The Christmas Wish List By Heidi Swain

I couldn't wait to read this book as so love the author. The cover really attracted me as well and the book didn't let me down at all was fantastic from the first page and throughly enjoyed it was sorry to get to the end in many way. It's full of romance and heartbreak and finding out what you want in life to be happy it's also about forgiveness and such a warm Christmas read and just a brilliant read can't recommend it enough.
Hattie has just lost her job but when she tells her boyfriend Jonathan finds out he's really pleased as he's moving abroad to the sun with his new job and invites her with him. She agrees but says she wants to spend the last Christmas with her friend Dolly in Wynbridge. Dolly wants to give her the Christmas to remember but does she have more up her sleeve for Hattie. Hattie starts working at the school with dolly and really enjoys spending time with the children she also makes friends with Beamish and preparations are in full swing for Christmas in the town and will Hattie be able to get involved and enjoy Christmas again. Dolly also suggest they make a wish list of things she wants to do before moving away and she suggests contacting Hattie parents as she fell out with them years ago but Hattie is very unsure on that but does write a card and by mistake it gets posted so will she hear from her parents and learn more than she thought. Hattie really starts to relax and enjoy working through the wish list with dolly and the help of beamish. She gets a surprise visit from Jonathan and he suggests going away to a posh hotel and she agrees and they rush off. While there she soon starts to realise what he's like and when he gets angry with her she realises she doesn't want to be with someone who controls her so asks him to take her back to Dolly's and not to contact her for a week so she has time to think. She tries not to let on to Dolly what went wrong while away but can she see through her and realise. She goes to speak to Beamish and tell him about Jonathan and that she is leaving him and when she finds him she is met by Jonathan as well as he's turned up to propose but will she leave with him and go and live in the sun or will she stay behind with out him and will she find the right person to love or make a mistake.
A fantastic read and just didn't want it to end. Heidi Swain I love a Heidi Swain book, and I really enjoy Wynbridge and this was a incredibly enjoyable story.

I was hooked from the first few pages and was shocked to realise I'd read the first 50 on a relatively short tube journey, always a sign I'm enjoying the book. even from an early stage.

I loved the concept of The Christmas Wish List and seeing how Hattie's feelings towards the season changed as she and Dolly worked through the list. I also was pleased to see Hattie grow as a character in many directions, especially at the point here eyes become wide open to her current relationship.

There were a few revelations during the story, but to be honest, I had strong inklings towards them while I was reading, so they seemed more inevitable than anything, but it didn't impact my enjoyment at all.

And Beamish is such a great new character who I really enjoyed getting to know, while also seeing familiar faces in passing from previous books set in Wynbridge is always a delight.

I love this community, and its zeal for all things Christmas, and just wish I could have been on the ice-rink with Hattie, Dolly and Beamish.

Filled with the authors trade mark writing style, and warmth, this was a truly enjoyable story to read in the run up to Christmas, and may even inspire me to one day have my own Christmas Wish List! Heidi Swain I really should know better than to read this type of story when I'm tired, stressed and kind of grumpy as it's pretty much guaranteed that it'll bug the hell out of me. I found myself getting pretty frustrated and annoyed with just about every character and was tempted more than once to dnf.

There are elements I liked, I love a nice Christmas story and I enjoyed the cosy village setting. I also thought Beamish, the romantic interest, was very sweet even if he sounded a bit too good to be true.

Unfortunately however it was all a little too predictable and I really struggled to like main character Hattie. I just couldn't find much sympathy for her and her many problems. I also didn't especially like the way she was tempted to get involved with Beamish while still in a serious relationship with someone else. Even if the current relationship may not be the best I can't support what is cheating and I didn't like the way she lied to Beamish and led him on.

I also couldn't understand why all of the other characters thought Hattie was so wonderful. She never really did anything and seemed pretty me, me, me.

It is however well written and a little emotional towards the end so I'm sure many people will love it. I suspect for me it was a case of the wrong book at the wrong time. Heidi Swain 3.5. A cosy little festive read returning to Wynbridge. Heidi writes lovely stories and it’s not all sugar coated; she covered some serious topics in this book. I did guess quite early on what would happen at the end of the story, but it didn’t put me off reading it. Heidi Swain Another wonderful book by the lovely Heidi Swain.

It was great to return to Wynbridge and catch up on some familiar faces and meet some new ones. Wynbridge really is idyllic at Christmas and it was lovely to be back there at the most wonderful time of the year.

I always hope that little villages like this with the same Christmas traditions which the whole village enjoy and participate in, still actually exists in this country. I really liked Hattie and it was great to see how her character changed. I work in a school so could definitely relate to how busy it is when you work in a school at this time of year (hence why it took me so long to read this book!)

I just adore Dolly and Beamish just sounds dreamy 😍 I’ve loved every single Heidi Swain book that I’ve read and just love Wynbridge! A definite ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ from me. Heidi Swain

'The queen of feel-good' Woman & Home

***The sparkling Christmas novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author Heidi Swain!***

After being let go from her job in a swanky hotel just weeks before Christmas, Hattie is feeling lost. Even more so when her high-flying boyfriend announces he’s landed his dream job in Abu Dhabi and asks her to move with him. Luckily, Hattie’s long-time friend Dolly is on hand to help and invites Hattie to spend one last holiday in the small, festive town of Wynbridge, determined to give her a Christmas to remember . . .

