The Light in Hidden Places By Sharon Cameron
the problem with loving books is that, no matter how many I clear off my tbr, I always find at least twice as many to replace the ones I've cleared The Light in Hidden Places Another great WWII story. ❤️ It’s incredibly frustrating to read about this time in our world history. Such horrible crimes of hate is so hard to understand. 💔 I’m glad that there were some amazing souls who found courage to help others survive, without regret. 😍 We can all learn from these amazing heroes example of human decency. ✌️🌎 The Light in Hidden Places This is one of the rare times I'm going to recommend a book even though I didn't particularly care for the writing. I've read many World War 2 historical fiction books, and for whatever reason I just found this to be an uneven reading experience. All of the other reviews I have read for this book so far have been positive so take my opinions with a grain of salt. It might just be this wasn't the book for me and that's okay. It happens from time to time.
This is a historical fiction book about Polish teenager Stefania Podgorska who hid thirteen Jews in her attic during World War 2. Even though I had a hard time getting into a good flow of reading, I'm still glad I read this book as Stefania's story was fascinating. The Author's Note at the end of the book gave updates for many of the people featured in the book. It was interesting to read how this book came together and for those who might be wondering this is definitely more of a fact based historical fiction book rather than one that is just loosely based on a person or event. It's obvious the author did as much research as possible in order to get Stefania's story out there and I am thankful I had the opportunity to learn about her and her heroic efforts.
I won a free advance copy of this book in a IreadYA giveaway. I was under no obligation to post a review and all views expressed are my honest opinions. The Light in Hidden Places This story was amazing. A wonderful YA story. HF but based on true events. The ending was the best part. I imagine this is how true freedom feels!
Book was long and slow but in the end so very worth it. The Light in Hidden Places In the style of Ruta Septys, Cameron takes on a lesser known angle of history. Stefania Podgorska, a young Polish girl, risked every moment of her daily life to keep alive thirteen Jews during the Nazi occupation. Through Stefi’s eyes we are given hope in hopeless situations, a difficult thing to accomplish in a novel of WWII. Stefi wasn’t fearless, but she used her fear to drive herself and help others, and through those actions, her fear manifested as courage. With concise and affecting writing, Cameron reveals the light and goodness in people, in some of the darkest times of history. The Light in Hidden Places
The extraordinary story of Stefania Podgorska, a Polish teenager who chose bravery and humanity by hiding thirteen Jews in her attic during WWII -- from #1 New York Times bestselling author Sharon Cameron.
One knock at the door, and Stefania has a choice to make...
It is 1943, and for four years, sixteen-year-old Stefania has been working for the Diamant family in their grocery store in Przemsyl, Poland, singing her way into their lives and hearts. She has even made a promise to one of their sons, Izio -- a betrothal they must keep secret since she is Catholic and the Diamants are Jewish.
But everything changes when the German army invades Przemsyl. The Diamants are forced into the ghetto, and Stefania is alone in an occupied city, the only one left to care for Helena, her six-year-old sister. And then comes the knock at the door. Izio's brother Max has jumped from the train headed to a death camp. Stefania and Helena make the extraordinary decision to hide Max, and eventually twelve more Jews. Then they must wait, every day, for the next knock at the door, the one that will mean death. When the knock finally comes, it is two Nazi officers, requisitioning Stefania's house for the German army.
With two Nazis below, thirteen hidden Jews above, and a little sister by her side, Stefania has one more excruciating choice to make. The Light in Hidden Places
I'm speechless.
Despite the fact that the writing style was less than incredible, the story grabbed me by the throat and never let go. So, so heartbreaking to know this was based on a true story. And yet, that's why I'm sitting here speechless even now.
Because the bravery of these men and women in the face of such horror . . . that is something that will stick with me for a long time.
Please, let's never forget Stefania's story.
(Full review to come, perhaps.)
3.5 stars The Light in Hidden Places I am not sure what is happening to me in the beginning months of 2021, but I am waving my 5 star wand around quite a bit. Beautifully written and meticulously researched, I am fairly certain that I have been holding my breath the entire time that I read this book. If I had a million dollars, every high school ELA classroom in my board would receive this book.
A historical fiction based on the true story of Polish sisters, Stefania and Helena Podgorska is going into that all time favorite read vault.
