The Power to Prevent Suicide: A Guide for Teens Helping Teens By Richard E. Nelson Ph.D.

Fast and new! Richard E. Nelson Ph.D. I bought this for a church library, haven't read it as it has been constantly checked out. Hopefully our teens are finding it helpful and thought provoking. Richard E. Nelson Ph.D. I often talk to teens who carry the burden of their friends' depression. They perceive parents and teachers as out of touch, so they try to handle each other's depression themselves. This can be stressful and even dangerous. If a friend confides suicidal thoughts and then actually commits suicide, the adolescent may have to deal with severe guilt and remorse.

When I first saw the title of this book, I was afraid that the author was just going to try to train teens to be the primary therapists for their depressed peers. Actually this book is realistic but also quite responsible. It repeatedly warns teens not to keep silent when a friend is suicidal.

This book helps teens recognize the signs of depression and suicidal thoughts in their peers, and suggests ways to help. It also talks about taking care of oneself after a friend has actually committed suicide. It does discuss the importance of going to a responsible adult if a friend is really in trouble.

I often recommend this book. Richard E. Nelson Ph.D.

When teens consider suicide, they often tell other teensif not always directly, then in other ways. Updated with new facts, statistics, and resources, this book gives teens the information and insight they need to recognize the risk and respond appropriately. It spells out the warning signs, guides teens through the steps of reaching out to a friend, and explains when and how to seek help. It also suggests ways for teens to help themselves when they're feeling stressed or depressed. The Power to Prevent Suicide: A Guide for Teens Helping Teens

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