The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) By Abbey Fox

DNF. Dialogue isn’t very interesting/is too simple and cliche. Too many modern words like “sucks,” “butthead,” “screwed,” and “derail.” Intimate scenes are poorly written, mostly just saying things like “desire pooled in her core” and “her blood boiled” over and over. Some of the scenarios were unbelievable, such as a sorcerer in search of the FMC not taking her when we was alone in her shop and the most powerful sorcerer only being guarded by two people. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) O
I've enjoyed this story. It's a romantic experience. This was not wh a t I expected
It turned out that I truly enjoyed it. Lots of twists and turns. But in the end.
Itisa great story.

Would recommend to lots of people. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) There are some sudden changes that didn't feel well explained, like how she's suddenly okay with magic and suddenly not angry about her soul mate mark. I got over it. Some characters are better than others. I'll probably read the next book to see if my opinion improves or not. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) I love everything PRN/Fantasy, and this story keep me turning the page to find about the characters.

One point was obvious but it only made me have so many questions.
The story is told in third view person but only through Nava’s eyes, and there were many moments were I wish I knew what was Arkimides thinking!!

Along Nava and Arkimides’s journey she makes new friends, new bonds, but they also encounter betrayal. She uncovers secrets and lies!!!

The push and pull between this characters made me want to pulled my hair. When I said this is a slow burn romance….. think towards the end.
But oh gosh, so well worth it!

Now……. I get to the end…. you know, the one part where they’re happy and you read THE END, which makes me happy, after everything they have gone through they deserve it. But I kept reading, the sneek peek of book 2, and WHAT THE FREAKING CLIFFHANGER???!!! WHY? The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) They story and world were really good. There are a lot of English syntax errors especially towards the beginning that need work and I also didn't like some the silly ways the main character though about boys, sex, etc seemed to not fit in with the world. But story has a lot of potential and will look out for book 2. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1)

Abbey Fox Ø 4 Download

The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1)

Liked the premise, it held my attention. I don't really understand what held me, but I kept reading even though it frustrated me. The main issues come down to pacing, voice, and lack of world building.

Throughout the book, I had no idea how long anything took. Could have been 2 weeks, could have been 2 years. It wasn't until an off hand comment at the end that you find out that it was 3 months.

It's hard to follow the narrator, it was a cross between third person focus and omniscient. Early in the book, this meant that I had a hard time following who was who in the conversation. Later, it meant that I couldn't follow the relationship.

And the world building there were so many cool concepts, but I still don't understand the whole army thing, or the crows, or even how common magic is. It's such a shame, because there were a lot of interesting beings and places that we were warned about and then nothing happened.

I think this could have benefited from editing. I hope to read something from the author down the line when some of these issues are worked out, because this is a cool story. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) I won't lie soulmates are touchy for me but this one sounded so interesting I couldn't stop myself from reading it and I am glad I did. Sometimes fated love feels like the characters don't take the time to get to know one another and it's just instant love. Luckily that is not the case. Despite being fated together Nava doesn't know it and fights to choose Ark herself. Ark knows it and fights it tooth and claw it seems. But they find all the things about one another that makes them perfect together. Don't get me wrong it's definitely instant lust but the love comes over time. That was well done.

Nava was a great character and we got to see her grow and progress on many levels. Ark was likewise interesting. His past and present melded in such a complex manner. I honestly cannot wait to read of them and where they go from here. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) I wasn't sure what to expect from this book, but it ended up being a great adventure.

Nava Forrest lead a sheltered life until her family fled the city to live on an island where magic wasn't welcomed.  Losing both her parent, she does what she can to protect her brother and their family friend from the evils of Iron City and her soulmate by remaining hidden.  But when that evil shows up in her potion store, she runs into the wild woods to a man her mother said would protect her.

There's something to be said about the strong, silent type.  Archimedes was just that.  I spent the majority of the book trying to figure out why he was the way he was because I knew it was than just his curse.  The author did a great job of dragging the reason out of Arc at the perfect climax to the storyline.  But the suspense of his backstory gave us a chance to understand him and watch his relationship with Nava develop.  She's a very naive 25 year old and Arc was patient and understanding with her, even when she annoyed him.  I was happy with the slow building romance as it gave Nava time to grow up a bit before she was faced with the truth behind everything in her life for the past ten years.

This unexpected book is a great start to the Wicked Kingdom series.  I can't wait to see what happens next with our hero and heroine. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) My rating system:
5 stars Absolutely loved it! I would definitely read again anytime!
4 stars Really liked it! Will most likely read again sometime.
3 stars Liked it. Glad I read it but probably won't read again.
2 stars Didn't like it. Glad I'm done with the book and I'll never read it again.
1 star Very rare rating. Absolutely hated the book. Will never read again and I'll probably burn any copies I come across.

The book looked good and I thought I would like it, I wanted to like it so bad but unfortunately I just don't. I didn't feel the connection between the main characters and a lot of their interactions felt forced. I don't plan on reading the next book. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1) The story unfolds nicely. The main characters romance develop rather than fall immediately in love. It would be nice to have on the supporting characters at times it felt as it was thrown in for a bit of filler where it didn't exactly fit. I will say sometimes the language felt to modern for the story. Other than that I'm looking forward to seeing it unfold in other adventures. The Curse of The Crow: A Soulmate Romance (The Wicked Kingdom Book 1)
