I absolutely adore this book. If you are a fan of Laura Calder you will appreciate her writing style. Every time I picked it up to read I felt like I was visiting an old friend. The advice is sound, and her friendly invitingness shines through. If you're not familiar with Kindle, Hardcover I first was introduced to Laura Calder through her TV show French Food at Home. I then explored her cookbooks. I really enjoyed this book as well. I think that it may help some people start inviting friends over . Ms. Calder does have some very strong opinions but then Kindle, Hardcover This would make a great gift for any young adult moving into their first apartment. I just bought my first house and I wanted some inspiration before the big move. I was not disappointed! Kindle, Hardcover
While many will argue this book is mostly common sense, it is the beauty of having it all in one place that makes this book so valuable. And today, we need inviting spaces in our lives with the cacophony of hate and anger that rages without. This is a good, simple book Kindle, Hardcover As a big fan of the author and her cooking show, I was expecting to be inspired to be creative. I think to a younger person starting out, the book would be inspirational. As an older woman, and an established cook who hosts dinner parties frequently, I didn’t find it Kindle, Hardcover When I need a simple and delicious recipe that is sure to impress Laura Calder's recipes have never disappointed. Ever. I was thrilled to see Laura had written a lifestyle book since I'm delighted by her personality and way of being in the world. I savored each Kindle, Hardcover I got this book thinking it would be good for my millennial daughters in law. Like many women their age, they are on a budget, but don't cook much, and are intimidated by having friends in to share a meal. I enjoyed reading this book, it's always fun to look into someone Kindle, Hardcover Really wonderful book. Her conversational style and quirky anecdotes sprinkled throughout make this feel like your best friend sharing advice rather than an etiquette book. She focuses on first sharing about an inviting lifestyle before giving ideas step by step on how to Kindle, Hardcover
Far than a guide to homemaking and being a fine hostalthough it is definitely all that tooThe Inviting Life is about how to live each day with a desire and determination to turn the ordinary into something lovely. Its also a book about why we should bother. Whether the subject is dcor, ambience, shopping, feeding weary travellers, mixing cocktails, planning dinner parties, or getting yourself motivated for spring cleaning, Laura Calder affirms the value of our everyday activities and shows how beauty, creativity, and delight have the power to change the world. This one of a kind book is both a page turning narrative about Lauras own hosting and home making adventures and an invaluable work of reference. Its a spur to ideas for everything from creating a welcoming living space and making a respectable salad, to putting guests at their ease and writing a thank you note worth receiving. Written with candour and humour in Lauras inimitable and engaging voice, The Inviting Life offers empowering guidance for anyone looking to take pleasure in their life and home.
The Inviting Life: An Inspirational Guide to Homemaking, Hosting and Opening the Door to Happiness