Here is the complete story of history's most charming voluptuary--a joyous tale of untamed sensuality which describes the secret yearnings of an upper-class woman for sexual partners below her social station. The story of a most memorable woman. Eveline! The Amorous Adventures of a Victorian Lady (Hottest 50 Adult Sex StoriesBanned Erotic Literature)

Anonymous ✓ 0 Free read
This is one decadent nymphomaniac. Eveline starts young with her naughty fantasies with the help of her brother! What! Then she takes a break to grow up in France before going back to England to start collect love of male lovers, including the footman, a merchant, her father, random guy in the train, etc...
There is three parts to the insanity, perhaps around 200 pages of insane Victorian sexual imaginings. There is no mention of M/M or lesbianism, but just about everything else is in this erotica/porno novel.
3 stars English Probably read this when I was way too young. The Victorian erotica genre is not one I've explored very deeply (sorry) but this one has all the sex you could want. Probably offensive to some, funny to others and stirring to all. If you real long enough, you'll find something exciting or bizarre or both. Definitely a guilty pleasure and not for everyone. English XD This book is pretty much porn. The storyline consists of the main character Eveline having sex with pretty much every guy she knows, including her father and brother.
I think what I liked best about this book was the fact that the story ends by her ruining her body to have a son, and helping a poor doctor gain a high title because she's rich. :P
Yaaaaaay. English
Those Victorian era libertines truly possessed a class, a certain je ne sais quoi which imbued their proto-pornographie with an undeniable and lasting charm, and the marked capability to get down and dirty with their erotica, which is amongst the most titillating and provocative ever published in the English language and reliably capable of stirring the reader's attention and holding him taut with interest until the climax - which, as was usual with such deliciously naughty material, might occur at several pleasurable and intense moments before the end of the book had been reached. Eveline: The Amorous Adventures of a Victorian Lady, published under the byline of that prolific turn-of-the-century penner of risqué writings, Anonymous, first hit the streets in chapbook format in that seminal year of 1906 and proved to be a smashing underground success. It's not at all hard to understand why, given that it avidly and skillfully pursued those peculiarly Victorian fetishes in the area of lingerie (and especially garters and stockings, of the smoothest silk), nubile young girls, the outwardly staid and proper upper class, sexual promiscuity daringly undertaken amidst public locations, and incest: the latter invariably taking place between either ramrod-stiff, Edwardian petty-noble stalwart father and tantalizingly beautiful, soft and curvy, winsomely charming, and seemingly docile and chaste daughter - or else the latter with her (reliably older) devastatingly handsome, rather roguish and virile, handlebar-mustachioed military-serving brother. It's all a bit too much eeewwwww to ever see the light of day in the twenty-first century, but a century or so ago such bodiced bawdiness was all the rage for popular erotic textual consumption.
Anonymous expertly and exquisitely covers all of the bases: a passionate and exploratory bit of nub-rub between Eveline and friends at an all-girls boarding school to give things a proper bit of setup - then it's home to dear old daddy, who gives every indication of doing his damnedest to resist his devilish daughter's bloody irresistible come-hithers: but, alas, there's only so much a wealthy, hot-blooded baronet can take before sin gains the upper hand, with all of its pungently arousing aroma of the forbidden fruit. Subsequently the author can skillfully draw into Eveline's depraved embraces her father's colleagues, coachmen, servants, police detectives, older brother, the family dog - oh come on, I'm just kidding, Anonymous most certainly was not of that disgustingly debauched demimonde - and the reader imbibes scene upon scene of stays, corsets, suave kid gloves that reach to the daintily-turned elbow, the omnipresent stockings-and-garters - Of the sheerest silk, just for you, papa! - on shapely, well-toned legs, with arch-heeled bootikins covering those ivory soap feet - and all with nary a trace of piercings or tattoos or breast implants, belying a certain innocence that abuts well with the perverted lusts being explored upon the printed page. It all makes for an immensely enjoyable romp through the creatively rakish downtime pursuits of an age usually recalled for its stiff-upper-lipped morals and modesty, a chance to bone-up on one's knowledge of a fading era on the one hand, and to penetrate into the shadowy-but-exciting realm of illicit liaisons and wicked desires on the other; a journey back to a bygone era that just might prick the reader's interests and stimulate further exploratory readings in a similar vein. What such delightful prose undoubtedly confirms is that not only did those years of empire and infinite promise produce several literary works that are still considered amongst the best ever written in the modern manifestation of the Anglo-Saxon tongue, but their very smut has proven to be of enduring appeal and enjoyment - all with an unequalled commitment to readability and quality - which, when you think about it, is a truly impressive accomplishment in and of itself. English This is a Victorian erotica novel first published in 1906. Despite that date, it could be grouped with erotica novels of the 19th century. You are presented with Eveline's life from a young age to when she had a baby. Her adventures and her lovers, some very close to her, are described in the Victorian erotica style. This is not porn. I read the Kindle version after having read the paperback some years before. In the printed version, separate scenes within a chapter are separated by a small graphic symbol. No such separation exists in the chapters in the Kindle version. I consider that a deficiency and reduced my rating by one star because of that. It is jarring to go from one paragraph to the next with the scene and its characters changing abruptly. English Bizarre. English I love Victorian porn. I found this one particularly arousing because all the manual sex depicted, in other words, the manipulation and caressing of the male member by a pretty young woman's hands. Most other porn books stampede to the more full-on penetrative varieties. English A true representative of its time. English