The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race By Len Kasten


Explores the role of ETs in the military, government, technology, history, and the coming new age

• Surveys contact with ETs, abductions, alien technology and exopolitics, genetic tampering by ETs, and the history behind the Nazis and UFOs

• Contains interviews with Jesse Marcel, Michael Salla, Paul LaViolette, Robert Bauval, Helen Wambach, and others at the forefront of the ET-derived New Science movement

The extraterrestrial presence on Earth is widening and, as we enter the Aquarian Age, will be admitted officially, causing shock and an urgent universal need to understand the social and technological changes derived from our space brothers. A primer for the explosive advances humanity will experience scientifically and spiritually in the coming years, this compendium explores the ET phenomenon and its influence on humanity past and present.

The book surveys contact with ETs and abduction accounts, unexplained public and undisclosed military technology from aliens including anti-gravity devices, exopolitics (the influence of ETs in human affairs), the Iraqi Stargate, the Hybrid Project of alien interbreeding by abduction, Nazi ties to UFOS and their secret underground base in Antarctica, government cover-ups of alien interactions including Roswell, and the transformation triggered by the Hale-Bopp comet. Based on interviews with people who are witnessing the coming changes as well as those visionaries who are actually bringing them about--including John Mack, Major Jesse Marcel, Paul LaViolette, Robert Bauval, Michael Salla, and Helen Wambach--this book sketches out a breathtaking vision of the planetary revolution just around the corner. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

I started this book not expecting a whole lot, to be honest, but am pleased to report that I was pleasantly surprised to find it to be an interesting read on this always fascinating topic. I've read quite a bit over the years about the ET/UFO phenomenon and because of this I was familiar with most of what Kasten presents in the book. However, what he does manage to do is compile it all together well, presenting the various angles of some of the incredible claims that we are (and have been for a long time) being visited by extraterrestrial beings who are actively involved with human affairs. There's a lot to be absorbed and pondered by the reader in this book, and it's probably a good starter text on the topic. I would certainly recommend it to anyone new to or inquiring about the subject as I feel that it presents a good overall spread of information. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race The book was mildly interesting and provocative in some parts. I tend to err on the side of more scientific studies of the UFO phenomenon. The book tended to describe scenarios which seemed completely fantastic accounts and likely fictional accounts of what the story teller wishes were true but is likely not. Regardless, the story presents some 'historical' accounts which if true would be absolutely incredible. Of course such stories are completely unverifiable and thus the book seems more wishful thinking than evidence based. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

Read The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race

Contains a lot of relevant information for ufo-enthusiasts. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race As an avid science fiction fan, I've always been fascinated by the concept of aliens and their different cultures. This interest of mine has also led me to the logical question: Do extraterrestrials and flying saucers (now mostly known as UFOs) really exist?

Of course, in order to answer this question, conclusive proof is needed. After all, it's one thing to enjoy science fiction, and quite another to affirm that it's science FACT.

The evidence in Kasten's book does seem very compelling indeed. But is it really? In order to judge with an open mind, it's actually necessary to do outside research about the various topics presented and discussed in this book, which is really an overview of a supposedly 'secret' history of ETs, gathered from the works of other writers. These are listed in separate bibliographies for each chapter.

Writers such as George Adamski are mentioned. Adamski claimed to have been contacted by a very human-looking alien named Orthon, in the Colorado Desert (USA), in 1952. Kasten then goes on to discuss the 1947 Roswell incident, in which an alien craft allegedly crashed in New Mexico. He also mentions the work of Linda Moulton Howe, an Emmy-award-winning TV producer who became a UFO investigator, crop circles (Kasten admits that at least one of them was most likely created by humans), exopolitics (alien interference in human affairs), the work of T. Townsend Brown, Stanton T. Friedman, and space-age science. This last, according to Kasten, is mostly the direct result of reverse engineering of alien spacecraft, resulting in such things as anti-gravity propulsion. Then there's the construction of biospheres, which are self-contained human environments being tested on Earth for use on the planet Mars.

In spite of my doubts, I found this book fascinating to read. However, I do think it's a rather uneven mix of fact and what looks very much like fiction. Also, I thought the author would start his 'history' from the time of the ancient astronauts. Instead, he begins it with the Adamski sightings, and then jumps back to the Roswell incident. From there, he moves forward.

For instance, from the Wikipedia article about Adamski, it seems pretty clear that the man was a superb con artist, with a coterie of blindly devoted followers.

Other things mentioned in the book sound so outrageous as to be totally unbelievable, such as Kasten's assertion that ....twelve astronauts left Earth in July 1965 and were taken to the planet Serpo in the binary star system Zeta Reticuli aboard an alien spaceship as part of an exchange program. (pg. 77) He also states that the 1977 movie Close Encounters of the Third Kind, may have been inspired by Project Serpo.

Also outrageously unbelievable is the explanation, put forth by one Michael Salla, former researcher-in-residence at the Center for Global Peace at American University in Washington, D.C., that the real reason for the war in Iraq was to keep a stargate located in Uruk, Iraq, from falling into the hands of the French, Germans, and Russians, which would have meant the end of American hegemony!

