The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine By Geraldine Brooks
Title | : | The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine |
Author | : | |
ISBN | : | |
Language | : | |
Format Type | : | Format Kindle, 0,00 € , Relié, Broché |
Number of Pages | : | |
Publication | : | 03 October 2023 |
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With impeccable research and respect for history, Brooks has woven the history and legends of King David into a brilliant story, told through the voice of the King' s prophet Nathan. From his youthful excesses to his wisest decisions, through being hunted as an outlaw to becoming the most well known king, David is seen, not as a perfect man, but as one who sometimes was impetuous, even evil, but who understood his role as the one chosen by The Name to lead. Beautifully crafted, elegant prose and realistic depictions of life in the ancient middle east. The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine What might be called a biography of King David, far from flattering to His Majesty. His story is told by Natan the prophet. Natan, the son of a vintner, joins David and his band of outlaws after David slays his father and uncle for refusing them supplies. By rights, David should have slain Natan, too. David maybe brave, charismatic, just, but he is also the man who rapes Batsheva, the wife of his best general Uriah, then orders the general be placed at the front to insure his death. All this no doubt is true, but it made me wonder why the Jews have such a high regard for David. The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine ユダヤ教徒でもキリスト教徒でもないため、「神が選んだ」指導者とは後付け、あるいは当事者と取り巻きの権威の正当化という感想はぬぐえない。しかし、欠点はあるものの王になるべきカリスマ性を持った英雄であったことは十分に理解できる。「英雄色を好む」にもれなく、年も離れた腹違いの王子が複数いる中で、後継をめぐる親子の争いも良く分かり、読み物としても面白さを与えている。ダビデが命を助けた預言能力をもった子供が成長して助言者となり、重要な筋回し役を担っている。全く知識がなかったので、読んでよかったと思う。ただ、名前や地名が当時の名称になっているので、推定に苦労した。 The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine I am a great fan of Geraldine Brooks and her slightly eclectic collection of works. This book focuses of the story of David, from his humble beginnings to his rise to be King. As with all of Geraldine's books, the story is well written, the characters, deep and full and the story, lively and at times harrowing, moves along swiftly. I like the attention to detail, the orignal pronunciation of names, the historical and factual depictions of people and places. Most of all this is the book about the man, first and foremost, then the King. I didn't know much about the history of Israel and King David so I found this to be very educational and insightful to a religion I know little about. Geraldine Brooks doesn't shy away from difficult topics and there are a few scenes in the book which were tough reading at times. I like all of Geraline's works, and this is no exception. It's a rich account, well researched, well written and well executed. I would recommend this book. The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine This is a remarkably fascinating picture of King David, beloved of Name, killer, lover, rapist, warrior The founder of Israel and Judah, the man who united the 2 parts of that area into one Kingdom is an amazing person in the Old Testament. Here, Geraldine Brooks presents the people around David as 3 dimensional characters. Particularly, the women.I think it would be difficult to make a movie about Brooks' novel, because it is clear that David is doing God's bidding And David's God is definitely not a snowflake.: what ever is necessary. He is punished when he murders Uriah the Hittite for his own selfish reasons. Anyway, this is an impressive book, I cannot highly recommend it. The Secret Chord: A Novel (English Edition) eBook : Brooks, Geraldine