The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic #6.5) By Chandelle LaVaun

My magic burns inside me...

Not all soulmates are created equal. Some of them are relieved to find each other. Some build a relationship nice and slow. And for some of them it’s that all consuming, love-at-first-sight kind of magic, like my twin sister Tegan and her other half, Tennessee.

Then there are some where the girl is so up in her head and freaked the hell out that she actually, sorta, kinda, resents the guy who’s supposed to bring her happiness simply for his mere existence.


It’s time for me to be the soulmate Deacon deserves, even if it means trading in my cowgirl boots for designer stilettos. But Manhattan is a huge, terrifying city full of a society of witches determined to tear us apart. The Fire Witch (The Coven: Elemental Magic #6.5)

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As always, another amazing read from Ms. Chandelle!!!! Kindle Edition Em finally gets her chance to shine!

I am so very happy with this book. Emerson has always been in the series, but not front and center like she is here. She always seemed so unsure, especially in her twin sister's shadow. We really get to see her grow into her power both personally and as a Card. Em gains a lot of confidence, and I love seeing the powerful witch she is, coming out as she kicks some serious Demon backside and takes on Deacon's family and friends. Em and Deacon also have a chance to address their relationship and depend their bond. We get glimpses of the other Cards, and learn more about the society of witches outside of the Coven. This book really broadened the horizon of the magical world, and I just hope there will be more. I know there will be a second series, but I am not ready to let go yet. This entire series has been absolutely beyond incredible!
Kindle Edition Nice book focused on Emersyn and Deacon. It marks the end of this series. I found this series to be remarkable. The characters are amazing, the world building is mind boggling, the camaraderie between the coven members is awesome. The fight scenes are epic. This series took its readers to wondrous lands where we met dragons, vampires, and fae, and even back in time to Salem during the witch trials. The coven members had trial after trial as they closed in on their primary goal of closing a gap between our world and the rest. This had to be done by a certain date so they were constantly on the go. But failure wasn't an option because the entire world was at risk of being over run by demons. Armed with determination, grit and magic they fought their way through it all to close the gap, but unfortunately thousands or maybe hundreds of thousands of demons escaped into our world. Now they're faced with saving the world from this new horror.

I highly recommend this series of books and the ones that follow. Kindle Edition The seventh book in the Coven Series is as good as the previous six and in some spots it is even better. The homecoming of Deacon and his soulmate Emm. is one that won't soon be forgotten. New York snobs beware !!! The fashion, The Clubs, Times Square and Demons don't mesh. I am so excited to start reading the next exciting series after this one and learning about the new schools and the students to come. I love these books and I hope that there will be more to come. We've already seen Demons, Vampires, Mermaids, the Fae, and some spirits along the way. This is a not to be missed series and you won't be sorry if you go ahead and buy it. I can't believe that our brave teenage witch's even ventured into time travel but it was not by choice. This series has everything, Forbidden love, lies with good intentions and many, many heroic actions. The writing is exceptional and the world building is the same. Kindle Edition This book started out really tame and I was thinking this is the tamest book Ms. Chandelle has written thus far. To my delight towards the end of the book, the action began. It does make sense to give Emerysn and Deacon need to have their love story told as it unfolds. I did not like Deacon's friends. I thought they were rich bullies that belittle anyone that does not come from money. While the fate of a couple of them was sad, I was not sorry. I was really impressed with Emersyn's attitude towards Deacon's family and friends. I also loved seeing Emersyn grow in light of it all. When it counted she took charge as the Empress and delegated what needed to be done to keep New York safe. I received an ARC at no cost from the author. Kindle Edition

Primero:que nada me parece imposible que este libro tenga 300 páginas por lo rápido que lo leí. Segundo, Francia. Tercero: Estaba súper emocionada de descansar un poco de Tegan y Tennessee y pasar a leer a Emersyn y Deacon; si bien hay un pr de capítulos desde sus POVs en Elemental Magic, esta nueva temporada se centra totalmente en ellos y yo me mooooooría por ver qué pasaba.

The Fire Witch es una novella corta que nos cuenta los primeros días de Emersyn en New York conociendo a la familia y vida de Deacon. ¿Me gustó? Con una mano en el corazón, si no le tuviese ya tanto cariño a los personajes y a este universo probablemente le hubiese dado una estrella. No sé qué esperaba igual, así que tampoco estoy decepcionada, simplemente confundida???. No fui fan del personaje de Deacon acá, y hubo un par de escenas en general que me dieron un poquito de cringe; yo entiendo que New York es la elite de las brujas pero ni había necesidad de que sean tan malos, PIENSO. Lo que sí disfruté fue el conocer otros aquelarres (incluso aunque sean malaente💀) y aprender un poco más sobre el sistema de rangos. Como descanso entre libros funciona bien, y además a Emersyn la kiero un montón así que todo en lo que se la involucre me va a parecer bien. ME EMOCIONA PORQUE AHORA ES CUANDO SE CRUZAN CON BETTINA, así que corriendo a ver cuál tengo que leer ahora😮‍💨 Kindle Edition 5 stars for The Fire Witch by Chandelle LaVaun. This is book seven in The Coven: Elemental Magic Series. This book focuses on Emersyn and Deacon. Their relationship has been off to a rocky start , but now they are on their way to New York to meet Deacon’s parents. To say this does not start off great would be an understatement. I wanted to smack Deacon upside his head and then throat punch his momma. However, Emersyn holds her own. I loved getting to see her character come into herself and have the confidence she needed. This book was just as good as the rest of the series. I was hoping to learn more about Tennessee but that did not happen. The demons let lose from the Gap being opened are recking havoc on the world , so I think the next books will be extremely interesting to see what happens. Kindle Edition With great power comes great responsibility

FYI - I try not give spoilers in my reviews. This is just my overall take.
This was Emersyn's book to shine and she lit it up like a blazing inferno in true Emersyn style. This story nicely links this series to the coming ones, and it also previews to fallout of what went down on Samhain. You can't help but love Emersyn. She isn't as in your face as her twin Tegan, but she is no less badass. You get to see just how beautifully she's adapting to her role as the Emperess, although I doubt she'd be any less fierce no matter her rank. This story is also one of growth for Deacon; becoming the Devil, as well as finding his soulmate, is bringing out the best in him. The ending opens up so many exciting story possibilities so why stop reading now? Kindle Edition A chapter into The Fire Witch and I remembered how much I love the writing in this series. Chandelle LaVaun's Coven world is so fascinating. It's creative and full of possibilities. The characters are wonderful and the friendships between them are strong. Those are just some of the reasons this has become one of my favorite series.

After the events of the last book, this one slows the pace down a bit. This companion novel follows Emersyn and Deacon to New York. The two soulmates are slowly building their relationship now that Emersyn is ready to take a chance with him. However, his uppity family and scheming friends might drive a new wedge between them.

I was annoyed with the petty and unkind behavior of Deacon's family and 'friends'- and moreover, I was disappointed that Deacon didn't step up for Emersyn sooner. But when he did, I couldn't help but forgive him. Deacon and Emersyn's love is much different than Tegan and Tennessee's. It's not as natural or instantaneous. D and Em have a lot of differences and a lot to learn about each other. But the way things are going, these two show a lot of promise and the love is definitely there.

I loved the confidence Emersyn developed in this story, and I can't wait to continue reading in this world.

Kindle Edition I love this series

Magic, Romance, excitement, adventure, teenage angst and so much more all wrapped up into one. I could not ask for more out of a series. I cannot wait for more To come. Kindle Edition