Another controversial aspect of the UFO movement mentioned by Kasten is the hotly debated existence of Operation Majestic-12 (also known as MJ-12), which is a secret government project purportedly set up by President Truman in 1947, in order to investigate UFO phenomena. The authenticity of the documents associated with this group is strongly defended by nuclear physicist Stanton T. Friedman, who is now a full-time UFO researcher. However, the topic does remain controversial.

There are other aspects of the book, such as the chapter on T. Townsend Brown, as well as the one on the B-2 bomber, which do sound more credible. As for the Roswell incident, I'm not quite sure whether or not it's credible, in spite of all the evidence in support of the alleged facts.

The book also reports on extremely fascinating scientific theories, such as the nature of time and space, as well as delving into more mystical topics, and a favorite New Age staple, the advent of the superhuman race.

Of course, alien abductions are included. Accounts of such abductions are only available through hypnotizing abductees, since most of the memories are too traumatic to be recalled consciously. They usually involve bizarre 'scientific' experimentation on human subjects by aliens.

While I feel that something is undoubtedly going on, I'm not sure to what extent the various aspects of the UFO phenomenon are real. Certainly, lights have often been seen in the sky throughout the centuries, by different observers. The book, Alien Encounters, by Chuck Missler, reports many such incidents, and this can also be easily verified on the Internet. Also, there have been many, many reports, worldwide, by people claiming to have been abducted by aliens. However, these experiences are simply not within the scope of what most of us would consider saneness and reality. Perhaps there are psychological factors involved.

After finishing this review, I decided to go to Amazon to see what other reviewers thought of this book. I was shocked that one of them, Michael F. Burdick, reported that a photo included in this book is an actual hoax! A building that Kasten hints might be an astronaut habitat on the planet Serpo (pg. 83), is really the back side of the San Francisco de Asis Mission Church in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico! I knew this photo looked familiar. In fact, it reminded me of a painting by the famous American artist Georgia O'Keeffe! There are photos of this church on Wikipedia, so that readers of Kasten's book can easily verify that the photo is indeed a hoax. I then decided to incorporate the above information into my own review.

In short, although this book is indeed very interesting, as well as very well-written, some of the events being related sound more like fiction than fact. I think the author should have been more careful to verify certain things, because they might almost certainly be taken as fraudulent. The inclusion of the photo that turned out to be a hoax is a serious drawback, for instance. I found the book fascinating simply because of the subject matter, so I might read parts of it again so as to do some research on these topics, while at the same time being alert for more flaws.

(NOTE: This review is also published on my blog, A NIGHT'S DREAM OF BOOKS. It includes several links for those who are interested in the topic. You can find this post at: http://anightsdreamofbooks.blogspot.c... )

For more of my reviews, please visit my blog, A NIGHT’S DREAM OF BOOKS.

The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race Această carte nu-şi propune să acopere întreaga panoramă a ceea ce este cunoscut şi s-a teoretizat cu privire la vizitele şi contactele extraterestre. Este un subiect imens, care s-a amplificat exponenţial de la apariţia internetului. Scopul Părţii întâi a cărţii este să izoleze acele cazuri care sunt atât de clare şi de convingătoare, atât de bine sprijinite de dovezi şi care provin din surse de o asemenea reputaţie, încât sunt incontestabile. Ridicând aceste cazuri peste categoria aglomerată a observaţiilor de OZN, a răpirilor nocturne şi a informaţiilor canalizate, devine posibil să începem să înţelegem adevărata natură a fenomenului contactului extraterestru cu rasa umană. Am fost asaltaţi de cazuri minore, care tind să estompeze complet subiectul şi să ne adoarmă. Cazurile de aici şochează şi trezesc la realitate şi, dacă îşi îndeplinesc scopul, îl ajută pe cititor să-şi formeze o părere cu privire la adevăr şi îi dau indicii despre direcţia în care se îndreaptă lucrurile. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race Interesting and provocative. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race I read /The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race/, by Len Kasten.

In another book, Kasten writes about our Reptilian masters (here: I'm more interested in the creatures that have sex with us at night in the astral plane, personally :)).

In /The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race/, Kasten surveys some of the history with aliens and extraterrestials that I believe to be true (the Roswell crash), as well as some that I find hard to believe (aliens helping the Nazis in World War II, including a secret Nazi base under Antartica, and German trips to the moon in the 1930s).

I had an encounter when I was 7 in the hills above Zurich, so I know that spacecraft from elsewhere are real, but 95% of what I read (if not 99%) seems to be a hoax - I suspect that 99%+ of sightings are also due to factors other than alien beings and their spacecraft.

Kasten writes in a matter-of-fact style, based on extensive research, and his style makes the things I find difficult to believe more believable (at least for a little while). For example, he writes about the Majestic-12 and the Ray Santilli alleged alien autopsy film in a way that I believed him for a while.

Does intelligent life exist? Certainly not on our planet. The Secret History of Extraterrestrials: Advanced Technology and the Coming New Race