The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google By Scott Galloway

An existential alarm bell wrapped in a business lesson wrapped in an entertaining and often hilarious (and, yes, occasionally blue languaged) series of stories built with great writing. It keeps you entertained to make sure you're informed. 800 CEO READ

Galloway takes the reader through a refreshingly clear eyed look at the nature of dominance at .com Inc., Apple Inc., Facebook Inc. and Google. He is interested in how these companies become valuable with use instead of less, how they benefit from low cost of capital and the implications for things [that] could further strengthen their dominance. Brad Stone, Bloomberg Technology

As the power of technology's biggest companies comes under scrutiny, NYU business professor Galloway reveals how , Apple, Facebook, and Google built massive empires. Publishers Weekly, The Top 10 Business Books of Fall 2017

This is that rare book that not only informs but entertains. You'll never look at these four companies the same way again. Jonah Berger, author of Contagious

Scott Galloway is honest, outrageous, and provocative. This book will trigger your flight or fight nervous system like no other and in doing so challenge you to truly think differently. Calvin McDonald, CEO of Sephora

The Four is an essential, wide ranging powerhouse of a book that, like Scott Galloway himself, marries equal parts incisive, entertaining, and biting. As in his legendary MBA lectures, Galloway tells it like it is, sparing no business titan and no juggernaut corporation from well deserved criticism. A must read. Adam Alter, author of Drunk Tank Pink

If there is a blunter, opinionated, faster talking expert on the Internet than Scott Galloway, I haven't come across him. Or her. Philip Elmer DeWitt, Fortune Scott Galloway's The Four is a bareback ride upon the four horses of the economic apocalypse Apple, , Facebook and Google. It is a timely exposition of the nature and concentration of power in the world today and, as a result, is much than just a business bookThe book contains insights and provocative ideas than has Boeing 767s My recommendation is to walk down to your local book store and buy this or likely, buy it on . Tom Upchurch, Wired

The Four: The Hidden DNA of Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google

Most frustrating experience product is running 2 weeks late 320 pages Just a hateful tone to the most successful companies in the world. U can tell his upset that he couldn't be as successful and confined as an academic working a daily 9 5 job. When he criticised bezos for lack of vision, I thought this guy must be nuts. Then he said its 320 pages

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