The Courage to Love Her Army Doc By Karin Baine

Taking chances

Dr. Joe Braden took a posting as locum on a remote Fijian island to escape his memories. But he finds the solace he seeks in the unlikeliest of places...the arms of captivating Dr. Emily Clifford.

Born with a distinctive birthmark, Emily has spent years hidden behind a mask of makeup. Yet Joe makes her feel beautiful in her skin for the first time ever. She's been burned before, but if she can find the courage to love her army doc she can claim the happy-ever-after she's dreamed of... The Courage to Love Her Army Doc

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This is a magical story set in beautiful Fiji I felt like I was back there enjoying the scenery and thoroughly enjoying the journey to a beautiful HEA between two people who really deserved the joy and love that being together brought them.

Dr Emily Clifford is a caring doctor has a birthmark that she has kept covered with make-up for many years her own mother left when Emily was young and then when her husband ends their marriage so badly this leaves her scared and hurt so she decides to take a break and help her brother out on a beautiful Fijian Island for a couple of weeks but when she is met by the handsome other locum on the island Dr Joe Braden sparks fly and lives are about to change.

Joe has been on the island helping his best friend out for some time after the war and the things that have happened Joe has decided to move about not settle in one place he has been left scared by what he went through and the guilt eats at him so this island and the peace helps but when he meets Emily well let’s say his thoughts are about to change she is just what he needs.

This really is a beautiful story so well written with emotions flying of the pages and Emily decides to push a little and finally not be boring to take the initiative because Joe has made her feel so beautiful and special and in turn Emily brings out the best in Joe and he opens up and lets that love grow yes this is a very sensual and moving story in such a gorgeous setting. I highly recommend this one sit back and enjoy you will be smiling thank you MS Bain 
256 The Courage to Love Her Army Doc by Karin Baine
Dr. Emily Clifford arrives at the remote Fijian Island to start a new life and brief escape from the reality that during this time gone her ex-husband would be getting remarried. She had been hiding a port stain birth mark as it had caused her many heartbreak overs the years. Her own mother could not stand her looks and walked away from her. Her ex-husband had been controlling and made sure she had her make up on and was dressed appropriately before leaving the house.
Dr. Joe Braden knew and had been stationed with Emily’s brother in the military. Joe has partial hearing loss due to his time as a medic in Afghanistan. He is the type that when thinks get to familiar and too close needs to escape and is fighting his own demons.
Will Emily and Joe have any feelings? Will the act on it? Will the village people accept Emily and will they make a difference? Emily’s brother is acting in a religious occupation there on the island.
What happens when Emily’s brother walks in on Emily and Joe in a very intimate setting?
Karin Baine told the stories in the most perfect way, describing the island, the medical cases they found, the medical equipment they had. She certainly for her work deserves more than the 5 stars I could give her. Hoping you will enjoy it also as it was a book once I started reading I found I had to finish it as I had to keep knowing what happened next.
Karin Baine's latest medical romance, The Courage to Love Her Army Doc, is set in Fiji and wow, I cannot gush enough over the how vividly Ms. Baine has portrayed the exoticness of this tropical Mediterranean paradise. The author brings to life the beautiful, sun kissed island through colorful scenes which only makes you crave to see this island for yourself. However, it is not always sunshine and roses for the cast of characters. There is medical drama, relationship drama...romance, heartache, heartbreak, sizzling chemistry and every other kind of emotion simmering between the pages.

The question this book asks, from my perspective, is: can people with rough pasts move on and find happiness? Ms. Baine explores the deep emotions associated with people who have been unhappy with themselves or their relationships and through their unstable journey portray the advantages of moving on. Basically, this book is about two broken people who are escaping from their pasts and finding happiness by supporting each other…

Dr. Emily Clifford has had a rough ten years of her life so the last thing on her mind when she arrives to Fiji is romance! But meeting Joe Braden on the island and getting to know him on a personal level leaves her intimately flustered. Being around Joe makes her crave for happiness. Meanwhile, Dr. Joe Braden wants to put his topsy turvy past behind him and meeting Emily Clifford is the perfect distraction. She shifts something in him. And he falls for her hard but will their past be an obstacle preventing them from finding happiness with each other?

4.5 Stars

256 Two broken souls drifting through life until their hearts collide and allow them to heal each other.

Past demons and regrets have led Dr. Joe Braden to seek redemption by helping others who are less fortunate. He's currently on a remote Fijian island with an old army buddy providing medical services. When Dr. Emily Clifford comes to visit and provide her services for a couple of weeks, he can't resist the pull to get to know her.

Emily is fighting her own memories and demons and trying to find a way to move on with her life. Seeing the simpler life in a remote culture like this is eye opening. She enjoys getting to know the people and helping them with the medical care they have been lacking. The added bonus of a smoking hot doctor working alongside her is nothing to complain about either ... especially one that allows her to see her true beauty for the first time.

Can these two lost people find their place beside each other? Will they be willing to bury their fear and take the chance on each other? 256 Emily is just getting over a divorce, wanting a change of scene she heads to Fiji,to visit her brother and volunteer her services as a doctor. As well as cheating on her Emily's ex did a number on her confidence. Being born with a birthmark Emily's confidence has been eroded. Both by family and strangers. Enter Joe an army doctor with scars of his own. Joe was discharged from the army after a accident left him deaf in one ear.The trauma he went through has left him with a serious case of wanderlust. I thought the romance between Emily and Joe was really sweet. He gave Emily the courage to stop wearing camouflage makeup, and be confident to show her birthmark.
And Emily gave Joe the courage to stop running and give her his heart.


The Courage to Love Her Army Doc by Karin Baine is a medical romance set in a tropical paradise. Dr. Emily Clifford arrives to the island after her divorce and needing the comfort of her brother. Who she meets is Dr. Joe Braden who is fighting some demons from his past. The two hit it off and find a niche in working together. They must accept their past in order to move on, but sometimes things are not as easy as planned. Mutual agreement to take things lightly can become crowded by intense feelings of love and it doesn't help that one of them just can't accept it and be happy. 256 This was unusual Fijian setting for a medical romance and was great for escapism.

Emily has been hurt badly by her former husband and Joe is traumatised by the loss of friends during his army career.

United by Emily’s brother Peter on the island, this is a heartwarming story where both can shine due to their medical skills while getting to know the people and each other.

Heartwarming epilogue too, though I wonder how they will continue to travel with their new life...

256 The Courage to Love Her Army Doc by Karin Baine is a medical romance from Harlequin.

The heroine, Dr Emily Clifford is a dedicated medical professional who has been oversensitive about her birthmark all her life because of a bad parent. Her failed marriage makes her even more emotionally scarred. She seeks refuge at a beautiful Fijian island where she takes her medical skills but is surprised to find another doctor already there. Dr. Joe Braden has his own personal demons to fight.

One of the hallmarks of the book is that it is thoroughly researched. The medical and cultural backgrounds are firmly blended together to form a realistic picture. I liked the portion about dengue and what the author put in as dengue remedies because the disease and the remedies are quite prevalent in India and shows how much thought author has put in the research.

Emily is vulnerable yet strong. Damaged hero Jason is worth drooling over. Read more at 256 Really liked this book. Got caught up in the lives of both hero and heroine. Just wish the ending hadn't been rounded up so quickly. Felt rushed to me. 256