The Essential St. John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel\nDark Night of the Soul\nA Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ\nTwenty Poems by St. John of the Cross By John of the Cross

Collected here in this omnibus edition are all three of St. John of the Cross' major works as well as twenty of his magnificent poems. The Ascent of Mount Carmel is the third major work of St. John of the Cross and is considered to be the introductory work on mystical theology. Dark Night of the Soul is one of the greatest religious poems ever written. This masterpiece of Mystic Christianity examines faith and how to keep faith when all seems lost. Think of it as guide to making it through the dark night of the soul to the brighter, happier, faith filled tomorrow that awaits. In A Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ, St. John states: I do not purpose here to set forth all that greatness and fullness the spirit of love, which is fruitful, embodies in it. Yes, rather it would be foolishness to think that the language of love and the mystical intelligence - and that is what these stanzas are - can be at all explained in words of any kind, for the Spirit of our Lord who helps our weakness. The Essential St. John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel\nDark Night of the Soul\nA Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ\nTwenty Poems by St. John of the Cross

This is a collection of books by famous Christian spiritual teacher John of the Cross. These books are one of the best interpretations of the human spiritual path to holiness. They represent the peak of mystical theology. The books contain a detailed description and explanation of each of the mystical and contemplative stages on the path to God.
For beginners on the spiritual path I would recommend especially Ascent of Mount Carmel.
For all those who find themselves in life's trials and difficult and incomprehensible life situations, I would recommend the book Dark Night of the Soul.
For spiritual people with mystical and contemplative experiences I would recommend the books Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and The Bridegroom Christ. These last two books could be very difficult to understand, but it is worth to read them slowly and repeatedly. Anyone who has a special spiritual experiences will understand the text. It is worth to read what God has prepared for His beloved children.
Spirituality, Poetry, Religion This is an important book for anyone who struggles with periods of darkness. Still, it's very difficult and esoteric; the obvious result of an intense spiritual journey. Spirituality, Poetry, Religion A tremendously philosopical approach to spirituality, in this there is love, atoms and a heavy preponderance on the nature of reality and its disparity from God. A massive work that isn't terribly acccessible but wildly ahead of its time. There is a lot here that new agers would find intriguing and a lot that seems much more progressive than contemporaneous Christian thinking. John commments on his own poetryexplicating the religious implications of each line in a way that seems slightly presumptuous post-Barthes but is nevertheless quite brilliant.
Spirituality, Poetry, Religion Too much explanation , and not enough poem. Spirituality, Poetry, Religion

Free read The Essential St. John of the Cross: Ascent of Mount Carmel\nDark Night of the Soul\nA Spiritual Canticle of the Soul and the Bridegroom Christ\nTwenty Poems by St. John of the Cross
