The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being By Simone Davies

This book has changed our lives for the better, pretty much overnight I have an especially strong willed 16 month old, and while I feel I ve been coping ok with some of the big toddler themes ie strong emotions, increasing autonomy I ve had a nagging sense that things didn t have to be quite so hard and that I wasn t really meeting my daughter s needs This book has given me the tools to do exactly, and to meet my own needs as well It s helped me to see how I can reorganise our home and life to make things harmonious for all of us, and given me some very simple but incredibly effective techniques for dealing with some of our biggest challenges such as nappy changes It s beautifully written and put together it really felt like a treat to read and like many of the best books about parenting, see also Philippa Perry has given me some profound and constructive insights into myself as well as my daughter After all, we re pretty much all toddlers on the inside, right I don t think I had any idea how capable my child is before reading this book, nor how fun and satisfying both of us would find collaborating together on small everyday tasks Today, for instance, we worked out how my daughter could climb into her big chair by herself, and used a stepladder, a small chopping board, a spreader and a not very sharp knife to make lunch together Yes we had some tears and yes we had some wilful contrariness but these are part of the normal toddler experience What we did not have is horrible meltdowns over unavoidable issues nappy changes again that left both of us feeling awful And both of our overall moods seemed better throughout the day This book has also helped me to understand and appreciate what she does at nursery I really love its emphasis on bringing your life into sync with your toddler s interests and growing abilities in small and sustainable ways And the information is presented in such a memorable way while I m sure I ll read it again and again, I m amazed at how much I ve remembered and how easy it has been to implement the advice in all sorts of challenging toddler situations Ok I ve said enough but seriously don t deliberate, just get this book. The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being This book has really enthused me to re frame the way I look at a lot of my parenting skills for my nearly three year and one year old it really is eye opening I have read it cover to cover this week and have truly found it life changing sounds dramatic I know I have been falling into a lot of traps recently and this gives me a clear and straight forward path to improve the connection I have with my children and raise children who feel seen and know how to find satisfaction from within I had fallen into the trap of saying good girl or well done in every sentence and now looking back it was hollow and vacuous I m now really observing my kids, I m feeding back on what they have done not praising with every sentence as I want them to do the right thing as they understand that it feels better for them not to please me It s weird but this book has touched on everything I am struggling with right now and gives direct feedback on how to change no waffle Gosh I could go on and on but if you are feeling disconnected, frustrated and like you have a short fuse with your toddler I implore you to read this and feel refreshed, revived and ready to face another full on day with two tantrumming toddlers I reallyHope she writes a follow on book for children aged 4 upwards as I would love to have that at the ready as my two change and develop Best and only parenting book you need I d you have toddlers I ve never actually made it through others as I zone out with all the text but this is so direct and beautifully presented I couldn t put it down. The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being I am a professional Montessori educator for children between 3 6 and have a lot of guide books for this age range I bought this book for my niece who just had a baby recently I came upon this book from the internet, downloaded the first 4 pages from Simone Davies webpage, and found this book, her blog and video very useful and inspiring I would like to recommend it to all new mums or mummies with toddlers, who are interested in bringing up and naturing their young toddlers using Montessori concept This book is easy to follow, gives a lot of good tips, simple and uncluttered, with pictures as examples One of the main focus of Montessori education is child centred Parenting can be very rewarding when we can look into the eyes of a child and follow them and guide them where necessary Thank you The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being I ve followed Simone for a while and find her instagram really helpful and was very much looking forward to this book.Positives Book is well laid out, easy to dip in and out and to read small sections at a time Beautiful illustrations Following some big Montessori Instagram accounts had left me feeling a bit overwhelmed but Simone makes incorporating the approach simple and achievable I also feel that her age appropriateness suggestions for activities were reasonable Simple suggestions on how to make little tweaks to your home to set a child up for success and independence I like the emphasis put on spending time outdoors Strategies for respectful parenting with limits have really helped me and I particularly like the instead of this, say that page.Negatives language work suggestions with flashcards etc seem tedious and time consuming to set up and unnecessary, I don t think language acquisition needs to be forced like that Book advises against playpens but doesn t take into account different houses have different layouts where a child s playspace can t always be in your eyeline or that they can be made a cosy and comforting space Advice re stand up diapering doesn t really work for cloth nappies which I find impossible to fit properly unless lying down Book assumes a certain level of income and privilege ie, if you live in a city, take trips to lake or mountains and even what the author suggests as simple and cheap modifications to your home aren t in reality especially if you change a lot at one time Book also assumes children are all able bodied My daughter is deaf and a very late walker Surely she has encountered a wide variety of children with additional needs in her work as a Montessori teacher Some perspective on applying the approach with children who fall outside the normal range of developmental milestones might have been helpful and inclusive The biggest disappointment however was the advice on sleep I don t know what qualifications the author has to make sleep suggestions but I was very surprised to find advice against feeding to sleep and encouraging self settling from birth Whilst the author advises against cry it out alone, she does advocate a crying to sleep approach whilst you are in the room This seems the opposite of the Montessori approach of follow the child Forcing a child that wants to be cuddled to sleep to fall asleep alone seems the opposite of this and I for one doubt that I will look back on my child s babyhood and wish I had sat on a chair and read in their room whilst they cried instead of rocking them to sleep. The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being Ich w nschte, ich h tte das Buch schon gehabt, als mein erstes Kind klein war Eigentlich habe ich es nur als Anregung f r die Montessori gerechte Gestaltung der Wohnung und zum Finden von Spielanregungen Settings f r Kind 2 gekauft Dann war ich allerdings berrascht wie allumfassend das Thema Leben mit Kleinkind aufgegriffen und dargestellt wird Man erh lt sowohl die gesuchten Spielanregungen als auch Tipps im Umgang mit Wutanf llen, zur besseren Ein bung der t glichen Routine mit Kleinkind, zum Schlafen, Essen, zu wertsch tzender Erziehung usw Zus tzlich gibt es am Ende jedes Kapitels immer eine kurze und pr gnante Gesamt bersicht Die Tipps und Hinweise sind meist sofort umsetzbar Das Kind wird wertsch tzend, aber trotzdem mit der n tigen liebevollen Konsequenz behandelt Ein allumfassendes Gesamtwerk zu Kleinkindern finde ich Es sollte in keiner Eltern Bibliothek fehlen Die englische Sprache ist leicht verst ndlich und das Buch ist toll illustriert und bersichtlich gestaltet 5 Sterne Das Buch gibt es seit M rz 2020 auch auf Deutsch Montessori f r Eltern Wie Kleinkinder achtsam und selbstst ndig aufwachsen. The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being

