The Probationers Handbook By George T. Mortimer

Mortimer's book is grounded in that of Crowley yet he goes beyond it and I think the Master Therion would applaud. He tackles issues obviously based on experience, which have never been satisfactorily tackled before. If you have the slightest sincere interest in Magick and human evolution, you really must get hold of this book. The author's acid wit regarding New Age garbage adds spice to this excellent work. Do you really want to make Magick? If so, you must beg, borrow or steal a copy of this wonderful book. - Gerald Suster (Talking Stick - Winter 1997/98). The Probationers Handbook

This is pretty useless book. I was reading it in time when I was confused about the Order and this book just added to my confusion.
Reading through it added no new information to me, however it did serve me some disinformation about the Order.
All in all I don't recommend this book. The Probationers Handbook Simple outline of everything one needs to begin solitary work within the AA system The Probationers Handbook

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