The Cotters Saturday Night By Robert Burns, J. Filmer

The Cotter's Saturday Night is a tremendous compass pointing to exactly what the modern family needs: weekly downtime taken together to rest, reflect and be with each other. This really makes me desire these things from the days long gone, reminding me of Christmas at my grandparents!

This Kindle edition brings this poem and story together extremely well with great sketched pictures placed at just the right places. Definitely one to keep on the device and just turn to now and then to be reminded of an amazing time by an amazing poet.

My thanks to the illustrator, publisher and author/editors for creating a digital age version of a classic work while keeping the feel and the spirit of the original. The Cotters Saturday Night


Download The Cotters Saturday Night

The Cotters Saturday Night is a classic poem of love and faith, written in an old Scottish brogue.

Summary: (from ) A Cotter in Burns's time was a poor peasant who was given the use of a Cot or Cottage by the property owner in exchange for labour as opposed to paying rent. This poem relates how the Cotter and his family take time to relax on a Saturday evening after their week's labour, knowing that Sunday is a day of rest.

The eldest daughter, Jenny, who has by now left home calls with her new boyfriend and the family eat their peasant meal and join round the fireside to hear the father read from the bible. The Cotters Saturday Night