The Rapture and Its Seven Different Orders By Morgan Sorensen


Why must we correctly understand Christ’s second coming, often erroneously termed “the rapture”? Christ’s first coming was of such pivotal importance that more than 300 passages of Scripture foretold this prophetic event. Yet, there are more than 1,840 prophetic predictions in Scripture concerning Christ’s second coming! So it is very evident that the return of Christ and the subsequent first resurrection are of such magnitude that God has given us exponential scriptural warning to understand and prepare for the unfolding of these “end-time” events!
The author of this work reveals little known, yet clear biblical facts concerning the first resurrection and its seven different and distinct orders, never before discussed by mainstream theology! These facts lay out a correct and important biblical foundation that refute the four existing modern “rapture theories” that compete for the Christian’s attention today. This book is extremely well written and easy to read. The author’s message is easily understood, and one is personally free and able to examine it fully in context of the Scriptures from beginning to end.
The obscure scriptural prophecy about the 9/11 World Trade Center attack heightens one’s interest and awareness of the establishment of the Antichrist’s regime. After the author’s ten years of secrecy, God is using him to sound the trumpet to wake up His church, and to warn Christians to prepare themselves. The Rapture and Its Seven Different Orders

An absolutely excellent book, from Morgan Sorensen.
The Rapture and Its Seven Different Orders

Read The Rapture and Its Seven Different Orders