience.
Overall, there IS a lot to like here -- the writing style is easy to get into flow with. The action scenes are good and there's enough of them that I was able to get back into things once I was done grinding my teeth in frustration over all the mean girl stuff. The monsters and the exposition around the Sensitives and their ways of doing things is all interesting enough that I'll check out further books in this series. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books La autora sabe poner las bases de este mundo que me recuerdo a cazadores de sombras, pero con sus diferencias marcadas conforme avanzas. Diria que algunos giros argumentales son un poco predecibles , pero sacando eso uno se entretiene bastante entre lecturas mas pesadas. Young Adult, Science Fiction Fantasy, Childrens Books