The Soul of a Woman: Rebel Girls, Impatient Love, and Long Life By Isabel Allende

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The wise, warm, defiant new book from literary legend Isabel Allende a meditation on power, feminism and what it means to be a woman

An Independent, Guardian and Grazia Highlight for 2021

When I say that I was a feminist in kindergarten, I am not exaggerating.

As a child, Isabel Allende watched her mother, abandoned by her husband, provide for her three small children. As a young woman coming of age in the late 1960s, she rode the first wave of feminism. She has seen what has been accomplished by the movement in the course of her lifetime. And over the course of three marriages, she has learned how to grow as a woman while having a partner, when to step away, and the rewards of embracing one's sexuality.

So what do women want? To be safe, to be valued, to live in peace, to have their own resources, to be connected, to have control over their bodies and lives, and above all, to be loved. On all these fronts, there is much work to be done, and this book, Allende hopes, will 'light the torch of our daughters and granddaughters with mine. They will have to live for us, as we lived for our mothers, and carry on with the work still left to be finished.' The Soul of a Woman: Rebel Girls, Impatient Love, and Long Life

I should say I've never read any of her books before this one. I found it really easy to read and her views on feminism quite refreshing they are not extreme and she admits to 'failing' at being a good feminist on several occasions. It was musings on certain points in her life than a proper autobiography; there were parts where I would've liked to have known but it was like I was listening in on a conversation so not getting the full details. I guess it could be considered a little self indulgent at points but after a career like hers she has probably earned the right to be. I'd definitely be interested in reading some of her fictional works because I did enjoy her style of writing. 1526630818 Well into her seventies, Allende has plenty to say to the aging feminist. She recounts her mother’s life, her own rebellious youth, and her daughter’s death with insight and compassion before launching into contemporary issues like the Me Too movement and the coronavirus. Women want to be safe, valued, live in peace, have their own resources, be connected, have control over their own bodies, and most of all, to be loved, she says. Right on. Still, there’s no excuse for typos in a book from such a respected publisher and author. 1526630818 A non fiction book from Isabel Allende, but still with the appealing warmth, intelligence and style of her other writing, of which this reviewer has long been a fan. This is a meditation on Allende’s long life, and in particular her experiences of feminism and the place of women in the world. Don’t let that put you off, as this is a book we should all read, men and women, as her view of the world and its future, although occasionally bleak, is always approachable and clearly justified. I loved the writing about her own experiences and those of her grandmother, mother and daughter and how they have influenced her own life. This is a short and undemanding read in style, and will give us all food for thought on the future of our planet and the place of women in making that future positive. Many thanks to NetGalley and to Bloomsbury Circus for my review copy. 1526630818 More an observation & commentary based on the author’s lived life, none the less an enjoyable read in which the author shares her story & one empathises. It brought out the feminist in me. The kind of book that makes you sigh contentedly at the end. 1526630818 I have been a fan of Isabel Allende for years and devoured every one of her books with huge pleasure. The reviews said this book was a feminist tract which I found a bit offputting but bought it because it was Allende. Yes, she writes about feminism but also her recollections of her childhood in Chile, the tragic death of her daughter Paula, how she met husband number 3 and so much . All with her inimitable warm writing style and humour. 1526630818


As expected, a great read, a big fan of this author,did not disappoint 1526630818