The Mirror Code of Jesus Christ: How and Why the Romans Invented Christianity By Paul C. Amatucci
Paul C. Amatucci  5 Read
In the 1st century the Jews in Israel were longing for a militant Christ/Messiah to rescue them from brutal Roman oppression and taxation. The Jews were seeking a military solution to the Roman occupation of their country through various militant leaders and uprisings.
Some of these violent leaders were named Judas the Galilean the son of Hezekiah and Jesus of Galilee, the son of Sapphias (the blue lady).
In this book, I will attempt to lead you into the strange and bizarre world of the Mirror Code.
These mysterious patterns, puzzles and codes were hidden in the historical writings of Josephus and its companion piece the New Testament scriptures!
These New Testament documents eventually neutralized and swapped out the violent 4th philosophy of the Jewish Zealots called (Messianic Judaism) and offered a 5th column, pacifist replacement (Mainstream Christianity). This eventually rooted out the violent tendencies from the Judas Maccabean lineage thereby Pruning the violent Jewish religion and making it more tame and easier to control.
In this book I will show you how the victors wrote the history by creating it, and how to spot the patterns and codes that will clearly show who the true authors of the New Testament are, and the real identity of the person behind the veil of the Pro-Roman version of Jesus Christ that has been imposed on the world. Large Print, E-book The Mirror Code of Jesus Christ: How and Why the Romans Invented Christianity