Upon Hattie’s arrival, holiday preparations are in full swing. But for Hattie, whose Christmas cheer has long since run out, it’ll take more than mince pies and mistletoe to open her heart to the season once more. Relishing the task of reigniting Hattie’s Christmas spirit, Dolly suggests they create a wish list of all the things the season can offer, and with the helpful hands of Wynbridge’s resident handyman, Beamish, Hattie finds her frosty exterior is starting to thaw.

As Wynbridge prepares for its most spectacular Christmas yet, will Hattie leave snowy England behind for life in a sunnier clime, or will she in fact realise that her heart’s desire lies much closer to home?

The Christmas Wish List is the perfect read this Christmas, promising snowfall, warm fires and breath-taking seasonal romance. Perfect for fans of Carole Matthews and Cathy Bramley.
 Praise for HEIDI SWAIN:
'Full of Heidi’s trademark gentle charm. Lock the door, pour some mulled wine and settle into this wonderful Christmas treat!' Milly Johnson
'More Christmassy than a week in Lapland - we loved it!'  heat  magazine

'Sprinkled with Christmas sparkle' Trisha Ashley

'Give yourself a Christmas treat and curl up with this magical book!' Sue Moorcroft, author of  The Little Village Christmas

'A real Christmas cracker of a read!' Penny Parkes, author of Practice Makes Perfect

'Cosy, Christmassy and deeply satisfying! Another wonderful read!' Mandy Baggot, author of  One Christmas Kiss in Notting Hill The Christmas Wish List

What a lovely little read. I’m not really a fan of Christmas or overly keen on chic lit however I couldn’t but this one down. Like all of Heidis books it’s well written, has great characterisation and makes you wish that you lived in the village surrounded by all of the characters. Heidi Swain Kommer i alla tider att fortsätta gå in på WH Smith och skaffa dessa julglittriga verk av tveksam litterär kvalitet. Brukar innehålla mulled wine, en Harlequin-het handyman och lite löjlig hemvändarromantik, precis som de bokeh-späckade Netflixfilmerna med sökord 'Christmas'. Möjligen, om storyn är seriöööös, en ny insikt för hjältinnan vad som e.g.e.n.t.l.i.g.e.n. är det viktiga i livet. Sämre varianter har viktorianska välgörare som dyker upp och donerar fastigheter eller förmögenheter till den i föregående kapitel desperata huvudpersonen...

Här möter vi Hattie. Efter att ha förlorat jobbet på hotellet hon jobbat på i många år är hon julgrinchig. Att hon har en toxic boyfriend, som vill stänga in henne i en kvävande expat-tvåsamhet i Förenade Arabemiraten maskerat under termen nystart, hjälper inte. Räddaren i nöden är Dolly, okonventionell vän i pensionsåldern. Hon bjuder in Hattie att tillbringa några veckor i lilla Wynbridge, i en typisk engelsk countryside cottage, not all that dissimilar from the one Kate Winslet owned in The Holiday.

Och julen kan börja! Heidi Swain I have made it my mission this year to work my way through Heidi Swain’s backlist after discovering her last year. So far I am doing well and only have 1 more book left in this series (until the Christmas release of the next one).

Whilst each of these books is about a different character in the village I would recommend reading them in order so you don’t miss out on the lovely community and back stories. One of the things I love about these book is how the different characters from previous books pop up to say hello and we get a little glimpse at how they are getting on. I’m also enjoying seeing how the Cherry Tree franchise develops in each book, to think at the start it was a little cafe compared to what Lizzie and Jemma have achieved now!

This story focuses on Hattie and her beautiful friendship with the lovely Dolly. Whilst their pairing may seem a little odd, given the age gap between them ,the two friends have an undeniable friendship that made this book all the more special. Out of the two I have to say Dolly was my favourite, her gently meddling ways made me smile. She wasn’t interfering or controlling but she often gave Hattie a nudge in the right direction and guided her friend along a difficult path.

The idea of a Christmas Wish List is just brilliant and like our loveable Beamish it showed me just how magical Christmas can be when you think of the array of celebrations on offer. From making gingerbread houses, to decorating a tree with every bauble possible these are all things we take for granted during the season. I’m looking forward to putting a Christmas list together with my two little boys and making our Christmas as magical as possible.

Once again it was the community spirit that brought a smile to my face. It was lovely to see Wynthorpe Hall making a feature along with it usual cast of Christmas crackers. Every time I read (or listen) to one of Heidi’s books it makes me crave the quaint village living where you get a real sense of community. Another great read for a fabulous series!

Heidi Swain My last book of the year and what a fabulous one to finish with. Heidi Swain books are simply beautiful I can’t recommend them enough. Heidi Swain Another delightful Christmas story… but be careful what you wish for. Hattie seems to have the perfect life but is it all she wants or is she just going with the flow? Sometimes the things you really need are right below your nose! This rang true for me in this lovely book 🎄 Heidi Swain

characters The Christmas Wish List
