The Deep End By Tyler Tork

Someone in Marlee's scheming family is out to get her—but who? To keep her head above water in this shark tank while figuring it out, she must keep them all from suspecting that she has no memory of them, or this world. Meanwhile, she needs to solve a murder mystery in which she's possibly—let's face it, probably—the murderer, and escape the rebels who want to execute her.

She has issues of identity to deal with. Her new body is round, brown, lesbian, and evil, none of which she's happy about. If she's forced to kill one more person, she might just give up in despair. She's trying to be good, but nobody's making it easy.

Fortunately, her maid will help keep the secret, for a price, and unless she gets a better offer. With any luck, and maybe a little help from the gods, Marlee might figure out how to get home before her own plots come crashing down around her. The Deep End


This is a joy to read. Tork has created an alternate world to toss his protagonist into and we get to come along for the ride and discover if she sinks or swims. Marlee is catapulted from life as an American college student into the body of another Marlee who's predispositions and family, and *world* are utterly different from her own. It was a joy to watch as Marlee attempts to find out who she is now and how did she get here, and is there a way back--all while trying to keep all the plates spinning in the family intrigues the original Marlee set into motion. The alternate world is carefully thought out and Marlee's struggles are engaging. Kindle Edition I may be biased, but I think this is excellent. Kindle Edition Creative world with a satisfying ending. Kindle Edition

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