Ich habe dieses Buch eigentlich nur wegen der Einrichtungsideen gekauft, aber es hat sich insgesamt als ein wunderbar hilfreiches Buch herausgestellt, das unseren Alltag tats chlich sch ner und einfacher gemacht hat.Hinzu kommt, dass es wundersch n gestaltet ist und es somit eine Freude ist darin zu lesen Kann es gar nicht doll genug weiterempfehlen The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being


Turn your home into a Montessori homeand become a mindful, attentive, and easygoing parent Its time to change the way we see toddlers Using the principles developed by the educator Dr Maria Montessori, Simone Davies shows how to turn life with a terrible two into a mutually rich and rewarding time of curiosity, learning, respect, and discovery With hundreds of practical ideas for every aspect of living with a toddler, here are five principles for feeding your childs natural curiosity, from Trust in the child to Fostering a sense of wonder Step by step ways to cultivate daily routines with ease, like brushing teeth, toilet training, dealing with siblings, losing the pacifier Plus learn how to Stay composed when your toddler is not and set limits with love and respectwithout resorting to bribes or punishmentSet up your home and get rid of the chaosCreate Montessori activities that are just right for your one to three year oldRaise an inquisitive learner who loves exploring the world around themSee the world through your toddlers eyes and be surprised and delighted by their perspectiveBe your childs guideand truly celebrate every stage The Montessori Toddler: A Parents Guide to Raising a Curious and Responsible Human Being

Simone Davies Á 5 Summary