The First Year of Teaching: Real World Stories from Americas Teachers By Pearl Rock Kane
This is a quick read that will inspire those great teachers who are doing their best. Lots of very sweet stories to share with beginning teachers that may help support them and keep them in the profession! 192 I was disappointed to find that although this book was published in 1992, it didn't include a single minority teacher, i.e., Hispanic, African-American or Asian, to widen the perspective of what's like to teach in America. Instead, it seems to have relied strictly, or for the most part, on East Coast contributors of mostly Jewish extraction. Apparently, ESL and bilingual classes were not important enough to make the cut. 192
In schools across America, in classes for the handicapped, gifted, privileged, and disadvantaged students, teachers recall that exciting first year when they classroom initiation.--Booklist. (Education) The First Year of Teaching: Real World Stories from Americas Teachers