The Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl, #4) By Eoin Colfer

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I love this series so much.

I am always so impressed with how the author manages to raise the stakes with each and every book. The suspense was high in this one. The plot was so good and honestly, one of the best in the series so far.

I didn’t expect to see Butler included in the series as much after certain events, but I am so happy we do get more of him in this one again! I find the relationships between all of these characters to be so unique. They have changed and transformed over time and with the help of a certain trope (I loved how it was done here!), the relationship is different again and it adds another layer to the story.

But while the plot is busy and suspenseful, the book still manages to have enough funny moments to have me smiling and even laughing aloud while I am reading. ‘I thought of truffles and revenge for the past year.’ Me too honey, me too. :D

I found Opal to be such a formidable female villain. We love to see it! She is the kind of villain who is smart, so it truly looks like she might end up winning throughout reading this one. She’s down to business and also science-minded which is always interesting to see.

Eoin Colfer also manages to slip in some good moral moments among the comedy and plotline. We have a moment where sexism is discussed in Holly’s work industry. There is a moment where some characters are horrified by the use of animal fur. And there is a no smoking and no littering mention thrown in there for good measure as well.

I know I have already talked about how much I loved the characters, but I feel a need to reinstate it. Mulch, Holly, Butler and Artemis. They own my heart. I like how the series not only brings back main characters for the stories, but it even brings back side characters from time to time too, and that also works so well.

The world and magic system have already been so well established in the previous books in the series. But I love that with each book the author manages to add in a little more detail, or something new. But the something new always makes sense with what we have previously known to the world as well. It’s flawless. Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers “If we make it through this, we will be friends. Bonded by trauma.”

Oh myyyy GOD !!! I love every character's development throughout the series. The plot line presents in how we had followed their journey so far is so heart-wrenching and emotional much. It's just so memorable and I LOVE ALL THE CHARACTERS HERE. They're all my baes <3

“I do remember, Holly. I remember it all. Especially you. It's a real comfort to have you here.”

Come on, the idea of wiping memory and how he slowly remembering it and of course, they're certain struggle to fully coming back all those memories just sooooo perfecccctttt ~ I love it so muuucchhhh :') I CRIED LIKE SERIOUSLY

“My truffles? You took them? That's just mean!”

Opal such a devious villain. And how that plot twist, daaangggg Mulch and Artemis will be a great partner of crime hahaha TOTALLY DIDN'T SEE THAT COMING !! I was so afraid that they failed but whoaaaaaa

“That's the last order I'll ever give you Captain. Don't you dare ignore it.”

And finally,

My Artemis Fowl's reading playlist : Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers At the end of The Eternity Code, Artemis and Butler had their memory wiped of all things pertaining to the fairy world. Naturally, I couldn’t wait to see how our master genius would foil this. In the meantime, Opal is out and bent on revenge and destruction, and she is one angry, nasty, devious little thing. It of course takes Holly, Artemis, Butler and Mulch to deal with it :0)

Colfer has created one brilliant world and cast, and yet, he keeps re-inventing parts of it by turning the table on us, sometimes even at great cost! I’m impressed.
Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers Done reading THE OPAL DECEPTION - Book 4 in Artemis Fowl octalogy. The story begins unexpectedly. I did not saw it coming, D'Arvit! Captain Holly Short needs to rescue a mind-wiped Artemis Fowl from a revengeful non-human creature, Opal Koboi. Opal is a minor character introduced in Book 2. She is a genius antagonist. Returning from a coma, multiple layers of mysteries are uncovered as she executes her master plan to destroy her equal. Welcome back to the land of the condemned (page 162). Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers 3.5 Silver Stars
with Golden Sparks

better than other 3 books.
first favourite of the series.

I like Artemis's character development.
Opal was good (but sometimes, reallyyyyyyyy megalomaniac! but I think I liked her.), though I couldn't remember who she was (the problem of too long lasts to read the whole series! & not re-read, probably?) I still don't know exactly, but by some tiny google, I remembered a little about who she was.
May the next book I read sooner!
& sometimes, the stupidity of some (minor, but Umbridge like!) characters were annoying!
& too much explaining about elf technologies.

I like Holly & Foaly now, probably Artemis too, but this I shall see. (Mulch was funny too & those two poor pixies, but I won't admit anything!) Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers


the code on the bottom of the pages says the following:

A recruitment letter from the centaur Foaly, technical consultant, to the lower elements police.
Trsuted ally,
If you have decoded this gnommish message, then you are a deputy officer in the lower elements police. You will not be aware of this fact because it is the custom of the LEP to mindwipe oour human allies. We do this so they cannot remember being recruited. If you cannot remember the fairy people or our underground city, then you cannot betray our existance to the greedy humans. Of course, not all humans are greedy. You, deputy, are a noble member of your species. And clever too. We only recruit the best. Our intellegence department has studied your file and concluded that you were suitable for LEP membership. At the moment, you are only a deputy officer. To become a fully fledged officer, you must complete four tasks. Number one, decode this message. Something you are well on your way to completeing. Number two, save the life of a member of another species. You can complete this task in any number of ways. Open a window to release a trapped fly. Build a birdbath in your garden. Release a mouse from a trap. Number three, acheieve a perfect score on a school test or homework assignment. In this job, you need to be smart as well as fit. Number four, wash yourself every day for a week. This is a difficult assignment, especially for human boys, who do not like contact with water. If you are going to work underground, often in crampted tunnels, you appreciate a partner who does not smell like a hermit dwarf. Once you have completed these tasks, you must summon your recruiting officer in the ancient fashion. Go to your back yard, or nearest green area. Make sure you are not being watched. Find a soft spot of ground and burrow a six-inch hole with a broom handle or a short stick. When the hole is ready, type out the letters LEP in morse code. The code is as follows:
L= tap-tap-wiggle-tap.
E= wiggle-wiggle-tap.
P= tap-wiggle-drill.
Do this at least a hundred times and our underground sensors will pick up the vibrations and send and LEP officer with your uniform and orders.
Good luck deputy,

it repeats itself several times throughout the bottom. Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers The Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl, #4) , Eoin Colfer

