The Mystery of the Hidden Gold (Adventure Island, #3) By Helen Moss

My daughter liked it when they at firet caught and then later escaped from Psycho Fox as he was trying to swim after them. She also trusted this psycho guy would never want their treasure or to harm them. Kids sure are naïve. I never bought into it. He’d stolen their treasure map, so that should have been a huge red flag foreshadowing he wasn’t to be trusted. But no, they just let him tag along to the real island where it was hidden. I’m not sure why my daughter is so in to these books. I guess she thinks she is a detective. That’s 2nd graders for you. 9781444003307 Монети, шифри и приключения

Определено има какво да се случва в тези забавни книги под вещото ръководство на Хелън Мос. Ако се опираме само на наивността, сюжетите биха могли да преповтарят по-стари поредици, понеже децата порастват и следващите не биха разбрали за тайния заговор на възрастните. 😃 Не подценявай децата, особено ако героите ти почти са стигнали тийнейджърска възраст. Тук не се вижда такава опасност – поредицата стремително върви към най-добрите детски криминалета и обещава сериозни трудности при разрешаването на случаите. Макар да става въпрос за поредното съкровище, то далеч не е без собственик и драматичната му история си заслужава да бъде описана. Освен това имаме доста заподозрени, а мотивите са неизвестни. Затова „Тайната на златното съкровище“ („Фют“, 2016, с превод на Елмира Цветанова Великова) изглежда като сериозна мисия, особено на място за туризъм и прииждащи странни хора, дошли с неизвестна цел. И не е добре постоянно да подозирате местната клюкарка поради липса на по-добри идеи. 😄
(Продължава в блога: 9781444003307 3.95 ⭐️ 9781444003307 I'll be leading discussion of a book as part of the creative writing camp I'm teaching on the them of pirates. There is a pirate in this book—though not the typical kind that pops into the imagination, but more of a modern-day scoundrel. Still, there are so many other goodies, such as the discovery of a long-forgotten treasure map, complete with codes and ciphers that needed to be solved. I loved these details, and I think my students will be, too.

Another thing that author Helen Moss is good at is creating a cast of side characters that are quirky and memorable (and, of course, distracting to the young sleuths trying to solve the various mysteries in this series).

Like all the installments in this series, this is great for readers who love bite-sized mysteries. 9781444003307 leuk en spannend boek want tijden een heftige storm spelen sccott en jack en emily verstoppertje en de vuurtoren dan worden ze in een heel nieuw avontuur meegesleurt en moeten mysteries oplossen om die te beindigen 9781444003307

A game of hide and seek in the old Castle Key lighthouse during a violent thunder storm leads to an amazing discovery, a tattered old treasure map! Scott, Jack and Emily can't wait to search for the hidden gold but first they must solve the clues to uncover its secret hiding place. The Mystery of the Hidden Gold (Adventure Island, #3)

Another exciting adventure for kids all based around hidden treasure with a bit of double crossing thrown in.The children loved it and so did I!! 9781444003307 Despite an easily foreseeable twist at the end, The Mystery of the Hidden Gold still is a pretty pleasurable read, with humorous characters and a fool proof plot. 9781444003307 Cracking children's adventure. 9781444003307

Summary The Mystery of the Hidden Gold (Adventure Island, #3)