Goodreads review published 14/02/21 The Light in Hidden Places O carte foare emotionanta, dar dureroasa, despre Stefania, o adolescenta poloneza pe care al Doilea razboi mondial o gaseste angajata la familia Diamant, de care se ataseaza foarte mult. Doar ca ei sunt evrei si vor pierde totul in 1939, fiind o parte dusi in langare, o parte inchisi in ghetou. Dar Stefania nu se da batuta, devenind, fara intentie, o eroina, salvand viata a 13 evrei, trecand printr-un lung sir de suferinte, sacrificii si temeri. Alaturi de ea este sora ei mai mica, Helena, pe care o salveaza de la ferma parintilor dupa ce razboiul incepe. Cu fiecare capitol datat nu te gandesti decat la timpul care trebuie sa se mai scurga pentru a ajunge la capatul suferintelor. Deja prin 1942 se adunasera atatea suferinte incat abia asteptam sa ajunga la sfarsitul lui 1944. Cartea se bazeaza pe memoriile Stefaniei, majoritatea personajelor si evenimentelor sunt reale si documentate. Recomand audiobookul in engleza, este narat de o poloneza care a cunoscut-o pe Stefa in realitate, iar vocea ei da o nota in plus de autenticitate si emotie scriiturii. The Light in Hidden Places There was something about the writing style and storytelling style that I did not like. I was interested in this based on truth story though.
I simultaneously read the Kindle e-edition and the Overdrive audio edition, both borrowed from my public library.
The narration didn’t really work for me. It was useful for all the name & place pronunciations and pronunciations of the other Polish words but it was decreasing my reading pleasure. About 2/3 the way through the book I started reading the e-book only. I thought reading both editions simultaneously would be the most enjoyable way to read and do that often helps me focus & concentrate but even playing the audio on 1.5 time it slowed down my reading speed, and I’m not a fast reader. Mostly though I couldn’t stand the acting done by the narrator. Once I started just reading and stopped listening I enjoyed the book much more and was more inclined to want to pick it up and read it.
The based on true story is compelling. I had nightmares a few nights as I was reading. I decided to not take the stress and I researched the sisters and what they had done and its outcome. I wanted to know what had happened to all the people. There is a lot online about them, especially the two sisters. It’s hard to not put this on my non-fiction and biography and history shelves but it is a novel. I appreciated that at the end of the book the author includes a lot of information about what really happened during and after and also some photos. I had to go back and read it again, that I appreciate that the author does tell what became of everybody.
Reading just the words and ditching the audio (something I should have done from the start) I ended up really liking the book. The ending felt too abrupt to me even though I think how the events were portrayed were realistic and probably did happen that way and probably did feel that way to all involved.
This is an important story and I’m glad it’s told in this book. I’d like to read a non-fiction book about this woman, these sisters, all of these people and places.
3-1/2 stars, rounded up.
ETA: Bravery galore from the two sisters. What they did is almost unfathomable. There is bravery shown by many others too. I always have wondered if I would help others who needed this type of help and I’ve always wanted to be that kind of person but had my doubts if I would have the courage. I find inspiration (in general and for myself) in these sorts of stories. This one is a mostly true story. The Light in Hidden Places Opinião:
“Uma Luz na Escuridão” de Sharon Cameron é um livro e tanto!!! O nome da personagem principal ainda me ecoa não cabeça, tantas foram as vezes que pensei que ela não seria capaz de aguentar tal provação com apenas 16 anos!!
Sim, falo como se ela fosse real, e é!! Stefania existiu e escondeu num sótão 13 judeus, colocando em risco a sua vida e a da irmã de apenas 6 anos! Talvez seja por isso que toda a história me conquistou e arrepiou a cada página!!
A escrita da autora é de tal forma sensível e humana (parabéns também a quem traduziu!), que consegue de forma extraordinária uma ligação ao leitor desde o momento em que pegamos no livro!
É um relato emocionante, de amizade, esperança e coragem que infelizmente Stefania não chegou a ver publicado, vindo a falecer a 29 de setembro de 2018...
É um livro poderoso e inspirador, que merece sem dúvida 5 brilhantes estrelas!!
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The Light in Hidden Places