Artemis Fowl: The Opal Deception, is a teen fantasy novel published in 2005, the 4th book in the Artemis Fowl series by the Irish author Eoin Colfer.

Preceded by Artemis Fowl: The Eternity Code and followed by Artemis Fowl: The Lost Colony, it is centred on the brilliant pixie Opal Koboi's second try at rebellion and Artemis Fowl II and his fairy comrades' efforts to stop her.

The book begins with the pixie Opal Koboi faking a coma inside a hospital to avoid incarceration by the Lower Elements Police (LEP) after her failed rebellion and attempt of world domination.

تاریخ نخستسن خوانش: روز هفتم ماه جولای سال 2017میلادی

عنوان: آرتمیس فاول و انتقام اپال: کتاب چهارم از سری آرتمیس فاول؛ نویسنده: ایون(اوئن) کالفر؛ مترجم: شیدا رنجبر؛ تهران، افق، 1385، در 452ص؛ شابک 9643633139؛ چاپ دوم 1386؛ چاپ سوم 1387؛ شابک 9789643693138؛ چاپ چهارم 1389؛ چاپ پنجم 1390؛ چاپ ششم 1392؛ چاپ هشتم 1397؛ موضوع داستانهای نوجوانان از نویسندگان ایرلندی - سده 21م

شخصیت اصلی «آرتمیس فاول»، نوجوانی نابغه، تبهکار و ماجراجو است؛ کتاب چهارم، دومین تلاش «اپال کوبویی» برای سلطه بر جهان را نقل می‌کند؛ پس از نخستین تلاش ناموفق او، در «آرتمیس فاول و ماجرای شمال»، «اپال کوبویی»، «جیوانی زیتو» را باورمند می‌کند، که یک کاوشگر را به درون زمین برای کشف دنیای «اجنه» و «پری» بفرستد؛ در این کتاب خوانشگر درمییابد که چگونه «آرتمیس» و دوست نزدیکش تلاش می‌کنند تا از فاش شدن داستان «اجنه» و «پری» و برخورد انسانها با آن‌ها و رخداد جنگ، و پایان دنیای «اجنه» جلوگیری کنند؛ در این جلد «اپال» موفق می‌شود که «جولیوس روت» فرمانده نیروی ویژه را به قتل برساند

تاریخ بهنگام رسانی 13/09/1399هجری خورشیدی؛ ا. شربیانی Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers

Friendship isn't a science mudboy. Just do what you think is right.

This book has so much much much excitement that I couldn't stop reading. I CAN'T stop!! I am completely under the influence of this series and can't take rest till the last book.

About Opal Koboi
Opal is also very intelligent. Like Artemis. But her plans are evil. She is very hungry for POWER!!
I liked the way she is written as an evil-minded Fairy.

Opal plans to take revenge from those who stopped her rebellion in the 2nd book. She frames Holly in very serious matter.
She also tries to kill Artemis for which I was soooo angry to kill her. But Artemis, of course, is saved by his bodyguard.
As we know, Fairies had wiped the memory of their existence from Artemis' mind in the last book for a reason. So he doesn't know about them.
But he when Holly comes for his help, He gets ready to help.

One thing I didn't like that Artemis was completely blank. He didn't remember anything about his adventures with Fairies. This fact makes the book exciting but don't know why I couldn't like it that much.
If only I could remember. If only I knew what I know.

4 books left!!

[image error] Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers You're looking directly at me. That's very bad for my skin.

Now, my enemies. They are well and happy, I trust.

Opal Koboi is the best villain ever! This was by far my favorite book of the series (among the first four books). Colfer has come a long way in character development department, and for the first time, it felt like the characters were well balanced. If it wasn't for a single highly disappointing event at the beginning of the story, the would've been perfect. It's also great to see the author getting better at cliffhangers.

Into the chute, and straight down to Haven.

Extra-hot curry is illegal in Haven. Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers (A-) 83% | Very Good
Notes: Wherein characters experience life-altering change, and the villain is partial to absent murder by complex deathtrap. Literature Fiction, Science Fiction Fantasy, Mystery Thrillers

The evil pixie Opal Koboi has spent the last year in a self-induced coma, plotting her revenge on all those who foiled her attempt to destroy the LEPrecon fairy police. And Artemis Fowl is at the top of her list.

After his last run-in with the fairies, Artemis had his mind wiped of his memories of the world belowground. But they have not forgotten about him. Once again, he must stop the human and fairy worlds from colliding—only this time, Artemis faces an enemy who may have finally outsmarted him. The Opal Deception (Artemis Fowl, #4)