The Little Black Book of Blackmail (Owning a Dominant Bitch) By Rebelman

review ã PDF, eBook or Kindle ePUB Ö Rebelman

Secrets Revealed!
Jimmy James is off to college with a new confidence and close friends to help him keep an old nemesis in check. His mysterious father begins to open up and Jimmy discovers there are more secrets in his family than he could have imagined.

Taking an interest in the family business means learning new things, but some of those lessons come the hard way. With his father in danger, new adversaries gunning for him, and more than one woman to keep satisfied, Jimmy finds himself on a roller coaster journey that could end badly.

Includes the extended epilogue - Brittany VS Mistress Kaeo

Novella Length Hardcore Erotic Adventure The Little Black Book of Blackmail (Owning a Dominant Bitch)

Part 2 was as good as Part 1

Had to read this sequel to Owning a Dominate Bitch. The LBBoB met all my expectation. While I thought they had underestimated Brittany, they got her but now that she has her freedom and hard on for Katy, will she try and kidnap Katy? Great job Rebelman, kept me hooked. I read Part 2 in one day, I had to finish it. Kindle Edition
